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莪术为多基源品种,《中国药典》2005年版一部莪术项下规定莪术来源于姜科植物蓬莪术Curcuma phaeocaulis Val.、广西莪术C. Kwangsiensis S. G. Lee et C. F. Liang或温郁金C. wenyujin Y. H. Chen et C. Ling的干燥根茎,商品上分别习称为“文术”、“桂莪术”和“温莪术”。本课题属于浙江省科技厅重大科技项目“温郁金规范化种植与新药开发”课题的一部分。莪术品种来源复杂,主产区有个别品种变异;且栽培品种质退化、抗逆性降低,植株间良莠不齐,品质差异较大;加之缺乏对莪术种质资源收集、整理、保存、保护等相关方面的研究,野生资源己灭绝。根据调查和前期的研究工作,我们发现不同居群的莪术质量差异较大,尤其是桂莪术,质量不如温莪术、文术。因此,本课题就收集到的5省15地16份莪术种质建立了种质资源圃,对不同居群的莪术进行了原植物、药材性状、分子生物学、指纹图谱、化学成分等方面的比较研究,建立了莪术优良种质筛选的综合评价模式,筛选出了4份优良的莪术种质材料;在此基础上进行了温郁金优良株系的筛选研究,筛选出6个优质高产的温郁金株系;同时完成了温莪术GAP部分标准操作规程(适宜采收期、产地初加工以及包装、贮藏)的研究。
     1.1种质鉴定研究方面:对收集到的5省15地16份莪术种质进行了原植物、性状、薄层色谱、分子生物学以及指纹图谱研究。植物分类学鉴定结果表明:No. 1-No.9为温郁金,No.10-No.12为蓬莪术;对No.13-No.16做了初步判定,No.13为蓬莪术,No.14、No.15为温郁金,No.16待定。薄层鉴别结果表明:No.14、No.15与温莪术化学成分相似程度高;No.13、No.16与蓬莪术化学成分相似程度高。首次将聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳方法运用到莪术ISSR分子标记研究中,分析莪术种质的亲缘关系和遗传多样性,从30个引物中筛选了9个特异性好的引物,多态性百分率达到70%。分子生物学研究结果表明:种间的亲缘关系较远,种内的亲缘关系较近,不同种质的遗传信息丰富。通过UPGMA聚类,16份莪术种质聚为两类,No.1~No.9、No.14、No.15、No.16聚为一类,说明No.14、No.15、No.16与温郁金亲缘关系较近;No.10-No.13聚为另一类,说明No.13与蓬莪术亲缘关系较近;该聚类结果与传统的分类结果吻合。根据上述结果,确定福建收集的2份种质,No.13为蓬莪术,No.15为温郁金;广西收集的1份种质No.14为温郁金;云南收集的1份种质No.16由于分子标记与原植物、薄层等鉴别结果有出入,属于变种还是新种有待进一步分析研究。
Rhizoma Curcumae is multi-source species,the rhizome of Curcuma phaeocaulis Val.,Curcuma Kwangsiensis S.GLee et C.F.Liang or Curcuma wenyujin Y.H.Chen et C.Ling, root in the family of Zingiberaceae. The goods are known as'Wen zhu','Gui Ezhu'and'Wen Ezhu'. The work of this thesis is part of the Project of Zhejiang Department of Science and Technology: Standardized cultivation of wenyujin and new drug's exploitation. Their complex origin, a variety of individual variation of the main producing areas and cultivars's quality degradation, reduced resistance lead to varies between plants and the quality of different. At equal pace,Rhizoma Curcumae's research lack of germplasm collection, sorting, preservation, protection and other related research, wild resources has been extincted.. According to the survey and pre-research work, we found that the different populations of Rhizoma Curcumae have the different quality, especially the Gui Ezhu, which is not as good as Wen Ezhu and Wen zhu. Therefore,we collected 16 germplasm form 5 provinces and established germplasm resources nursery. The thesis mainly compared the Rhizoma Curcumae from different populations in plant morphology, material character, molecular biology,finger print,.chemical composition,,established the comprehensive evaluation model of the excellent germplasm resources, gaining four excellent germplasm materials. On this basis of Wenyujin screening studies,selected four high-quality high-yielding strains.The thesis has also completed a part of GAP standard operating procedures, including harvesting, processing, packaging and storage.
     Identification of germplasm:we studied the plant morphology, material character,molecular biology and finger print of the 16 germplasm form 5 provinces,.Identification of plant classification results show that No.1-No.9 is C. wenyujin, No.10-No.12 is C. phaeocaulis; No.13-No.16 have been made a preliminary determination, No.13, No.16 is C. phaeocaulis. No.14, No.15 is C. wenyujin. TLC Studies shown that:No.14,No.15 are similar in the chemical composition with Wen Ezhu to a high degree; No.13, No.16 are similar in the chemical composition with Peng Ezhu.Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis method is used in ISSR molecular markers of Ezhu study for the first time, analysis Rhizoma Curcumae related germplasm and genetic diversity, screened 9-specific primers from the 30 primers the percentage of the polymorphism reached 70%. The molecular biology results show that: the genetic relationship between species more distant species within the close genetic relationship of different genetic information-rich germplasm. Through UPGMA clustering,16 germplasm are gathered to two types, No.1 -No.9, No.14, No.15, No.16 are assembled in a group,which means No.14, No.15, No.16 have the close genetic relationship with C. wenyujin; No.10-No.13 are assembled in another group, which means No.13 have the close genetic relationship with C. phaeocaulis;.The classification is similar with the traditional classification results. Based on the above results, we determined the two germplasm collection in Fujian, No.13 is C. phaeocaulis, No.15 is C. wenyujin,guanxi No.14 is C. wenyujin, as a result of molecular markers and histology not identical, yunnan No.16 is need to be further analyzed.
     Finally, we use the fingerprints to see about the chemical constituents before and after the introduction of Ezhu and found that Wen Ezhu introduction to Sichuan (2 years) is similar to Wen Ezhu in original producing area in chemical composition and have a good correlation. Introduction to Guangxi, Fujian Wen Ezhu (many years) has some differences in chemical constituents with Wen Ezhu in original producing area, which is isidentical with the TLC results, the initial guess may be related to the length of the introduction and area. Introduction to Wenzhou, Fujian area identical with Peng Ezhu in original producing area in chemical composition, have a good correlation.
     Comprehensive Evaluation of germplasm:Evaluation rhizome from different germplasm of Ezhu in the economy value, chemistry element and so on. determine the production,the content of volatile oil, germacrone, curdione, compared germplasm from two nursery and the same nursery in different years by statistical methods. Use weighted scoring method to evaluate the two germplasm nursery for the first time, and finally 4 were selected as germplasm materials.
     Screening studies of excellen Strain:The system robust selection was first used to select 1000 plants with haleness and disease resistance from Daejeon,.we got 692 plants according to the fresh weight of roots C. wenyujin. we use the weighted score law to grade the main roots of C. Wenyujin production, as well as evaluate the chemical composition of the active ingredient content, get 70 plants;After 2 years of screening, high stability and has a better quality of six strains were 1-29,1-181,1-254,2-6,5-24,5-29.
     GAP standard operating procedures:Work in the pre-positioned to build on the regular sampling to study the Ezhu's production at different growth, pharmacognostic exsiccation rate and chemical composition of dry content, combine with the data over the years to examine the quality and production with different harvest time, determined the suitable harvesting time of C. Wenyujin. Comparison of traditional processing methods of cooking condition,drying methods, drying temperature,we select the best Processing method to make sure quickly exsiccation, to maintain the appearance of full. and to ensure destruction of the active ingredients. Study on how the different packaging materials and storage of temperature affect the quality of drug, selected the best packaging materials and storage time.
     The results provide the scientific theory basis for evaluation of germplasm resources, the elite selection and GAP standard operating procedures.
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