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     3)应用偏最小二乘(PLS)方法,对高散射物质进行浓度测量的研究,使用intralipid溶液与India ink配制不同浓度共21种溶液,采用单光程长与多光程长的方法对实验样本进行测量,对单光程长与多光程长方法得到的实验数据进行对比分析,分析结果表明多光程长方法的浓度测量精度远高于单光程长方法,尤其对于India ink,多光程长浓度测量精度要比单光程长浓度测量精度高一个数量级。
The research of the high scattering matters which have the higher scattering coefficient quantitative analysis consists of the measurement of the optical parameters and measurement of the component via the optical parameters. The optical parameters of the matters is the basic attributes, for instance, the scattering coefficient, absorption coefficient, anisotropic factor and so on. The optical parameters are important basis of the analysis of the maters components, especially, the optical parameters mearsurement of the biological tissue which is the key basis of the bio-photonics in the medical diagnostics and treatment fields. The optical characteristics of the each content of the matters are different, which is the basis of the quantitative analysis of the spectra. To the latter, the qualitative analyses distinguish the same matters and measure contents via the information of the spectra. The high scattering matters optical attributes was researched in the two aspects of the quantitative analysis combined with the multi-optical path method. The major works of this subject has been completed as follows:
     1) In order to improve the simulation speed of the Monte Carlo simulation, the Monte Carlo simulation which was put forward by Wang was improved. The two different simulation methods were employed to improve the generally receiving method and the fiber sensor receiving method. The constraint condition and approximate processing were employed; therefore the simulation speed is improved greatly.
     2) The multi-optical path experimental platform was design, which could implement the measurement of the different optical path, to the research of the optical parameters of the high scattering matters. The absorption coefficient and scattering coefficient could be obtained via analysis of the one wavelength and the Monte Carlo simulation was employed to verify the results.
     3) The PLS method was employed to measurement the concentration of the high scattering matters, the sample was the mixed solution of intralipid and India ink which was different concentration and 21 kinds totally. Compared with the fix optical path method, the measurement precision of the multi-optical path method was better, especially, the precision of the ink of multi-optical path method was improved one magnitude than the fix optical path method.
     4) The measurement of the blood components is the research focus of the biomedical field. The researches are focus on serum, plasma and simulation sample at present, however, the whole blood is rare. The spectra measurement of the blood components in VIA-NIR field is instead of the blood corpuscle recorder and biochemical analyzer which are generally employed. This method can implement simple, low cost, fast measurement of the blood components and provide evidence for the non-invasive measurement of blood compositions based on dynamic spectroscopy.
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