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Patellar tendon junction injuries is very common disease in athlete and normal people, it is hot issues of sport medicine. Animal experiment is an important part of reseach the patellar tendon junction injuries mechanism and treatment. In this study, Nakama cyclic loading and the former stage of experimental animal models, based on the study of subliminal intensity exercise on bone tendon junction injuries, and by experimental calculation of Micro-CT technology feasibility with thickness of fibrocartilage, while the Micro-CT technical computing the experimental group and control group trabecular bone volume and bone changes.
     16matual female New Zealand rabbits were randomly divided into4week cyclic loading group (n=8),8week cyclic loading group (n=8), the experiment left hind, right hind limb of the control group. Two Experiment groups of animals receiving a unified strength7.17N/S stimulation of muscle contraction in first4weeks, trained three times a week,2hours per time, total4hours. After4weeks,4weeks experimental cyclic loading group stopped and the8week cyclic loading group adjust the cyclic load4.2N'/S, experimental time constant.8weeks after the reunification of the subjects, the organization will be drawn after the first Micro-CT scan image reconstruction, followed by fixed, decalcified, dehydrated, embedded in paraffin, sliced and made H&E stained tissue sections, and using the image acquisition system for histological analysis.
     Result:Comparing the control group,8weeks and4weeks group cyclic loading cyclic loading in the patellar tendon group there were hyaline, fibrous disorder;tide line of a"rising tide"and disappeared, thickening with fibrous cartilage, showing damage model was successfully created. H&E stained measuring microscopic cartilage with a thickness of8weeks cyclic loading group and4-week cycle of load groups were not significantly different, Micro-CT calculations fibrocartilage zone thickness results with H&E staining measurements no correlation, by Micro-CT calculation of bone mass and trabecular bone showed the experimental group and control group were not significantly different. Conclusion:①The low intensity cyclic loading training and rest can change the bone micro construction, but can not change the bone tendon junction injury in histologyily. The bone have better reconstruction and recovery abitly than the bone tendon junction;②Micro-CT can not accurately calculate the bone tendon junction fibrocartilage zone of the area.
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