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     (2)分析了云制造环境下云制造服务的属性和特点,对制造资源进行了分类和形式化地描述,提出了一种基于动态描述逻辑(Dynamic Description Logic, DDL)的云制造服务描述方法并且建立了一种基于动态描述逻辑的匹配过程原子动作理论——将云制造服务匹配过程视为一组存在逻辑关系的原子动作集合,在此基础上建立了一种基于DDL的云制造服务匹配策略,给出了该策略下的匹配判定规则和算法。
Unlike group enterprises, small and medium-sized enterprises'Research&Development capabilities are weaker, and manufacturing capacity is limited by many elements. How to help SMEs get more development spaces in the current market environment now is a crucial challenge and cloud manufacturing, a new advanced manufacturing mode, brings us a new research idea. This paper introduces the research background and significance of the cloud manufacturing model and its key technologies for SMEs, pointing out that the cloud manufacturing model can help SMEs to achieve the networked manufacturing faster, enhance the competitiveness of SMEs. After analyzing the current research situations of cloud manufacturing and networked manufacturing at home and abroad, the deficiencies and limitations of the current researches under the cloud manufacturing environment for SMEs are summed up.The main research contents in this paper are as follows:
     Firstly, according to the characteristics of cloud manufacturing model faced to the SMEs, the application mode based on dynamic alliance under the cloud manufacturing environment is proposed. In this mode, there are three typical characters named CMS/CMM/CMG, and their respective responsibilities and functions are introduced. And then a five-layer cloud manufacturing architecture based on dynamic alliance emphasizing resources sharing is built up, and features and modules of every level are introduced in details. In order to solve the difficulties of System Integration, a service-oriented mode based on the ESB is put forward. Established on the basis, key technologies for SMEs'cloud manufacturing platform are discussed.
     Secondly, the attributes and characteristics of manufacturing services under the Cloud manufacturing environment are studied. The classification and description of cloud manufacturing resources are researched; a formal description method and a new motor theory based on the Dynamic Description Logic are proposed. According to this theory, the matching process is considered as a set of logical atomic actions. On this basis, a strategy of manufacturing service matching based on DDL is proposed, and the rules and algorithms are discussed as well.
     Thirdly, after analyzing the needs and key issues of the combination selection questions of the cloud manufacturing services, establish the research approach of "the basic QoS model→associated QoS model→static combination QoS model→dynamic combination QoS model→selection model→algorithm".A new concept called "Statistics logical relationship" is proposed to describe the relationship between manufacturing services and a associated QoS model based on Statistics logical relationship is built up. At the same time, QoS update mechanism is researched and a update method considering both enterprise independent update and historical statistics with the update parameter τ is proposed, dynamic combination QoS model is built up as well. Then, the formal description and mathematical modeling of the combination selection model is built up and solved.
     Fourthly, multiple manufacturing tasks may exist at the same time under the cloud manufacturing environment, in order to solve the assignment of cloud manufacturing service, a case-directed method based on manufacturing capacity using balance is proposed. A new description method called "Adjust domain-△" is built up for the manufacturing capacity conflict in the process of collaborative manufacturing, and a concept named "manufacturing area membership" is proposed in order to describe the exclusive and geographical distribution characteristic of cloud manufacturing services. Then the mathematical modeling of assignment problem based on manufacturing capacity using balance is built up and solved.
     Fifthly, a trading method based on multi-attribute negotiation of cloud manufacturing services is proposed because of the characteristics, requirement and current situation of the SMEs. A utility function U(x) is built up in order to describe the affect of every attribute during the process of negotiation. A strategy based on U(x) and synchronous concessions which concluding the received or rejected of negotiation suggestion, the divide of received/rejected/discussed area and the model of time-based concessions is proposed. And then,the steps of trading method based on multi-attribute negotiation are introduced in detail.
     Finally, on the basis of above research, a system of cloud manufacturing platform face to forging industry is developed. The implementation environment, realization method and function of every module are introduced.
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