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Training is an effective way to build enterprise safety culture. But effect assessment has seldom been done before and it's difficult to be determined. Training process includes:training, measuring, retraining and remeasuring. Training effect is analyzed in terms of the whole staff, staff of different classes, degrees of education and work experience with the results of two trainings in10enterprises by using interview method, questionnaire testing method, mathematical statistical analysis method and so on. A conclusion is drawn that the two trainings do work, but neither of them is ideal. The first training is better than the second one. Effects of the two trainings are as follows:team leaders perform the best and front-line employees perform the worst among the four types of workers, namely management, team leaders, professionals and front-line employees and the gap is not significant. The best among the32elements is the forth one, namely degree of safety into business management. The worst the24th, namely value of safety performance and the gap is remarkable. For workers of different education degrees, the best are the workers with college level, the worst junior middle school level. For employees of different work experience, the best are the workers who have worked for more than10years, the worst for2-5years. Both of the gaps are significant. Seven reasons that influence the training effect including flexible personnel, monotonous training explanation and lacking of pertinence in training employees are found and training schedule, pertinence and methods included are improved. We get that training of management level should be strengthened. The training methods are chosen according to the training stage, such as lecture method (early training), deliberation method and case analysis method (to improve the mid-term training effect), game and role-playing (the transformation of post-training effect) and the transformation is promoted by the design of the external manifestation.
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