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China has entered the era of brand economy, the high degree of homogeneity ofthe product allows businesses to have great importance to innovative R&D but alsothe brand as the company's core competitiveness, brand loyalty is an importantdimension to measure the brand value of the assets. How to enhance consumers'brand loyalty, consumers' increase of the quantity and quality of repeated purchase,and allow consumers to maintain a continued preference for a particular brand, is amajor issue concerned for long-term by Chinese and foreign marketing scholars.There are many psychological factors to affect consumers' brand loyalty, theattachment is one of psychologically important variables to affect brandloyalty,which has gotten more and more attention in recent years.By the perspectiveof consumer behavior and the consumer-brand relationship,with the quantitativeresearch methods of structural equation modeling, this paper analyzes consumers'psychological attachment to the brand to try to demonstrate: consumers' attachmentsentimentality affects their brand loyalty through the consumer-brand relationship (inparticular, the dimensions such as satisfaction, trust, love and commitment) as theintermediary. Based on analysis of consumer psychology, the paper designs themarketing operating strategy with attachment to stimulate consumers to increasefrequency and quality of brand consumption,to increase consumers' loyalty to aparticular brand and ultimately enhance the overall performance and competitivenessof the brand.
     The study is divided into the following aspects:
     (1)The problem and research programs. First,the part analyzes the situation ofChina's brand economic development, put forward the problems in our corporatebrand building; Second, it introduces the theme of this paper:the consumer'spsychological attachment to brand. brand management through a variety of strategiesto stimulate consumer attachment emotions can enhance the consumer's willingnessof brand loyalty. Finally, this paper presents the specific research programs.
     (2)Literature review. First, the part reviews the meaning of consumer brandattachment, the influencing factors, the motivation, the decision-making model;Second,it reviews related literatures on consumer-brand relationship quality, especially the core dimensions:satisfaction, trust, love and commitment. Then, itreviews the definition and type of brand loyalty, the existing research themes, andits influencing factors; Finally, the existing research on attachment sentimentality andbrand loyalty are reviewed.
     (3)The theoretical model and research hypotheses. First, the part has thetheoretical derivation of the logical model of this study, and gets the formation of thespecific theoretical model,"attachment-the relationship as variable-brand loyalty".Second, it proposes hypothesis for the the relationships among variables in thetheoretical model.
     (4)Testing items and verifying the small sample. First, through the analysis ofdomestic and international research literature, the part has a collection ofmeasurement scales of each variable in the theoretical model, and it selects relativelymatured measurement scales as the basis of the scale library for this study. Secondly,in order to guarantee the validity of the measurement of each variable, combinedwith China's cultural characteristics, it makes the initial scale on the basis of the scalelibrary, and has a small-sample validation. Finally, by the small sample survey,itrevises the scale items with the use of item analysis tools such as descriptivestatistics, correlative analysis, factor loadings. Through the analysis of small sampledata,it has a preliminary optimization of the measurements, to prepare for the largesample survey.
     (5)Large-scale survey and testing the hypothesis. First, through the issuance andrecovery of the questionnaire, the part has a descriptive statistics of the sample; again,through the large sample data, it has a further analysis of item and gives a evaluationof validity and reliability of the measurement,through the methods such asdescriptive statistics,correlative analysis, factor analysis. Finally, it tests if theassumptions and the theoretical model is set up by the analysis of exploratory andconfirmatory factor and the analysis of structural equation modeling,.
     On the above analysis, the conclusions as the following:
     (1) The main factors of consumer brand attachment: brand personality, hedonism,nostalgia, brand involvement.
     (2)Consumer's brand attachment influences their brand commitment with brandsatisfaction and brand trust as the media.The greater consumer's attachment strength is, the stronger their love to particular brand is.
     (3)From the perspective of relationship-marketing, relationship-commitment is themost critical variable in determining consumer's buying-behavior. Consumer'srelationship-commitment of a particular brand has a significant impact on its brandloyalty.
     (4) Consumer's relationship-commitment of a particular brand is mainly frombrand trust, followed by brand attachment and by brand satisfaction according totheir influence on it. The size of brand attachment affects directly the level ofcommitment to the consumer-brand relationship. Consumer's brand attachmentcontributes more to their relationship-commitment.In order to enhance brand loyalty,brand marketers should put greater focus on mental communication with consumersto stimulate the attachment emotions.
     Innovation on the basis of previous research as the following:
     (1)Unlike previous research ideas that brand attachment plays a direct role inconsumers' brand loyalty, this paper explores new paths of conversion from thepsychological variables of brand attachment to the brand loyalty. Under the contextof the brand relationship,it has the idea that a number of dimensions of brandrelationships (such as satisfaction, trust, love, relationship-commitment) is animportant factor in the transformation from brand attachment to brand loyalty.
     (2) This paper has a empirical research on brand personality, hedonism,consumer involvement, nostalgia as antecedents of brand attachment, and bears outthe theoretical assumptions of the predecessors.This paper has a empirical researchon relationship between brand attachment with brand commitment, and proves thatthe attachment makes an direct or indirect impact on brand commitment throughbrand satisfaction and brand trust.Meanwhile it proves that brand attachment has anindirect effect on brand loyalty through brand-commitment.
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