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     通过哈尔滨、大连、深圳、保定四地试验对好气过滤柱的再生效能进行了分析,考察了以pH为主的影响因素对净化效果的影响。并研究了低温下好气过滤柱的净化效能以及影响机理。结果表明:相对于普通石英砂滤柱来说,好气过滤柱的COD、BOD5、浊度、NH4 -N改善率分别为25.7%、54%、43%、62%。试验综合表明,好气过滤柱进行污水深度处理,最佳水力负荷、DO、pH分别为6~8m/h,1.5~2.5mg/L,7~8,而最佳运行周期则因进水水质、水温等因素而定。
     在运行参数方面,静态烧杯试验得出:对比于硫酸铝、PAC和复合铝铁,选择硫酸铝作为再生水车间的混凝剂。动态实际系统流程的投药量大约为烧杯试验的1.5~1.6倍。在水气比为1.07时,气浮池的出水效果最佳。确定在进水负荷3.0 m3/m2·h,滤池的处理效果达到最佳,此时的过滤周期为48小时。通过实验优选出常规滤料滤池三段式联合反冲洗方式的最佳运行参数为:气冲洗强度14 L/s·m2,水冲洗强度6 L/s·m2,单气预冲2min,接着气水同时冲洗3min,最后单水漂洗5min。
In the past decades, the Songhua River in Harbin for drinking water havebeen more and more polluted by municipal sewage and industry wastewater, andbeen upset the people along the river. It is not enough to depend only onsecondary treatment ratio, but no consideration about recycle the waste water asreclamation water to hold the health of water cycle together, at the same tine tobe a new important part of city source water. Then we can see a bright future forthe healthy water cycle in garden city at hand.
     Biofilters in regeneration, decontamination efficiency and effectionmechanism at low temperature have been studied in Harbin, Da Lian, Bao Dingand Shen Zhen. The conclusions as follow: The removal efficiency bybiofiltration is better than the rapid fiters, which the removal of COD、BOD5、turbidity、NH4 -N can increase by 25.7%, 54%, 43%, 62%. The optimumhydraulic load, DO and pH were 6~8m/h, 1.5~2.5mg/L, 7~8 separately, but theoptimun operation cycle depended on the influx water quality and temperature.
     To test the trials, pilot experiment shows: wastwater completed treatmentflow consisting of primary, secondary, and advanced treatment could reflect thereal operation efficiency and obtain the fitable run parameter. The properbackwashing and controlling autotuaph and heterogeneous bacteria canaccelerate the start-up process. The fitable values of volume load, hydraulic load,DO are 8Kg/m3·d, 7m3/m2·h, 1.5~2.5mg/L for the biofilters in advancedwastewater treatment. The COD removal quantity was about 2.2Kg/m3.d when P Phydraulic load was more than 9m3/m2·h, but it doesn’t matter with volume load.
     In the operation parameters aspect, static beaker test shows: comparing withthe aluminium sulfate, PAC, and PAM, we choose aluminium sulfate ascoagulation medicament. The injection quantity of reagent was about 1.5~1.6time than the beaker test. The optimum water to gas ratio is about 1.07 in airflotation pond. The influx load is 3.0 m3/m2·h when the filter reach its bestoperation condition, the filter cycle time is 48 hours at that time. The optimumoperating parameters of common package through three-phase combinedbackwashing manner are as follow: air backwashing intensity is 14 L/s·m2, water P
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