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In past ten years, the traditional economy structure has completely been changed by the fast developing network economy .The new characteristics of network economy bring a deeply innovation to the present economy in many fields. The persistence economic growth is always set relation to the inflation in the tradition economic theory. From the experience ,If the unemployment rate is less than 5.5-6%,and the economic growth rate is more than 2-3%,The alternation phenomena will be occurred. However, The process of the American economic growth in the 90's has broken the surra theory forecast. Successfully realize the high economic growth and the lower inflation. The most of scholars who researched this problem related to this paper thought the main factors of the American economic growth is the information technology innovation results in the new enterprises, the multitudinous new enterprises result in the spring up information industry. The flourish Service ministry, the innovation of the capital market and the attention of the government all accelerate the developing of the information industry. The impetus of the economic growth presented by the information industry supports the "new economy". The innovation and diffusion of the information technology in the network economy result in the phenomenon of the high economic growth and the lower inflation in the same time. Under the precondition, It is very important to research the Chinese economic effect influenced by the innovation and diffusion of the information technology in china.
     Take a comprehensive view of the human history, the agriculture revolution, industrial revolution and the network economy revolution in processing. These three innovations push forward the development of the society and civilization by the ways of changing the production and exchange. Among them the economic revolution of network affect greatly each section of national economy by setting up a new the production and society. From the Macro-economy, the network economy have greatly affected the employment and overall production and resulted in the continuous development of national economy, as well as changed the appearance of traditional Phillips curve. From the view of industry, the booming industry relating to the network economy have many aspects ,including the network trade, network bank, network education, network enterprises and other commercial network activities ,as well as the foundation of network facilities and network equipments and products, the foundation of all kinds of network service, manufacturing and supporting activities. From the Micro-economy to analyses the marketing, manufacturing, consumption and investment, the network will thoroughly change the transaction behaviors of the traditional enterprises and residents. Network economy is the product of the technology-the shift of economy pattern rather than the simple technique phenomenon or economy phenomenon. Compared with the previous two innovations, it's more diffusive and penetrable, and has more profound and widely affected the national economy, which makes it characterized the more obvious economy innovations. The theme of the paper is to discuss the influence of the innovation and diffusion of the information technology in network economy on economic growth and employment in national economy.
     The dissertation studies the issues by mathematical analyses and positive study, And the mathematical analysis is the main method.
     This dissertation divided into seven chapters. Chapter One serves as a base for the following chapters. First, It reveals the background and the meaning of the topic studied in this paper. Second, it introduces the basic research status at which related to this issue abroad and interior and its commented briefly. Then, establish the paper's research frame, train of thoughts, and method. Last the dissertation puts forward its innovative points and points out the problems which need further studies.
     Chapter Two First introduces the basic concepts of the network economy. And point out the essence of the network economy is the technology-economy innovations occurred by technology innovation. Then summing up the new characters of the network economy. Point out the law of the network economy. Put forward the economic character of the network under the double economic effect, And emphasized the microanalyses and case demonstration, validated the direct extra- economic character of the network and the indirect extra- economic character of the network. Finally, Analyses the influence of the network economy on the traditional economics theory.
     Chapter Three mainly analyses the immanence reason in which the network economy innovation acts on the national economy. This chapter is first from the corner of the Joseph Alois Schumpeter's innovation theory. He pointed out that the influence on economy by the innovation is that there is a new combination about the productivity factors and condition in the production system. It broke the economy circulation, resulted in industry revolution. Then the technology innovation is divided into four classes: tardiness, onrush, the innovation of the technology system, and technology-the shift of economy pattern by the representative of the new Schumpeter school sect C.Freeman. This further explained that the essence of the network economy is the technology-economy innovations occurred by important technology innovation. And along this theme, based on the endogenous economic growth theory by Romer, Paul M. and Lucas, Robert E,Jr. further pointed out that the technology knowledge not only form the increasing effect itself, but also penetrate the productivity factors such as capital and labor. All result in the whole economy scale increasing. So the headspring of the economic growth is the innovation and penetration of technology. Next it mainly analyses the process of the technology penetration from the microeconomics. Find the law of the technology penetration. Along this view of the technology innovation, pointed out the analyses in traditional theory is based on the normal technology innovation. The technology innovation in the network not only has the commonness of the technology innovation, but also has its individuality. So analyses on the immanence reason in which the network economy innovation acts on the national economy must combine the innovation characters of the network economy. We also use the innovation frame, further pointed out that the innovation of the network economy is the innovation which resource is knowledge, which main product is digital product, which main industry is information industry. And in order to research the information industry, This paper further analyses the price and the market structure of the digital product from the microeconomics. The information industry possesses three characters: industry relativity, uncompetition, and the latency demand, this is also the precondition under which technology innovation result in the industry revolution. Based on this, going on to analyses the economic effects of the information industry, and mainly analyses the overflow effect, so we find the most characters is the trade innovation caused by the diffusion and penetrability of information technology innovation in the network economy. It reduces the running cost of the national economy. This is an immanence foundation stone influence production manner and trade manner in the network economy. Therefore, the influence inbeing of the network economy on the national economy is the technology-economy innovations. The influence phenomenon of the network economy on the national economy is production structure adjusting or production revolution. Basing on the characteristic of technology variance, the influence of the network economy on the national economy will be discussed from two aspects: technology innovation and technology diffusion. The paper will mainly deal with the influence of the innovation and diffusion of the information technology on macro-economy: economic growth and employment, especially the influence of the technology diffusion. Can the influence of the technology innovation on economy create a lot of employment chance? Can the information industry become an important power to accelerate economic growth? Can the influence of the technology diffusion on economy result in the productivity and TFP increasing? Can the information technology diffusion result in alteration of the labor demand structure? Is the information technology increase the employment chance or decrease it? This chapter is the theory foundation of the following chapters deal with this problem in mathematics means.
     Chapter Four mainly deals with the influence effect of the information technology innovation on economic growth. This chapter deals with the relationship of the information technology and economic growth with the date from 1983 to 2005. First, this chapter calculated the contribution of the information technology to nominal GDP, nominal GDP growth, practical GDP, practical GDP growth during this times, found that the contribution of the information technology to economic growth have staging and hysteresis no matter what method we used. As the same time, we also found that the contribution of the information technology to practical GDP growth is more reflect the fluctuating saturation of the economy than others, because it eliminated the inflation. This is the theory foundation of the data selection in the following dealing with the relationship of the information technology and economic growth. Second, By the Granger Causality Tests using the actual data, we also found the contribution of the information technology to economic growth have hysteresis, the lag is 4 years. Finally, basing on the front analyses, we further did the OLS analyses, found the contribution elasticity is 0.38,when the lag is 4 years, and calculated the output effects of the information technology innovation, which is one of the innovative points of this dissertation.
     Chapter Five mainly deals with the influence effect of the information technology on economic growth from the view of many factors by mathematical analyses and positive study. In the discussion, its starting point is the introduction of macroeconomic theories, and its main line is the analyzing of approaches and methods of endogenous economic growth, thus forming a profound and systematic research into the issue of endogenous economic growth. The study can help us recognize correctly the quality and efficiency of our country's economic growth and help the government officials to make economic growth policies scientifically and conduct effective macroeconomic control. This is of great theoretical and practical values in keeping the national economy developing in a sustainable, rapid and healthy way. This chapter first introduced the influence process of the information technology diffusion on economic growth. Then analyses the characters of productivity increasing in the network economy. And further deal with the information technology diffusion effects on the traditional three times industry. And sum up the experience disquisition about the contribution of the information technology to productivity. Last study the information technology diffusion effects on economic growth in mathematical analyses. In this section, first introduce the basic conceptions of endogenous economic growth. Second introduced the traditional method of measuring the contribution of the input factors and commented briefly its validity. Then pointed out the decisive factors influence our economic growth and the measuring method, put forward two kinds of mathematical modes, which is also one of the theoretical innovative points of this dissertation. This paper thought not only to present observable indicators which reflect technological progress, but also technological progress is built on input factors and is reflected through the change of productivity. Especially like the information technology. Because of this, this chapter constructs ingeniously a production function in which reflects the concrete meaning of information technological progress. In this function, the output change is closely related not only with the quantitative change of input factors such as capital, labor, manpower capital but also with the productivity of the information technology. Finally, based on the two production function, using the actual data from 1983 to 2005 and the software 5.0 and OLS measured method, this paper found the route of the economic growth in our country. And calculated the information technology diffusion effects on economic growth. And also found the characters of the contribution of the information technology diffusion on our country economic growth, which is also one of the innovative points of this dissertation.
     Chapter Six first analyses the influence effect of the information technology innovation on labor market from the theory. And pointed out the influence effect of the information technology innovation on employment is increasing effect. Second, analyses the influence effect of the information technology diffusion on labor market from the theory. And put forward the influence effect of the information technology diffusion on employment has not only increasing effect but also decreasing effect. Third, further analyses the different pervasion manner and characters to the three times industry. And pointed out the employment trend in the three times industry. Then further deal with the employment effect of the information technology under the manpower capital investment, and analyses from the microeconomics. Fourth, deals with the influence effect of the information technology on employment under the manpower capital investment by mathematical analyses and positive study. The employment increasing mode in this section is built by changing the economic growth mode two built in chapter five, which is the fourth innovative points of this dissertation. This chapter thought the employment increasing is not only relation to the macro-economy, normal capital but also relation to other factors such as the information technology and the manpower capital investment. This chapter mainly deal with the contribution of the information technology on employment increasing, and found the characters of the contribution: when the degree of the information technology modernization is lower, The information technology employment effect is decreasing effect, when the degree of the information technology modernization is upper, The information technology employment effect is increasing effect, which is also one of the innovative points of this dissertation. Finally, this chapter deals with the information technology employment effect again by the ratio of the capital to the labor. Found the route of the information technology developing in our country. And put forward that at the beginning of the information technology diffusion, the information technology is a capital denseness technology, with the popularization of the information technology, the information technology became a labor denseness technology, and validate the degree of information technology modernization in our country, which is another innovative points of this dissertation.
     Chapter Seven brings forward the whole conclusion and policy implication basing on the front chapters. One is the output increasing effect of the technology innovation in the network economy has time lag, the time lag is 4 years. Two is the output increasing effect of the technology diffusion in the network economy has staging. The higher degree of the information technology modernization, the less diffusion effect . Three is the influence effect of the information technology on economy not only has substitute effect but also has overflow effects. Four is the economic growth style in our country is still extensive. Five is the impulse of the economic growth are the information technology and manpower capital investment in the network economy. Six is the route of the information technology developing in our country is capital deepen during the times from 1983 to 1994,but it ameliorate during the times from 1995 to 2005, It is not the main causation of the capital deepen. Seven is the information technology employment effect first is decreasing effect later is increasing effect. Eight is the information technology has a certain innovation and diffusion effect on economic growth and employment, in the future, we can realize the higher economic growth and lower unemployment rate. This papers analyses the play of all the factors in the economic growth, deals with the manners. Provide a new view for the government to make science policy. And to different stage, different modality growth and growth mechanism, bring forward the economic policy corresponding to it for the government.
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