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While ecotourism is attracting wide attention as an emerging tourism, its rapid development, especially in nature reserves, raises increasing concerns about the intensive exploitation of recreation resources, the balance between protection of nature reserves and development of the tourism industry, and the challenge of systematic planning of ecotourism. To address these concerns, this thesis presents in-depth study on appropriate exploitation of the resources in nature reserves and provides comprehensive guidelines for ecotourism planning, taking Labaguomen Nature Reserve in Beijing as an example. With site investigation and data analysis, the major contributions of this thesis can be highlighted as follow:
    (1) Conceptualized the ecotourism resource and clarified the connotation of ecotourism resources.
    (2) Systematically summarized the feature and types of the key ecological areas in Labaguomen Nature Reserve. Illustrated the connotation and the main influence factors of key ecological areas at such small and medium scale. The key ecological area of this nature reserve was identified and extracted. The conclusions are supported by the main data resource as digital elevation model and geo-spatial data and the spatial analyst technology including GIS and RS.
    (3) Evaluated ecological appropriateness of the nature reserve through the ecological appropriateness factor evaluation system for small and medium sized nature reserves based on the identification of key ecological areas of Labaguomen Nature Reserve. With the application of ArcGis9.x space analysis module, performed integrated multi-level weighted evaluation and produces evaluation outcomes on ecological appropriateness of each area according to different conditions.
    (4) Divided Labaguomen Nature Reserve into four areas: strictly protected area; ecological cultivation area; tourist area and ecotourism service area according to the findings of ecological appropriateness evaluation. In addition, based on the functional characteristics of ecotourism resources of Labaguomen Nature Reserve, classified the resources into functional zoning on plant ecotourism functions and cultural ecotourism resources. According to different recreation functions, plant ecotouristm resources is further divided into seven categories. While there are four types of cultural ecotourism resources, namely the self-cultivation agriculture in harmony with nature, simple life style, Manchu ethnic group customs and cultural relics.
    (5) This basic research can be applied to traditional functional zoning of the nature reserve and ecotourism planning and management.
    The major innovations of the thesis can be concluded as the conceptualization of ecotouristm resources, identification and selection of key areas of the nature reserve, evaluation of ecological appropriateness, the idea and study on graded utilization of ecotourism resources, as well as the viewpoint, contents and study methodology.
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