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With the rapid development of science and technology, it has been more popular today that innovation is carried out by team. As the main innovation subject, the R&D people is the key who achieve business goals and improve business performance. Innovation has become the theme of development and which have a crucial role to development of enterprises and society. Because of the difference of R&D people, it is difficult to operate R&D team effectively. The conflict of R&D team is attracted in the process of innovation. It is the key to business innovation that dealing with the conflict of R&D team reasonably. Handling the conflict of R&D team correctly can bring more economic value and social value to enterprise.
     In this paper, I take R&D team for the research object. From the perspective of the conflict of R&D team. It is established the four-stage development model of the R&D team’s conflict. From the model, I find out the innovation. This study use 136 sample teams and SPSS13.0 tools to analyze the relationship between the conflict of R&D team and innovation performance, and the Dependence of the parties to each other、the conflict of R&D team、innovation performance in the team size and the time of team established. The following conclusions:
     1、From the three dimensions of R&D team’s conflict, cognitive conflict has a positive effect to the various dimensions of innovation performance; emotional conflict has a negative effect to the various dimensions of innovation performance; process conflict has no effect to the various dimensions of innovation performance;
     2、Dependence of the parties to each other has a regulatory role in the relationship between the cognitive conflict and the various dimensions of innovation performance;
     3、The conflict of R&D team has difference in the team size and the time of team established.
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