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     第一部分 近代湖南鸦片问题及其危害。文章首先叙述中国鸦片问题的由来及鸦片输入近代湖南之沿革和泛滥过程。最后指出鸦片问题对近代湖南社会造成的危害。
     第二部分 近代湖南对鸦片问题的治理及其成效。文章分六个阶段叙述了近代湖南的禁烟历程,指出每个阶段有其独特的时代背景与特点,因而成效不同,但都未能完成治理鸦片的任务。
     第三部分 对近代湖南鸦片问题的历史反思。共分两部分。第一部分总结了近代湖南社会鸦片泛滥的原因,指出禁烟过程中存在的阻力。第二部分对比共和国初年的湖南禁烟,根据当前湖南禁毒工作的实际,指出近代湖南鸦片治理的经验教训对当前禁毒工作的借鉴意义。
     结语部分 对近代湖南鸦片问题做简要概括。
The emergence and extending of the opium maintained close ties with the development of hunan history. Opiums have been moved into China long before. However, the westen colonialist power used opium trade as a kind of aggression weapon only in the last 200 years. Especially after the Opium war, under the protection of unequal treaties, opium monger imported more and more opiums, which made them run wild. The overrunning of opium made modern China disasterridden, and gravely impeded the economic development and social progress of modern China* As to Hunan which had important position in modern Chinese history, the calamity from opium and the struggle of management of it, was one of the phenomena which had profound effect on its politic, economic and social life. On the base of existing study, this article systematically analysis the opium problem and the administration of it ,compared with modern Chinese junk history.
    These contents of this paper consists of the follow parts are:
    Foreword: Explaining the reasons and significance why to select this title.
    The first part: The opium problem and its harm in modern Hunan. First this part explicates the initiation of Chinese opium problem and the progress after it was introduced into Hunan, then points out the harm of it to modern Hunan society. The second part: The management of the opium problem and its effect in modern Hunan. This part describes the opium-forbidding movement in six periods. Each phrase has its own historical backgrounds and characteristic, so each had different effect. None of them was successful.
    The third part: Reference from the opium in modern Hunan history. The first half analysis the reasons why the opium was overrunning. The second half argues the reference from the management of opium problem to the forbidding of drug.
    The end: Briefly sumerising the modern Hunan' s opium problem.
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