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Since the reform and opening, in a series of beneficial to the development of aquaculture industry policy guiding, scientific support, market promotion and active participation of the various elements, wuhan city according to "the regional distribution, standardized production, scale, marketing operation, promote industrialization" requirement, comprehensive development "high quality, high yield, high efficiency, ecological, safe" aquaculture, make its aquaculture keep the sustainable, stable and healthy development of good momentum, and along with the wuhan sustained, rapid economic and healthy development of aquaculture in the future will be in wuhan city agricultural economy development in the occupied the position of the more and more important. But, for wuhan aquatic products supply chain in the production, processing, distribution and so on each link still has some problems, and lead to low efficiency of the supply chain in wuhan city the whole aquatic products and faced with a certain quality safety problems, it hinders fishery in wuhan city to grow bigger and stronger. The party central committee to put forward to speed up the transformation of the mode of economic development through the whole process of economic and social development and the field, in promoting the development of transformation in transformation seeks the development, realize the eco-social development background, wuhan city how in resources and environment rigid constraint growing conditions to further consolidate the first fresh water production status, solve the "big" and not "strong" problems, and how to economic globalization deepens in the background of aquaculture and promote sound and rapid development, realize the "big" change "strong" leapfrog development, renew the development idea, change development way, become the the inevitable choice and urgent task, this research it is in this context, the safety and efficiency from the Angle of both of wuhan in aquatic products supply chain structure optimization research will have very important practical significance, on the one hand, will help to wuhan aquatic products supply chain the improvement of operation efficiency and aquatic products quality safety improvements, on the other hand will for related decision-making department in wuhan promoting aquaculture by changing "strong" policies to offer some basis, so as to supply chain management in wuhan introduced aquaculture provide empirical support.
     This paper review of existing research results, and profits from the supply chain structure area of the existing research results, and on the basis of logistics, supply chain with the leading edge of the theory, through the comparative analysis, the analytic hierarchy process (ahp), game analysis method of wuhan in aquaculture production and circulation of the current situation of the development of the basis of investigation on the whole supply chain structure of wuhan in aquatic products of the current situation and the mode and describe the problem of wuhan in aquatic products supply chain structure in the whole development of have a clear orientation. And then the aquatic products supply chain in wuhan city involved in aquatic products breeding, processing and sales of large leading enterprise field investigation, and influence the safety and aquatic products supply chain efficiency of aquatic products factors quantitative analysis, research to wuhan aquatic products supply chain structure optimization good interaction mechanism. At the same time using hotelling model from seafood products supply chain of terminal, from how to pay attention to the safety factors and does not pay attention to safety factors in two aspects of the supermarket, farmers markets and consumer three game analysis of the economic subject, and draw out in aquatic products in the supply chain optimal regulators should is the government. Finally put forward in wuhan city in optimization of aquatic products supply chain in optimizing the structure of the basic idea further, on the basis of wuhan city aquatic products supply chain structure optimization put forward the measures. The main conclusions of related research are as follows:
     1. Wuhan aquatic products supply chain structure the status quo. Survey shows that the aquatic products supply chain structure in wuhan city in the current pattern mainly have with the wholesale market for the aquatic products supply chain, to the center processing enterprise as the center of the supply chain and aquatic products to supermarket chain as the center of three types of aquatic products supply chain structure model, among them with the wholesale market as the center of aquatic products supply chain structure model is the most main in wuhan city aquatic products supply chain structure model, but it is a fracture of the chain. And in agriculture or cooperative association for relying on and to the third party logistics enterprise based on supply chain structure model is still not mature, also not current even the mainstream of the supply chain in wuhan city in the future of aquatic products structure mode. Therefore, in the current and future within a period of time, in the center of the wholesale market for aquatic products supply chain structure model, the wuhan city should vigorously develop aquaculture cooperatives, namely first established by breeding farmers breeding cooperatives, responsible for technology and management of communication and coordination, farmers only the high quality products and breeding, the professional market provide trading and storage place (such as establish a aquatic products living constant temperature storage base), ultimately through the brand, standardization, industrialization operation attract buyers directly to the producer purchasing aquatic products, thus reducing the intermediate link, increases the farmers benefits. Therefore, breeding cooperation organization in the current and future for a period of time in wuhan city should gradually become to develop a main form of organization.
     2. Wuhan aquatic products supply chain system development model. At present the aquatic products supply chain system in wuhan city there are two development mode, one is the supermarket for end of aquatic products supply chain system development mode, and the other one is the farmer's market for end of aquatic products supply chain system development model. Because of the residents of wuhan city consumer preferences, income, the degree of different culture, different consumer market demand, there are certain differences, which makes the current the two development model depends on each other, complement each other, and in the long term future long-term coexistence, on some level, the difference between two features obvious aquatic products the existence of the supply chain should be the result of marketing choice. Although the current farmers market is still wuhan aquatic products circulation channel, but, with the improvement of wuhan city residents income level, a change of attitude and consumption in wuhan city in the supermarket chain to manage the idea and the management of the change of the idea, the future development of wuhan city aquatic products supply chain model also jointly with the developed countries toward higher efficiency and quality as more security to the supermarket chain of aquatic products for terminal system of supply chain development direction.
     3. Influence of aquatic products supply chain in wuhan city quality and safety factor. Through the supply chain of wuhan in aquatic products in different segments of the main body of the economy in the survey, and access to relevant data, and analytic hierarchy process (ahp) measurement analysis, found "aquatic products safety cognition" and "the quality and safety of aquatic products of aquatic products supply chain effect" in wuhan city is very big to the influence of the aquatic product safety. Further research found that the influence of aquatic products safety cognition is more important, its in a sense more guidance, he is also aquatic products within the supply chain of the economic subject constantly perfect self s external forces, and within the supply chain of the economic subject to the safety of aquatic products to help improve the cooperation in wuhan city the competitiveness of aquatic products supply chain.
     4. Aquatic products supply chain based on subject product quality and safety of the game. Analysis shows that the wuhan aquatic products such as consumer oneself do not raise the safety cognition, the aquatic product production operators for the pursuit of profit maximization, the general can't active but aware of aquatic products increased safety input. And through the establishment of a supply chain coordination or internal internal supervision mechanism also cannot promote the economic subject between aquatic product safety problems in the cooperation, this is mainly because aquatic product security has "public product" the characteristic. Therefore, the aquatic product safety supervision and shall, through the government functional department, especially need government gradually improve policies and regulations, and increase the aquatic product safety and the supervision of the law enforcement, among them, the key should be in the regulation of the source, that wants to be able to be traced back, because only source is safe, can to a certain extent in the aquatic products in the supply chain that is safe, and note that the distribution and marketing of aquatic products such links should be "key point" control, the only way to make consumers eat to the quality safety of aquatic products.
     5. Influence of the efficiency of the organization of supply chain of aquatic products in wuhan city factors.
     Through the organization of supply chain of wuhan in aquatic products of the efficiency of the influence factor analysis, found that cooperation in many factors efficiency is the most important factor. And cooperation mainly by the cooperation capacity and efficiency of cooperative intent effects, therefore, to improve the efficiency of the supply chain in wuhan aquatic products is to strengthen the organization cooperative intent, and to improve the cooperation ability, to do this, the most important is to should build aquatic products supply chain through longitudinal alliance, to build a strong credit mechanism, make each economic subject and risks to effectively reduce the controlled factor the loss that causes; At the same time, also requires in aquatic products supply chain different segments of the main body has the desire to achieve common goals and achieve the goal of cooperation mechanism. In addition, because cooperation ability and cooperative intentions also influence enterprise cooperation conditions and cooperative not controllable. Among them is the ability to affect the enterprise cooperation the main factors of conditions for cooperation, and cooperation intention is to influence the main factors of cooperation not controllable, therefore, on one hand, the enterprise should be greatly improved the ability to cooperate to promote aquatic products supply chain cooperation between the upstream and downstream firms; On the other hand, also need to wuhan aquatic products supply chain between the economic subject to strengthen communication and negotiation, the long-term development goals reached an agreement, eliminate the cooperation not controllable.
     6. Optimize the structure of wuhan city aquatic products supply chain major measures. At present, wuhan aquatic products supply chain structure has been formed, but compared with the developed countries and regions still has the big gap. The government and enterprises should speed up the future in wuhan city infrastructure construction, speed up fishery breeding aquatic products, improving adjustment of the structure of the institutionalization of the farmers, accelerate the large wholesale market and to large supermarket chain for the leading products, building supply chain of the supply chain HACCP system, aquatic products to speed up the brand construction, aquatic breeding aquatic product brand, actively promote the wuhan cold chain logistics system construction, aquatic products give full play to the government in improving the efficiency of supply chain cooperation aquatic products, perfect the positive role of aquatic products supply chain in the interests of the internal distribution mechanism, improve the supply chain of the aquatic products restriction mechanism. From safety and efficiency eventually pay equal attention to the point of view of the wuhan aquatic products supply chain structure optimization.
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