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    谱遥感精确诊断机理与方法研究”(40 1 7 1 065)的资助,是在浙江大学农
Hyperspectral remote sensing can note the continual spectral curves of ground objects with hyperspectral resolution at the same time in specifical waveband range. They may form particular super-multidimensional spectral space to bring the application of remote sensing emphasize on space information on spectral dimension for obtaining more spectral information. This will provide parameters and basis for quantitive analysis of the biophysical and biochemical processes on the ground surface. It has high spectral resolution (generally less than 10nm), strong waveband continuity (several hundreds and thousands wavebands from 0.4 u m to 2.5 um and a great deal of spectral information. Its spectral resolution is commonly less than the half absoring width (about 20~40nm) of common objects. Therefore the data and pictures obtained by hyperspectral remote sensing are callable of distinguishing objects having diagnostic characteristics with adequate spectral resolution. It has wide application foreground.
    The spectral characteristics of crops is an significant aspect of remote sensing of vegetation and an important basis of distinguishing crops, monitoring their growth, estimating their yield and quality by remote sensing. The crops spectra are relate to their variety, density, canopy structure, leaf shape, leaf structure, biochemical components and rate of all biochemical components and conditions of measuring spectrum such as meteorology, resolution of spectroradiometer, measuring date and background. The hyperspectral characteristics of rice and its physical and chemical basis and agronomic mechanism are the primary foundation of its growth monitoring, yield estimating and quality monitoring by remote sensing. The study of rice spectrum mostly aimed at its growth monitoring and yield estimating in early time. This study mostly focused on constitution hyperspectral vegetation
    index, method of derivative spectrum and retro-deduction of radiant models. The purpose is to search after the physical and chemical basis and agronomic mechanism of rice spectrum, improve the precision of growth monitoring and yield estimating, and estimating the contents of its crude protein and amylose. The final aim is at exploring the relation between rice quality and its spectral characteristics.
    The factors such variety, entrionment, quantity and method of fertilization and density could influence on the agronomic and biochemical parameters of rice such as its structure of plant and canopy, leaf area index LAI, biomass, chlorophyll density and transfer method and speed of nutrition. They cuould more influence on two important parameters weighing rice quality such as the contents of crude protein and amylose. The theory and practice of remote sensing indicate that vegetation with different structure of plant and canopy, leaf area index LAI, biomass, chlorophyll density, biochemical component and their contents will bring on different value and characteristics of reflective spectra. It may theoretically predict the accumulation of crude protein and amylose of rice by monitoring the rice spectrum and its change at different stages especially after heading. In this way, the quality of rice could be monitored.
    This study is Supported by the National '863' Project of China "Study on Monitoring Quality of Rice by Remote Sensing and Its Application" (2002AA243011) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China " Study on Mechanism and Method of Precisely Diagnose Hyperspectra of Rice under Different Nitrogen Levels" (40171065). On the basis of rice spectrum having been studied by Institute of Agricultural remote sensing & information application from 1983, it is to obtain the hyperspectral data of canopy and leaf of different variety of rice at different stages under different nitrogen levels and some meteorologic data such as average temperature in growth stages, determine the hyperspectral data of main biochemical component and the biophysical and biochemical parameters of canopy and organ. It is to establish estimating models of yi
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