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     本论文在系统总结国内外异戊二烯排放研究的基础上,采用封闭式采样方法和带有光离子化检测器(PID,Photo-ionization detector)的气相色谱,对长江三角洲65种优势物种的异戊二烯排放进行了观测,得到了40种排放物种的异戊二烯排放潜力,以毛竹为例对估算异戊二烯排放的Guenther方程进行了验证。并结合前人的观测结果和全国森林资源普查,利用Guenther方程估算得到全国主要森林优势树种的异戊二烯排放量为0.03-8.6Tg/yr,上限值约占全球年排放总量的1.5~4.3%,并分析了中国森林生态系统异戊二烯排放的时空分布规律,这将为进一步了解大气环境变化过程,提高各种大气污染模式的模拟效果和制定更有效的减排措施,降低对流层臭氧对生态系统和人类生存环境的危害,提供科学基础。
Zhangli (Climatology) Directed by Prof. Qilong Miao, Xiaoke Wang and Zhiyun Ouyang
    The increasing of photo-chemical smog and ozone concentration has directly threaten the human's living environment. As one important predecessor of photo-chemical smog and ozone, non-methane hydrocarbon's (NMHC) emission is paid great attention. Isoprene is one kind of important NMHC, and also the most abundant volatile organic compound releases from vegetation in troposphere. Its emission accounts for half of the hydrocarbons' total one, and especially is very high in the rural and well vegetated areas, which greatly influences the regional environment such as ozone concentration.
    Based on literature review of isoprene emission, the preponderant species' emissions in Yangtze Delta were observed by enclosure sampling method and GC-PID (Gas Chromatograph Photo-ionization Detector). Isoprene emission factors of 40 species were detected, and Guenther's model, which had been used to estimate isoprene emission, was also validated. Coupling with other's measurements and the national forest census data, isoprene emission of the main forest tree species of China were estimated about 0.03-8.6Tg/yr with Guenther's model and then the temporal and spatial distribution characters were analyzed, which are expected to provide the basis for deeper understanding atmospheric environment change process, improving the results of atmospheric pollution model, and making more effective measure to control the pollution's emission to ecosystem and human living environment.
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