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Great changes have taken place on mathematics in the twenty-first Century, one of which is the synchronous development of mathematics and computer science. On the one hand, the algorithm is an important part of mathematics and its applications, as well as the basis of computing theory, computer technology and computer theory. Its impact on the development of computer science is beyond doubt. On the other hand, the application of the computer is inseparable from the program design which is equal to the algorithm design. The rapid development of the computer science has played a great role in promoting the development of algorithm.
     It is not only embodies the characteristics of the ancient Chinese mathematics, but also reflects the requirement of the times, in line with international trends, that the algorithm is absorbed into the high school mathematics curriculum. Teaching and learning strategies of Algorithm, students'level of interpretation of the algorithm etc. are of greatest concern. Mathematics curriculum, whatever domestic or abroad, have paid much attention to the interpretation of algorithm, but the studies of interpreting level of algorithm has been relatively weak, most of which attaches importance to speculation rather than verification. Therefore, this paper takes the high school students' interpreting level of algorithm as the main subject, to research systematically.
     Based on the test tool to interpreting level of algorithm, the research work unfolded mainly through literature analysis, classroom observation, interview and questionnaire. The first is to use SOLO classification principle to evaluate the algorithm, meanwhile preliminarily analyze students'interpreting level of the concept, structure and program language of algorithm in the minimum structure, multiple structure, relational structure and extended structure. The second is to examine the overall distribution on students' interpreting level of algorithm. The third is to research the effects on the interpreting level of the algorithm, according to school, grade and gender.The fourth is to elaborate the main errors students make in understanding algorithm. The fifth is to put forward the teaching strategy to promote algorithm understanding.
     (1) Students vary in interpreting level of algorithm. Overall, students have few differences in interpreting level of three dimensions including its feature, thought and application, while of the significance is lower than the first three dimensions; students have lower interpreting level in the conception of algorithm structure, but higher in its function and application; students'comprehension level in arithmetic sentence is low in general. Among them, the comprehension of input, output and algorithmic statements was significantly higher than that of DO statements, conditional statements of each structure. Interpreting level of statement function and statement format is higher than that of pseudo-code description and pseudo-code writing.
     (2) For conception of algorithm, students' interpreting level does not necessarily rise with age. In three aspects of meaning, characteristics, and application, students' interpreting level is in proportion with grade. However, of the algorithmic thought, students in senior three stands at the lowest level, which is relatively weak; students from different grades features greatly on the interpretation of algorithm structure, students in senior three have significantly better interpretation of the algorithm structure in various dimensions, than the senior one and senior two; interpreting level of the function and format of algorithmic statement is in proportion to grade, while the pseudo-code writing and description is on the contrary.
     (3) Here comes four results on the interpreting level of algorithm according to the influence of school in four dimensions:in three dimensions including meaning, characteristics, and application of the algorithm, students'interpreting level from city school B is obviously higher than that of rural school C and county schools K, meanwhile C and K has little difference; in algorithm thought, B, C and K three schools are level with each other; on the whole, students from B have a significant advantage in interpreting the algorithm structure compared to those from C and K, but not in distinguishing and conception of algorithm structure; and there was no significant difference in the interpreting level of different aspects between students from C and K both; in the dimension of statement function and statement format, there are significant differences between different schools' interpretation of algorithmic statement, that students from school B hold a significant advantage in these two dimensions, at the same time, their interpreting level is higher than those from school K and school C locating in rural areas; the gap between other variables were not significant.
     (4) Girls have relative higher interpreting level than boys in the meaning, characteristics and thought of algorithm, while boys have an edge over girls in algorithm application. Interpretation of the algorithm structure and algorithm statement does not show gender discrimination.
     On the basis of the research, the teaching strategy to promote algorithm understanding is put forward to promote conceptual change strategy, penetration strategy thought understanding, the algorithm structure understanding teaching strategy and the comparison algorithm statement of understanding. Then, advised amendments to the curriculum standard is proposed, as well as a reasonable level of understanding based on the definition and description level of understanding in this study., teachers are provided with more curriculum resources in the form of suggestions on teaching materials, adjusting the order and presentation. Suggestions for teachers will improve their understanding of the algorithm level and help them pay attention to the selection algorithm case, deal better with the relationship in algorithm and find out the reason for the misunderstanding of students.
     The innovation of this research lies as follows. First, it is a systematic research on the understanding of the algorithm level of middle school students, constructing the algorithm level survey tool, and it use solo theory to give evaluation to algorithm. Strategies to promote the understanding level are proposed as well as corresponding teaching strategies. Its significance lies in providing reference for algorithm teaching in senior high schools in China and for scientific research and mathematical teaching practice. It also helps to establish reasonable curriculum standards and objectives for teaching, it also contribute to the implementation of effective teaching and learning. In addition, the conclusion of the study can enrich and provide service and reference to perfect the domestic mathematic theories and contents at present.
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