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As the improvement of the global oil and gas demand,global oil and gasexp;oration is becoming more and more widely,the demands on oil and gasexploration technology is becoming higher and higner.Driving by the developmentof our country,our oil and gas exploration technology is developmenting rapidly,andfractured reservoirs are found constantly. Fractured reservoirs includecracks,holes,caves and other types of reservoirs,these cracks and holes play animportant role in the occurrence and transport in the rock of high densty,so theidentification and description of fractured reservoir is of great significance in the oiland gas exploration.Fracture is a type of reservoir with very considerable oil and gasproduction.The conventional method of finding fractured reservoirs is to identify theshot reflections with ‘beaded’ shape in the post-stack seismic profiles,but thismethod is not do well when fractures distribute complex underground. In order toidentify the fractures with complex distribution underground.This article analyzedthe seismic response of fractured reservoirs,and proposed diffracted imaging methodfor fracture detection.Also caculated the simulated datas.
     This thesis includes the following sections:
     The first chapter is the introduction,mainly described the research significanceand research status in the world of fractured reservoirs.
     The second chapter analyzed the seismic response of fracturedreservoirs,researched the seismic response of fractured reservoirs and simulated theseismic wave field of fractured reservoirs.Through studying the seismic response offractured reservoirs,analysisd why the fractured reservoirs produce the shotreflections with ‘beaded’ shape detailly.And also simulated some kinds of fracturedreservoirs,illustrated that fractured reservoirs mainly generated diffracted waves.
     The third chapter described the prediction method of fractured reservoirsbriefly.Including seismic attributes extraction technology,multi-wave seismic techniques,P-wave fracture detection technology,inverse scattering imagingtechnology and so on.Also introduct the advantages of ADCIGS and how to axtractthem,then analysis the velocity sensitity of ADCIGS,finally discussed the possibilityof separation of diffracted waves on the basis of ADCIGS.
     The fouth chapter simulated the complex fracture group,extracted theADCIGS,remove the reflections and image the rest diffracted wave,then play a aimsto identify the fractures.Finally use the diffraction imaging methods to identify thefractured reservoirs,and make some good effects.
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