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远程医疗是网络科技与医疗技术结合的产物,它实现了医疗资源共享,减少甚至消除了因地域限制造成的疑难病症诊断和治疗的难题。远程医疗技术的发展使得经济的、迅速的医疗检查、监护、诊断和病历管理成为可能,具有广阔的发展前景。它结合了远程通讯技术、信息学技术和医疗保健技术,延伸了传统的单纯的医院信息系统(Hospital Information System,HIS)、放射信息系统(Radiological Information System,RIS)等事务管理的模式,创造出面向医疗服务和医学教育、医学影像信息和医疗管理信息的综合化医院信息系统。
Telemedicine is an achievement which combines the network and medical techniques. It realizes sharing of medical information and solves the problems residing in diagnosis and treatment caused by the restriction of regions. The development of telemedicine makes the fast, economic examination, control, diagnosis and medical record management possible. The broad application cases are promising. Telemedicine contains telecommunication technology, information technology and health care technology, extends transaction pattern in classical Hospital Information System HIS and Radiological Information System, RIS , and creates a synthetic hospital information system faced on medical service, imaging and information management.
    With the improvement on hardware facilities, computer application level and principal of software architecture, telemedicine has become a real thing which is related closely with people's life rather than original principal model in lab paper. At the same time, the principals in telemedicine are changing as new requirement and new application comes out, such as wireless medical service, virtual hospital et al. It is sure that telemedicine will be one of the developing trends of hospital information, but some critical techniques in telemedicine, such as the medical image lossless compression, image transmission, high-resolution display and system developing mode are still need to be improved. As we can see, although there are some implements of those techniques and each has its own characteristics, an unified standards and the state of art are not given. The situation gives us chance to bring new ideas creatively. In this paper, we will redesign telemedicine system with consideration of software engineering a
    nd use a different development mode from typical system.
    The paper discusses a multi-tier telemedicine system-MedJ, and gives a pure Java implement. The architecture is flexible and compatible with different platforms. Within this framework, the paper also discusses image compression techniques mainly focus on JPEG2000, its principle and implement, introduces medical image processing technique with Java based implement and gives some demo results, designs auto-archiving of medical image and data middleware. For
    the new WAP application, the paper lists related techniques and implements a demo model using our architecture. The experimental result has testified the feasibility of our scheme.
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