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    2. 诱导子在黄瓜幼苗中抗病信号的转导:在诱导之前,处理组植株用一定浓度的RGD(Arg-gly-Asp)序列的多肽和与前者序列相反的DGR 多肽处理,空白对照组用对应量的水处理。再将每处理组分为接受挑战接种和非挑战接种两部分,之后考查处理组的发病情况,并考查各组的木质素沉积和植保素积累和H_2O_2含量情况。发现经RGD 处理再诱导后各指标情况均与空白的非诱导组相似,而经DGR处理再经诱导后所产生的诱导效果与经压应力和水杨酸直接刺激的诱导效果极其相似。因此,压应力和水杨酸两种诱导子对黄瓜抗黑星病的诱导作用依赖于植物细胞膜和细胞壁之间的RGD 特异介导的粘附,信号传导途径推测和哺乳动物中类似,即“ECM-整合素-细胞骨架”的信号传导系统。
In this thesis, kinds of inducers were applied to cucumber seedlings, the effect and mechanism of the induction of plant secondary metabolites by inducers were explored. The result was that inducer could induce new active compositions in the plant. This result was a reference data for studies on metabolic mechanism and utility of plant secondary metabolites.
    1. As to cucumber seedlings, stress and SA (Salicylic Acid) were applied to induce its disease resistance.
    We chose two-leaf-old cucumber seedlings as our experiment material. At first, a certain strengthen local stress and a certain content SA were stimulated on the first real leaves of the cucumber seedlings. After challenging inoculation, resistances were checked. The results were that stress and SA could both induce the resistance of cucumber seedlings to Cladosporium cucumerinum. Analysizing the chemical composition of the cucumber second real leaves, many phytoalexins and lignine were both found induced in leaves. Therefore, the result was the production and accumulation of lignine and the production and accumulation of phytoalexins after being treated of the first real leaves by inducers. The result can be regarded as a theoretical foundation. The action of the mechanical stress was verified furtherly.
    2. Resistance signals transduction of inducers in cucumber seedlings.
    Mechanical stress inducer and chemical SA inducer were used to treat the first real leaves of cucumber seedlings. Before induced, the leaves were treated by RGD(Arg-gly-Asp) and DGR, while the controls were not treated by RGD and DGR. Each treated group was divided into two teams. One was challenging inoculated and another one not. After that, the incidence of disease of each treated group was checked. By assay the changes of the lignine and the phytoalexins, we get a result that after treated by RGD, both indexes are similar to the control while the groups treated by DGR opposite. Therefore, The stress and SA induced resistance is depended on the RGD specific mediated adhesion between cell wall and plasma membrane. There is a similar analysis between mammal cell and the plant cell on the stress signal transduction, which the signaling across a dynamic continuum involving the “ECM-Integrin-cytoskeleton”system.
    3. This thesis also analysized the effect and influent factors and clarifyied the
    inducing mechanism and utility prospect of inducer. The effect of inducers was related to many factors such as the type of inducer, the consistency of inducer, time of the system treated by inducer. The changes of plant metabolism induced by inducer induced defensive actions in plant. It is a successive signal transduction processs. The mechanism is very difficult, but theoretical and practiceal studies on it are both important to biology and medical science.
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