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     本研究按照科学的方法进行了问卷调查,样本为经济型酒店,将每个分店作为一个团队,调查了177个分店获得了30份有效问卷。利用SPSS 13.0统计软件对数据进行分析。首先,对变量进行描述与相关性分析,然后,评估了量表的信度和效度;最后,采用回归分析法检验本文的假说,主要结论有:团队授权积极影响团队胜任力;团队授权积极影响团队服务氛围;团队胜任力积极影响团队服务氛围;团队氛围与团队绩效之间的影响比较弱;团队服务氛围对团队授权和团队绩效不具有中介作用;团队服务氛围对团队胜任力和团队绩效不具有中介作用;团队胜任力对团队授权和团队服务氛围有比较弱的中介作用;监督对团队授权和团队服务氛围有比较弱的调节作用;
Individual level of competence of authorized and have a lot of research,the research of empowerment and competence mostly concentrate on the level of individual,Whereasthere is less research on the level of team and organization, In the world, fast, customer-oriented economy, the team is composed of an integral part of success.Team is increasingly becoming an important business model,based on the research of individual empowerment and individual competence , we put forward team empowerment and team competence impact on team performance model.
     This research carried the questionnaire survey and the sample was from hotels , each branch as a team ,we investigate the 177 stores and received 30 valid questionnaires..The data was analyzed with SPSS 13.0. First, dscription of variables and correlation analysis were assessed, Then, the reliability and validity of the scales were assessed.Finally, the hypotheses were tested by regression analysis. The main conclusions are:Team empowerment has a positive impact to team competence;Team empowerment has a positive impact to team service climate;Team competence has a positive impact to team service climate;Team service climate has a weak positive impact to team performance ; Team service cliate don’t mediate team empowerment and team performance ; Team service cliate don’t mediate team competence and team performance; Team competence mediate the weak relationship between team empowerment and team service climate;Control moderates the weak relationship between team empowerment and team service climate.
     The paper discussed the research fingdings and pointed out the meaning advantage and disadvantage of the research and then put forward to the future research at last.
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