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为了进一步研究鬼臼毒素类化合物结构和杀虫活性的关系,结合近年来杂环农药的发展趋势,本论文在前期研究的基础上设计合成了28种C环修饰鬼臼毒素衍生物,其中18种为含杂环的化合物。合成化合物通过IR、MS、1H NMR和13C NMR对其结构进行确证。同时还收集了3种鬼臼毒素类似物。测试了这31种化合物对3龄粘虫幼虫的拒食活性。取得如下结果:
     2.鬼臼毒素4位引入杂环可以得到比母体化合物活性更高的化合物。4α-吲哚-3-酸-4-脱氧鬼臼酯(I4)其24h AFC50(拒食中浓度)为0.36mg·mL-1,是母体化合物鬼臼毒素拒食毒力的2.03倍,是引入杂环后唯一活性高于母体化合物鬼臼毒素的化合物。其他4位引入杂环后的鬼臼毒素衍生物活性都有所降低。
Aiming to study the insecticidal activity , 28 podophyllotoxin derivatives were synthesized based on earlier stage work .Their chemical structure were confirmed by IR,MS,1H-NMR and 13C-NMR.And another 3 podophyllotoxin analogues were collected. The antifeedant activities of 31 compounds against the 3rd-instar larvae of Mythimna separataduring 24h and 48h were assayed with leaf-disk method. The results showed as follows:
     1. Among the 28 synthesized compounds ,18 compounds which contained heterocyclic ring were new compounds .
     2. The C4 contained heterocyclic ring of podophyllotoxin derivatives can get higher antifeedant activity than podophyllotoxin . The 24h AFC50(concentration for 50% antifeedant activity) against the 3rd larvae of Mythimna separata of 4α-1H-indole-3-acetic acid-4- deoxy- podophyllotoxin ether (I4) was 0.36mg·ml-1 which was 1/2.06 of podophyllotoxin .And the others had lower activity than podophyllotoxin .
     3. The antifeedant activity of those compounds which 4βcontained ether bond with heterocyclic ring were the highest in the 18 compounds contained heterocyclic ring.
     4. The antifeedant activities ofα-Apopicropodophyllin was the only one higher than podophyllotoxin in all of synthesized compounds against the 3rd-instar Mythimna separata during both 24h and 48h. Its 24h and 48h AFC50 against the 3rd larvae of Mythimna separata was respectively 1/1.30 and 1/2.70 of podophyllotoxin. The 24h antifeedant activities ofβ-Apopicropodophyllin was equal to that of podophyllotoxin against the 3rd-instar Mythimna separata ,but 48h AFC50 was 1/1.78 of podophyllotoxin. The results showed that: not saturation of C ring of podophyllotoxin analogues had very higher activities than others.
     5. The antifeedant activities of compounds which had different configuration of C4 and C2 were assayed against the 3rd-instar Mythimna separata .The result showed that: (1) The activity of C4α-configuration podophyllotoxin derivatives were higher than theirβ-configuration analogues (2) The activity of C2β-configuration podophyllotoxin derivatives were higher than theirα-configuration derivatives.
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