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     癫痫(Epilepsy)是大脑神经元异常放电,导致反复发作的大脑功能障碍的一种慢性疾病。其发病率高,病程长,对家庭及社会的影响大。离子通道的活动是神经系统电兴奋性的基础。电压依赖性钠离子通道(Voltage-gated sodium channels, VGSCs)在脑兴奋过程中发挥重要的作用,主要负责神经元动作电位的产生与传导。VGSCs是由1个260 kD的α亚基和1个或多个33~36 kD的β亚基(β1-β4)组成的蛋白复合物,其中α亚基组成VGSCs的主要部分,是VGSCs的功能性亚基[1,2]。目前发现了九个α-亚基异构体,其中Nav1.4在骨骼肌中表达, Nav1.5在心脏表达,Nav1.7、1.8和1.9在感觉神经元中表达,Nav1.1,1.2、1.3和1.6主要分布在中枢神经系统(Central nervous system, CNS)[3,4]。VGSCs功能异常所导致的离子通道病是目前为止人类最常见的通道病,已被证实与癫痫、孤独症及偏头痛等多种神经系统疾病相关。世界卫生组织估计全球有超过5000万人正在承受着癫痫所带来的痛苦。
     现有的第一、二代抗癫痫药物中,卡马西平、苯妥英钠、拉莫三嗪等,均通过作用于VGSCs,在一定程度上控制癫痫的发作。但是,由于它们作用机制广泛,长期大量服用控制患者发作的同时,都存在一定的毒副作用[7,8]。因此发展出特异性强,安全,耐受性好的抗癫痫药物符合广大癫痫患者的迫切需要。现阶段抗癫痫药物已开发至第三代,大多数开发中的第三代抗癫痫药物都能够特异性的作用于VGSCs的α亚基或β亚基,为VGSCs的阻断剂,它们特异性好,主要是通过抑制钠通道的功能,从而抑制钠电流,进而抑制神经元的异常放电,以达到治疗癫痫的目的[9,10]。其中近期通过美国食品药品管理局(Food and Drug Administration,FDA)验证允许上市的第一例第三代抗癫痫药物拉科酰胺,就是通过特异性作用于VGSCs的慢失活通道而起作用[11]。由于它们作用强,安全,耐受性好,第三代抗癫痫药物具有广泛的开发与应用前景。有文献指出引起部分性癫痫伴热性惊厥附加症(Partial epilepsywith febrile seizure plus,PEFS+)、全面性癫痫伴热性惊厥附加症(Generalized epilepsy with febrile seizure plus,GEFS+)、重症婴儿肌阵挛性癫痫(Severe myoclonic epilepsy in infancy, SMEI)等不同类型癫痫的原因分别与不同位置的VGSCs基因突变导致的钠通道蛋白功能的不同改变密切相关。电生理研究初步证实:细胞中表达钠通道突变改变了正常的钠电流,导致神经元兴奋性改变而致病,这为研究癫痫发作的机制提供了更多的依据。由于产生癫痫的原因复杂,针对癫痫发病机制选择对症药物,才能够实现个体化给药,达到最好的疗效。
     计量资料以均数±标准差( X±S)表示,统计方法用SPSSl6.0 for Windows软件包进行统计分析,采用t检验。P<0.05为差异具有统计学意义
     1. FVB品系WT鼠海马神经元上Nav1.1蛋白显著表达
     4. -90mV时10μM伊来西胺给药前后海马钠通道电生理特性比较
     Epilepsy has long been recognized as a disorder of brain hyper-excitability. It’s a chronic disease leading by repeated episodes of brain dysfunction. Voltage-gated sodium channels (VGSCs) play an important role in the initiation and propagation of action potentials and are crucial regulators of neuronal excitability. However, it was been found that a loss-of-function mutation in human SCN1A gene causes severe infant myoclonic epilepsy. VGSCs are composed of a central, pore-formingα-subunit (VGSC-α) and one or moreβ-subunits (VGSC-β). Currently, nine isoforms of theα-subunit have been characterized, of which Nav1.4 is present in skeletal muscles, Nav1.5 in heart, Nav1.7, 1.8 and 1.9 in sensory neurons and Nav1.1, 1.2, 1.3 and 1.6 are mainly found in the central nervous system (CNS). The World Health Organization estimates that 50 million people worldwide suffer from epilepsy. Voltage-gated ion channels are key targets for AEDs that inhibit epileptic bursting, synchronization and seizure spread. Synaptic inhibition and excitation are mediated by neurotransmitter-regulated channels; these channels permit synchronization of neural ensembles and allow propagation of the abnormal discharge to local and distant sites. AEDs that modify excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmission therefore can also suppress bursting and, when they inhibit synaptic excitation, can have prominent effects on seizure spread.
     The existing first-generation antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) (phenytoin, phenobarbitone, carbamazepine, valproic acid) were the main pharmacological targets for the treatment of epileptic disorder. However, the use of these AEDs is associated with severe adverse events (AEs), drug interactions and pharmacokinetic variations. The over-treatment of epilepsy results in serious AEs following unnecessary fast titration of AEDs. In addition, AED polytherapy during pregnancy may increase the risk of fetal malformations. Moreover, the problem of pharmacoresistance may be encountered, where reduced drug sensitivity is due to certain neurobiological changes in brain, thereby making treatment of epilepsy less efficient. It is believed that approximately 30-40% of individuals with epilepsy continue to suffer from uncontrolled seizures despite AED treatment. This observation further limits the use of first-generation antiepileptic drugs in the management of epilepsy. Therefore, the development of a specific, safely, tolerable AED in patients with epilepsy is urgent. Antiepileptic drugs have now been developed to the third generation, most of the third generation antiepileptic drugs can act on VGSCs specificαsubunit orβsubunit, as VGSCs blockers. They achieve the purpose of treatment of epilepsy by specificity inhibited the sodium channel function and the sodium current. The newer AEDs act on diverse and novel molecular targets. Nevertheless, inhibition of VGSCs continues to bean effective strategy for the development of third-generation AEDs. Many of the third-generation compounds are currently undergoing clinical evaluation, and some are even approved and marketed (e.g., lacosamide). The third-generation drugs offer various favorable properties such as broad-spectrum efficacy, and many have demonstrated efficacy mainly in refractory partial seizures. In general, the third-generation compounds have shown excellent tolerability and/or milder adverse effects, an improved pharmacokinetic profile and/ or lesser drug interactions as compared to the older AEDs.
     In recent years, the development of Chinese medicine industry was confronted with enormous challenges and opportunities. National policy increase R&D investment of traditional Chinese medicine with independent intellectual property rights and asked for enrich and improve the theoretical system of Chinese medicine. However, compared with Western medicine, Chinese medicine faced a lot of problems such as complicated composition and unclear mechanism of action. The therapeutic effect was difficult to be approved by modern medicine. Clarify the mechanisms is the trend of Chinese medicine development.
     Ilepcimide (ICM), 3, 4-methylene dioxy cinnamoyl piperidine, used to called antiepilepsirine (AES), is an effective Chinese antiepileptic drug. It was extracted from an effective traditional Chinese medicine prescription. Pharmacological experiments on animal models prove that its antiepileptic action is remarkable. The clinical results showed that there are no significant differences in clinical effects between ilepcimide and placebo in pediatric epilepsies as a whole, but ilepcimide is effective in tonic-clonic seizures, the most common type of seizure in the series. There are no significant differences in AED blood levels between the AES effective and ineffective groups. It is very safely, children been given large doses (10 mg/kg/day) demonstrate no serious side-effects. It is suggested that there is potential improvement in patient psychological and cognitive status. Clinical results also showed that the effective rate of ilepcimide was 95.6%, consolidated markedly effective rate was 83.3%.
     Whole-cell patch clamp analysis was used to characterize biophysical properties of acute isolation of pyramidal neurons in hippocampus with or without Ilepcimide. Although its clinical treatment is effective, its antiepileptic mechanism is unclear. We intend to find the antiepileptic mechanism of ilepcimide.
     1. Experimental animals
     Male WT mice (10-17 days old for whole-cell recording) of the FVB strain were used for the preparation of acute isolated hippocampus pyramidal neurons. All animals were maintained on a 12:12 h light/dark cycle with a constant room temperature, and with sufficient food and water.
     2. Isolation of mice hippocampal pyramidal neurons with acute isolated skill
     Intraperitoneal injects 1% sodium pentobarbital in WT mice. Took out the brain and isolated the hippocampus quickly. Cut the hippocampus to 350μM thick slices, incubated it in artificial cerebrospinal fluid bubbled with 95% O2/5% CO2 at 32℃for 1 hour. Then digest with 0.5mM trypsin in 100% O2 atmosphere at 37℃for 18 minutes. After that put the tissue in HSSB and bubbled with 100% O2 at 32℃for 1 hour. At last, percussion the tissue with Pasteur pipettes, and placed it in glass cover slips covered with 0.05% poly-D-lysine.
     3. Immunohistochemistry
     Mice were randomly obtained for immunofluorescence histochemistry to detect localization of Nav1.1 sections were blocked and incubated with primary antibody anti-Nav1.1 overnight at 4oC and with the secondary antibodies at room temperature for l hour. Fluorescence signals were detected with a microscope at excitation/emission wavelengths of 495/519 nm (FITC,green).
     4. Whole-cell voltage-clamp recordings of acute isolated hippocampus pyramidal neurons
     The cells on cover slips were transferred to a recording chamber and superfused at room temperature with extracellular solution containing (mM): CH3SO3Na 120, KC1 3, MgC12 1, TEACl 20,BaCl2 5, Glucose 10,CdCl2 0.03,4-aminopyridine 4, and 4-(2-hydroxyethyl)-l-piperazineethanesulphonic acid (HEPES) 10, pH 7.4 adjusted with NaOH. The recording chamber volume was approximately 0.5 ml and the flow rate was 0.2 ml/min. Patch pipettes were pulled from borosilicate glass capillaries and were filled with an internal solution containing (mM): CH3SO3Cs 110,
     1,2-bis(o-aminophenoxy)ethane-N,N,N',N'-tetraacetic acid (BAPTA) 5, TEACl 20, MgCl2 5,CaCl2 0.5,Na2ATP 5 and HEPES 10, pH 7.4 adjusted with CsOH. Current recordings were obtained under whole-cell voltage-clamp conditions (EPC-10, HEKA Instruments) and were filtered at 5 kHz. The recording electrodes had resistances of 2.5-3.5 M?. Compensation circuitry was used to minimize series resistance errors and 80-90% of the series resistance could be compensated. In most cases where Na+ currents ranged between -0.5 nA and -5 nA, the voltage drop across the compensated series resistance was < 5 mV. Leakage currents were subtracted using a P/4 protocol. Membrane potentials quoted were not corrected for junction potentials (5±2.5 mV, n = 4). Na+ currents recorded from these cells always increased progressively by approximately 50~150% within the first 10-20 minutes of recordings at a holding potential (Vh) of -90 mV and then were stable for a further 20-40 minutes. Thus, drugs were applied only when the control currents had stabilized. Most compounds and agents were obtained from Sigma-Aldrich. Ilepicimide was synthesized by the Renji Pharma.Co, (Beijing, China). Ilepicimide and its stock solutions (10 mM) were prepared freshly with 100% alcohol and diluted with the perfusate to the desired concentrations for experiments.
     5. Data acquisition and analysis
     Data collection and analysis was performed using Patchmaster v2x35, EPC 10 (HEKA Elektronic) and Origin7.5E (MicroCal Software). Data are presented as the mean±SEM, unless specified. Student's t-test was used for statistical evaluation. Theoretical curves were fitted to the data using a least squares algorithm (for details see the figure legends).
     1. Localization of Nav1.1 in neurons
     Nav1.1 channel protein is localization in the hippocampus, especially in pyramidal neurons.
     2. Different concentrations of lamotrigine act on sodium current when holding potential change
     IC50 of lamotrigine were 1200μM (-90mV) and 400μM (-70mV).
     3. Different concentrations of ilepcimide act on sodium current when holding potential change
     IC50 of ilepcimide were 5.2μM (-90mV) and 0.4μM (-70mV).
     4. Sodium channel properties with or without 10μM ilepcimide at holding potential -90mV
     4.1. Activation
     WT mice pyramids neurons Voltage dependence of activation: V1/2 and k (slope factor) were(n=5): without ilepcimide: -36.63±0.22(mV),3.87±0.19; with ilepcimide: -43.93±0.90(mV),4.22±0.70 (P<0.05).
     4.2. Inactivation
     WT mice pyramids neurons Voltage dependence of inactivation: V1/2 and k (slope factor) were(n=5): without ilepcimide: -43.76±0.49(mV),7.03±0.43; with ilepcimide: -61.74±0.65(mV),8.19±0.58 (P<0.05).
     4.3. Recovery from inactivation
     WT mice pyramids neurons recovery from inactivation: the time constant was:without ilepcimide (n=5): 2.05±0.42(ms),with ilepcimide: 2.20±0.16(ms) (P>0.05).
     4.4. The area under activation and inactivation curves
     In WT mice pyramids neurons, the ratio of the area under the curve of activation and inactivation between without or with ilepcimide were (n=5): 1:0.53. The area was minimized.
     1. This is the first time to use the whole cell recording technique to study the mechanism of ilepcimide. We found that ilepcimide significantly inhibited the sodium current. The IC50 of ilepcimide was 5.2μM at the holding potential (Vh) of -90mV compare with the IC50=0.4μM at the holding potential of -70mV. These actions were similar to those produced by the antiepileptic drug lamotrigine in various cell types.
     2. This is the first time we found that ilepcimide at therapeutically relevant concentrations caused a hyperpolarising shift of the activation curve and the inactivation curve, but had no influence to recovery from inactivation curve. The ratio of the area under the curve of activation and inactivation also minimized. In contrast, ilepcimide play a major role in inactivation state of VGSCs channel.
     3. Our study suggests that ilepcimide may combine with VGSCs proteins, decrease the excitability of pyramidal neurons by promoting the inactivation state of VGSCs. We provide a basic molecular mechanism of ilepcimide as an AED. We would focus on the reason why ilepcimide showed good tolerability and mild side effects in future research.
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