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21~(st) century is an age of Knowledge economy, having resulted in a rapid development of original idea of culture. This new creation has not gone unnoticed by the tourism industry. As an important part of economy and culture the industry focuses more increasingly on the original idea of culture and its function for development of tourism. Famous literary works are a significant part of cultural resources and also the resources of tourism. Therefore a literary masterpieces《A Dream of Red Mansions》is chosen as the object of my study on cultural tour and creation. Such a selection has its significance of theory and practice.
     First, this academic paper focuses on the summary of the related studies and original idea of culture, both from home and abroad; the ideas of cultural creation mixed with tourism and how to integrate the masterpiece with the creation of cultural tours; an annotation about conception of cultural tourism creation on the basis of case analysis; the approaches to the thought of cultural tourism creation; the theory of culture supply and demand and travel experience as well.
     Secondly, the paper analyzes the original idea of culture and the influence of《A Dream of Red Mansions》in Nanjing both from material and immaterial aspects; summarizes current process of the original idea of culture on tourism through tourism market survey and statistics analysis; puts forward ways of doubts and self-examinations, and tactics of bringing new ideas freely and continuously; advances the strategy of culture products and the dual objectives; makes approaches to the market-oriented strategy, experience tours and high-tech strategy; sets forth means of the original idea of cultural tourism based on《A Dream of Red Mansions》from the development of tourism product, marketing, service and management etc.
     Finally, a summary is made in my paper, looking forward to the tendency of a further research while laying my finger on it.
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