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Researches on competitive advantage were always the core issue of enterprise management, especially enterprise strategic management. Among them, the most popular is revealing enterprise strategic management’s mystery based on the theory of resources and capacity. It became an important theme in the era of enterprise's strategic management theoretical researches. And it is the same to the process of the resource intergration in enterprise cooperation.
     This dissertation illuminates the essence of the connotation and external performance of dynamic capabilities based on reviewing and summarizing a large number of references. And it analyses in depth integration content and the integration process of enterprise groups based on dynamic capabilities. In this dissertation’s idea, Resources integration is divided into to internal resources integration and external resources integration. It stressed the unity of external integration with internal integration in the process of enterprise resource integration. Also it pointed out that in the integration process based on dynamic capabilities is strategic asset which builds and nurtures enterprise the core competencies of enterprise groups. All of the integration activities must be carried out around it.
     In the process of integration management, we should know that the internal and external resources of enterprise groups have complementary relationships. Based on the analysis of some related theories, it develops dynamic capabilities theory and converts the abstract, not be measured dynamic capabilities to relative specific, operable dynamic mechanism. It establishes the innovative study framework of resource integration based on dynamic capabilities, and reveal a more systematic and comprehensive basic mechanism of evolution of the dynamic capabilities ability to provides a comprehensive operation guide for the real enterprise management.
     In the dissertation, the resource intergration is divided into two types: internal and external resource intergration. Integrating mechanism of the external resources in the enterprise group based on alliances is put forward. It carries out the evolutionary game analysis about the integrate model of external resources of business groups based on strategic alliances. And it carries out Cooperative game analysis about the integration model of external resources based on the merger form. It also poses integrated protection mechanism of internal resources based on sharing mechanism on the basis of the connotation of sharing system and sharing the principles of internal resources. It brings forward the sharing of internal resources of enterprise group need the support from the scientific organizational structure of enterprise group, a good culture platform of enterprise group, a good information sharing platform of internal resource of enterprise group and a control and coordination system of internal resource of enterprise group in order to protect the effective functioning of the internal resources integration.
     Based on the systemic research on the dynamic capability theories, the dissertation analyses the forming route and mechanism of the dynamic capabilities in the resource intergration in enterprise group, establishs the evaluation system of dynamic capability. This dissertation brings forward three-tier model and three-step path of the integration of the internal resources of enterprise groups based on the promotion of dynamic capabilities by the systematic analysis about the theory of dynamic capabilities. Also it establishes Early-warning Index System of intergration risk and the system is the presupposion of carrying out identification, diagnosis and prevention etc.
     Taking the case of TEDA as example, this dissertation analyses the resource intergraton iedos and principles in the enterprise group. And it discusses the route of internal and external resource intergration, and carries through fuzzy evaluation of the dynamic capability of TEDA in the resource intergration.
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