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Ecological Vulnerability is a key and hot spot study area of global change and sustainable development. The restoring and rehabilitating of forest ecological system have attracted more and more attention in china. Mountain forest is an important ecological protection to Beijing and north of china. While ecological vulnerability of mountain forest in Beijing has endanger the capital and north of china, and been important restrictive factor of economical and society development. Study on ecological vulnerability of mountain forest in beijing is impotant to guide sustainable development of this region.In this investigation, based on field plot investigate, index system of AHP, community questionnaire, typical mountain forest in Beijing were used as the research object in study. Ecological vulnerability current situation, influence factors, evaluation of mountain forest were investigaged, the main results are as follows:
     (1) Mountain forest and ecological vulnerability in Beijing has been caused by basic vulnerability and development vulnerability. The ecological vulnerability of mountain forest in beijing displays in these respects:soil barren and soil erosions increases, water and soil reduce seriously, natural forest decreases, secondary, forest restores slowly, ecological function lower, the amount of the river and reservoir runoff decreases, hydrological changes violently. Mountain forest ecological vulnerability resulted from nature background vulnerability, structure and function vulnerability, people interference vulnerability.
     (2) Based on standard plots, species composition, DBH and height were studied and analyzed. The difference of mountain forest communities species component was not only rather great, its component with the same stand type was also different drastically. The stand density of different dominant species was different dramatically and the stand density of natural Larix principis-rupprechtii forest of 2275No./hm2 was the largest in Jiufeng, while Platycladus orientalis forest in Baihuashan with the least stand density of 850No./hm2. Moreover, the difference of the total basal area at breast height was very great. The total basal area of 38.84m2/hm2 at breast height of Pinus tabulaeformis forest in Baihuashan was the largest, while the Platycladus orientalis forest was with the least total basal area of 13.61m2/hm2 at breast height resulted from human disturbance and young stand age. The analysis on the diameter at breast height and height of montane forests shows that the dominant species were mainly in similar J-type distribution, normal distribution, single peak or multi-peak distribution.
     (3) On the scale of community, based on forest envrionment, forest structure and function, forest disturbance. Driving power of mountain forest ecological vulnerability were analyzed. This paper conducts 22 preliminary forest ecological vulnerability indices by considering integrality, objective, relevance, dynamic of forest ecosystem, forest ecological vulnerability indexes are selected after screening. Ecological vulnerability assessment grades including slight, low, middle, high, extreme. The evaluation results show that there are 5 kinds that are classified 5 grades.
     (4) The assessment method of ecological vulnerability of mountain forest had studied. The index system of mountain forest was constituted by AHP, the standard system was founded and the model of ecological vulnerability evaluation was formulated. Depending on the ecological vulnerability assessment, the mountain forest was divided into different levels. The vulnerability of typical mountain forest in Beijing was assessed using the established assessment method. The results showed that different forest communities in mountain forest were differently vulnerable. It also showed the interference factors, the forest environment, structures and functions are the critical factors of vulnerability of typical mountain forest in Beijing. Based on the assessment, and relationship of vulnerability of forest communities and the dominant factors were analysed in the study.
     (5) To explore the community-forest relationship, differences in perceptions toward the residents' forest attitudes in different communities were examined by combining vulnerability theory and environment attitude theory. In vestigations were carried out in Beijing Baihuashan area, with anova and other statistic methods used in data process. The results indicated that age, education, occupation, income, family, political landscape are related to the perceptions of the mountain forest attitudes and behavior. Forest cognitive was high degree, behavioral tendencies was evident, but actual forest behavioral score was low, there are "knowledge and behavior disjointed" and "government depended" phenomenon. Based on these results, we propose that successful lower potential forest vulnerability must include publicity, strengthening infrastructure, education and economic development.
     (6) Correlation analysis of residents' forest attitude, forest knowledge and forest behavior were conducted. The results are as follows:Correlation forest attitude and forest behavior tendency is relative high, while correlation of forest behavior tendency and forest behavior is relative low. Superficial knowledge were in negative relationship with forest sensibility, forest cognitive and forest behavior tendency, but forest ecological knowledge were in positive relationship with forest attitude including 5 dimensionality. Less superficial knowledge residents grasp, less forest cognitive, forest sensitive and forest behavior tendency residents have, more superficial knowledge residents grasp, more forest sensitive, forest cognitive, forest values and forest behavior tendency residents have. Forest behavior is in positive relationship with forest attitude including 5 dimensionality. It shows that forest behavior is depended on forest attitude. Simultaneously, broadcast, television and government publicity are main approach to acquire forest knowledge.
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