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本文首次对中国方颜叶蜂属(Pachyprotasis Hartig)进行了系统的厘订研究。详细介绍了世界和我国方颜叶蜂属的分类研究概况,介绍了方颜叶蜂属的外部形态、分类特征,对方颜叶蜂属种类进行了地理分布格局的研究。结果表明方颜叶蜂属主要分布于东洋界及古北界,仅有1种分布至新北界。云贵高原-四川盆地-秦岭地区为方颜叶蜂属种类分布最密集的地区,可以推断此区是方颜叶蜂属的分布中心;方颜叶蜂属种类沿着东、南、北三条迁移演化路线形成三个小的分布中心。第一条路线从主要中心向北,进入华北平原后,再分成两支,一支向北继续伸展进入俄罗斯及欧洲其它地区,另外一支沿着东北,进入库页岛折向日本,形成中国北方-西伯利亚-欧洲和中国东北-日本-库页岛两个小的分布中心;第二条路线从主要中心沿缅-马走廊向南发展,进入缅甸-印度,形成喜马拉雅山东南部-缅甸-印度北部小中心;最后一条路线沿南岭走廊向东发展,形成黔湘山地-湘赣山地-浙闽丘陵小中心。主要中心以西,由于喜马拉雅山脉的阻隔,青藏高原的恶劣环境,成为方颜叶蜂向西无法扩散的屏障。
     种团:斑角种团P.formosana group;红体种团P.indica group;绿痣种团P.pallidistigma group;红足种团P.flavipes group;白跗种团P.opacifrons group;黑体种团P.melanosama group;黑跗种团P.rapae group。
     新种:泸水方颜叶蜂P.lushuiensis;林芝方颜叶蜂P.linzhiensis;尖刃方颜叶蜂P.acutiserrulia;四川方颜叶蜂P.sichuanensis;双纹方颜叶蜂P.bilineata神农方颜叶蜂P.shennongensis;拟隆盾方颜叶蜂P.paraeleviscutellis;拟高山方颜叶蜂P.paraalpina;大高山方颜叶蜂P.megalpina;丽江方颜叶蜂P.lijiangensis;泸定方颜叶蜂P.ludingensis武氏方颜叶蜂P.wuxingyui;西南方颜叶蜂P.westsoutha;拟斯卡里方颜叶蜂P.parascalaris;石渠方颜叶蜂P.shiqui郭氏方颜叶蜂P.guoi;龙泉方颜叶蜂P.longquai;曲斑方颜叶蜂P.curvimaculata;拟红足方颜叶蜂P.parasanguinipes;斑足方颜叶蜂P.maculopecta;斑唇方颜叶蜂P.maculolabria;拟吴氏方颜叶蜂P.parawui;黄腹侧方颜叶蜂P.flavoventris;红背方颜叶蜂P.rufodorsata;黑跗方颜叶蜂P.nigritarsalia;褐唇基方颜叶蜂P.fulvoclypeata;张氏方颜叶蜂P.zhangae;红股方颜叶蜂P.rufofemorata;长跗方颜叶蜂P.dolichotarsis;云南方颜叶蜂P.yunnania;红胫方颜叶蜂P.rufotibialis;显斑方颜叶蜂P.maculata;钟氏方颜叶蜂P.zhongi;白翅基方颜叶蜂P.albotegulata;红盾方颜叶蜂P.rufoscutellis;黑胫方颜叶蜂P.nigritibialis;斑翅基方颜叶蜂P.maculotegulata;长柄方颜叶蜂P.longipetiolata;刘氏方颜叶蜂P.liui;德钦方颜叶蜂P.deqinia;拟郑氏方颜叶蜂P.parazhengi;拟盛氏方颜叶蜂P. parashengi;拟红跗方颜叶蜂P.paramaesta;石门方颜叶蜂P.shimenensis;青海方颜叶蜂P. qinghaiensis;湖南方颜叶蜂P.hunanensis;甘肃方颜叶蜂P.gansuensis;黑足方颜叶蜂P.pedatoria;六盘方颜叶蜂P.liupanensis;黑转方颜叶蜂P.nigrotrochantera;白转方颜叶蜂P.leucotrochantera;长距方颜叶蜂P.spuralis;颊斑方颜叶蜂P.genata;拟王氏方颜叶蜂P.parawangi;扁角方颜叶蜂P.compresscornis;沟额方颜叶蜂P.sulcifovea;褐腹背方颜叶蜂P.fulvotergitis;浙江方颜叶蜂P. zhejiangensis;拟粗额方颜叶蜂P.paraopacifrons;黑头方颜叶蜂P.nigrocapita;宁夏方颜叶蜂P.ningxiaensis梁氏方颜叶蜂P.liangi贵州方颜叶蜂P.guizhoui;光盾方颜叶蜂P.nitiscutellis;拟纹基方颜叶蜂P.paralineicoxis肖炜方颜叶蜂P.xiaoweii白眶方颜叶蜂P.albiorbitis排龙方颜叶蜂P.pailongensis;西北方颜叶蜂P.westnortha;刻基方颜叶蜂P.coxipunctata斑基方颜叶蜂P.coximaculatis马氏方颜叶蜂P.mai;斑盾方颜叶蜂P. maculoscutellis峨眉方颜叶蜂P.omeiensis玉树方颜叶蜂P.yushunica;祁连方颜叶蜂P.qilianica;高黎方颜叶蜂P.gaoliensis;衡山方颜叶蜂P.hengshani;平盾方颜叶蜂P.flatscutellis;拟杂色方颜叶蜂P. pseudovariegata墨脱方颜叶蜂P.motuoensis拟游离方颜叶蜂P.paraerratica显刻方颜叶蜂P. puncturalina假游离方颜叶蜂P.pseudoerratica扎木方颜叶蜂P.zhamunica;拟近革方颜叶蜂P. parasubcoreaceus卜氏方颜叶蜂P.buwenjuni黑鞘方颜叶蜂P.melanothecata蛟河方颜叶蜂P.jiaoheensis;棱盾方颜叶蜂P.prismaticscutellis;泽建方颜叶蜂P.zejiani;条斑侧方颜叶蜂P.bandpleuris;大唇基方颜叶蜂P.megaclypeata;拟大唇基方颜叶蜂P.paramegaclypeata;黄缘方颜叶蜂P.flavomarginata;吉林方颜叶蜂P.jilinensis白股方颜叶蜂P.albofemorata大理方颜叶蜂P.daliensis;康定方颜叶蜂Pkangdingensis;长纹方颜叶蜂P.longlineata。
     新亚种:合叶子方颜叶蜂吕氏亚种P.antennata lui。
The species of genus Pachyprotasis were first reviewed in this paper. The research histories of the genus Pachyprotasis Hartig are briefly reviewed. The morphology and taxonomic characters of the genus are outlined.
     This paper reports the zoogeography of genus Pachyprotasis that Palearctic and Oriental are the main distributes of Pachyprotasis, only one species extend to Nearctic. Yungui Plateau-Sichuan Basin-Qinling Area are the most crowed areas of Pachyprotasis, which can be deduced that these areas may be distribution and differentiation centre of the genus. Species of Pachyprotasis migrated to three small and secondary centres along East, South and North direction respectively. Northeastern of China-West Siberian-Vladivostok-Sakhalin Japan, Southeastern of Himalayas-Burma-North of India and Qianxiang mountanious region-Xianggan mountanious region-Zhemin hightland are the three small secondary centres. Because of the isolation of Himalayas and severe envirement of Qing-Zhang Plateau, none of Pachyprotasis can migrate along west.
     The taxonomy of Pachyprotasis from China is also studied in detail in the thesis. The Pachyprotasis species are keyed here into seven groups by body color. Keys to Chinese species of each group are also given. Totally 211 species and subspeices are described, Except for 22 new species published in the period of author's ph.d. education, there are still 100 new species and 1 new subspecies will be published. There 1 species new recored in China. To each species full incitations, morphological description, figures in dorsal and lateral veiw, female and male genitalia figures, diagnostic characters, distribution, specimens examined and type locality are provided. The type specimens deposited in the Insect Collection of Central South University of Forestry and Technology, China.
     Groups of Pachyprotasis:P. formosana, P. indica, P. pallidistigma, P.flavipes; P. opacifrons, P. melanosoma, P. rapae.
     New species:
     P. lushuiensis, P. linzhiensis, P. acutiserrulia, P. sichuanensis, P. bilineata, P. shennongensis, P. paraeleviscutellis, P. paraalpina, P. megalpina, P.lijiangensis, P. ludingensis, P. wuxingyui, P. westsoutha, P. parascalaris, P. shiqui, P. guoi, P. longquani, P. curvimaculata, P. parasanguinipes, P. maculopecta, P. maculolabria, P. parawui, P. flavoventris, P. rufodorsata, P. nigritarsalia, P. fulvoclypeata, P. zhangae, P. rufofemorata, P. dolichotarsis, P. yunnania, P. rufotibialis, P. maculata, P. zhongi, P. albotegulata, P. rufoscutellis, P. nigritibialis, P. maculotegulata, P. longipetiolata, P. liui,P. deqinia,P. parazhengi, P. parashengi, P. paramaesta, P. shimenensis, P. qinghaiensis, P. hunanensis, P. gansuensis, P. pedatoria, P. liupanensis, P. nigrotrochantera, P. leucotrochantera, P. spuralis, P. genata, P. parawangi, P. compresscornis, P. sulcifovea, P. fulvotergitis, P. zhejiangensis, P. paraopacifrons, P. nigrocapita, P. ningxiaensis, P.liangi, P. guizhoui, P. nitiscutellis, P. paralineicoxis, P. xiaoweii, P. albiorbitis, P. pailongensis, P. westnortha, P. coxipunctata, P. coximaculatis, P. mai, P. maculoscutellis, P. omeiensis, P. yushunica, P. qilianica, P. gaoliensis, P. hengshani, P. flatscutellis, P. pseudovariegata, P. motuoensis, P. paraerratica, P. puncturalina, P. pseudoerratica, P.zhamunica, P.parasubcoreaceus, P. buwenjuni, P. melanothecata, P. jiaoheensis, P. prismaticscutellis, P. zejiani, P. megaclypeata, P. paramegaclypeata, P. flavomarginata, P. jilinensis, P. albofemorata, P. daliensis, P. kangdingensis,P. longlineata.
     New subspecies:P. antennata lui.
     Speices new recorded in China:P. serii.
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