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Changes the surface of calcuim carbonate by mechanochemistry ,studies the mechanics and physics capabilities after it filled in PVC in the paper. The preparation and influence factors of PVC filled by calcium carbonate are analyzed by means of scanning electron microscope, energy spectrum, XRD and infrared spectrum analysis. The results indicate that when the component of calcium carbonate is few, the decentralization of grains after milling is bad; as the component of calcium carbonate increases, the decentralization is uniform, when it increases to 95%, the effect is the best, this time the two grains are wrapped together from EDS analysis; when the component of calcium carbonate increases to 100%, the grains reunite; according to the results of X-ray, calcium carbonate changes from crystal to noncrystal after milling; according to the results of IR spectra, calcium carbonate and PVC hang together with strong chemical bond.
     It indicates that the decentralization and combination of PVC and CaCO_3 wich is changed are better than no changed ones from the test results with different milling time and different component. As the milling time increases, the decentralization and combination of the composite powders reduce. As the content of CaCO_3 increases, the combination intensity of the two materials improves largely and has a best value.
     After molding among the plastic of different filling component, different molding component and different plastic, the results indicate that: when the filling component is different, the mechanics capabilities such as extention intensity, impact intensity and incurvation intensity are the best as the content of CaCO_3 is 95%, the physics capabilities such as density and drinking rate are also best of all; when the molding component is different, the mechanics capabilities such as extention intensity, impact intensity and incurvation intensity are the best as the content of CaCO_3 is 20%, the physics capabilities such as density and drinking rate are also best of all.
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