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Based on the site investigation in China,six main factors affecting construction engineering safety management are drawn in this doctoral dissertation by using the factor analysis method of multivariate statistical analysis, and definitions,explanations and cluster analysis are given to the six factors.
     The safety management risk evaluation model of construction engineering based on“Standards of Construction Safety Inspection”by using fuzzy synthesis evaluation is established.Using the Grey System Theory, the safety management maturity model of construction enterprise based on“Standard of the Work Safety Assessment For Construction Company”is set up. And the two model are verified by actual data.
     Formation mechanism of safety management improvement is taken into account from both internal and external of the enterprise in this dissertation.It suggest that the construction enterprise should establish the three-dimensional, all-around, the entire process and whole staff's safety production control mechanism from the following ten aspects: setting up right safety philosophy outlook, establishing safety production responsibility system,improving the management of various safety agencies, receiving good safety education training, applying PDCA cycle to set up sustainable improvements in the safety management system, etc.
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