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     第四章主要内容为基于小波域的贾卡织物图像改进K均值聚类花纹分割方法。首先概述了传统图像分割方法和K均值聚类基本工作原理,并针对传统K均值聚类算法在贾卡织物图像分割过程中存在的问题,例如随机选取初始聚类中心,对贾卡织物图像中的大量噪声信息过于敏感等问题提出改进。在改进的K均值算法中,采用小波多分辨率分解对噪声信息去相关性,密度函数和数据邻域等算法优化初始中心点的选择方法,并根据各尺度上频带特征矢量的离散程度给予不同的权重值,增强或削弱特征分量在K均值聚类过程中的作用。本章最后进行算法的比较实验,结果证明该分割算法与改进前相比,准确率更高,适宜花纹数量较少,质地纹理较为细腻的贾卡经编针织物图像。改进的K均值聚类算法除了作为一种单独的分割算法外,同时能在后续马尔可夫随机场(Markov Random Field,MRF)模型中的低分辨率尺度的花纹分割中发挥作用。
Due to the factors such as weave structure, fiber and dyeing-and-finishing, jacquardwarp-knitted fabric is multifarious in patterns and exquisite in workmanship, for which thejacquard fabric is very popular and widely used in high-grade lingerie, garment accessory andfurnishing fabric. Although the function of2D drawing and process configuration in currentCAD system of warp knitting is nearly perfect, the pretreatment such as pattern separation ofjacquard fabric is done by using simple mapping tool such as lasso and magic wand. So it isan extremely repetitious, laborious and time-consuming work ranging from a few hours toseveral days, which occupies too much time and will increase production costs. In this case, todevelop a rapid, efficient and automatic pattern separation system for jacquard warp-knittedfabric is rather urgent.
     This paper focuses on texture characteristics and pattern separation methods of jacquardwarp-knitted fabric by means of computer image processing. The content of each chapter isbriefly introduced as follows.
     In Chapter1, the research purposes and significance are introduced briefly. Overseas anddomestic research statuses, the current pattern segmentation methods in warp knitting CADsystem are summarized. Then the difficulty in pattern segmentation is analyzed. The researchtopics and innovative points of this paper are proposed.
     In Chapter2, the machine structure, weaving mechanism and the classification ofjacquard warp-knitted fabrics are introduced. Then the underlying reason for fabric textureand noise signals of jacquard warp-knitted fabric are analyzed. Finally, an algorithm whichcan smoothen the fabric image, weaken noise signal and protect the detail information ofmarginal region is proposed.
     In Chapter3, the multi-resolution wavelet decomposition of the pretreated jacquardwarp-knitted fabric image is described. Firstly, the background of wavelet transform and thetwo decomposition models such as pyramid structure and tree structure are introduced briefly.Then a discriminant rule of decomposition model for jacquard warp-knitted fabric is proposed.The analysis result indicates that multi-resolution wavelet decomposition can simplify themodel jacquard fabric, lessen the computational burden, and provide the multi-level detailcharacteristic, especially the local detail characteristic.
     In Chapter4, this paper focuses on the modified K-means clustering algorithm inwavelet transform for jacquard warp-knitted fabric. Firstly, the traditional image segmentationmethods and the mechanism of K-means clustering are introduced. The problems oftraditional K-means clustering for jacquard warp-knitted fabric are analyzed, such as randomchoice of initial clustering center and the susceptivity to noise information of jacquard fabric.Then a modified K-means clustering algorithm is proposed, which includes waveletmulti-resolution decomposition, the optimized initial clustering center and weighting factorbased on dispersion degree. The modified K-means clustering algorithm is not only aindependent algorithm, but also plays an important role in successive chapter.
     In Chapter5, the concentrates on multi-resolution MRF model for pattern separation of jacquard warp-knitted fabric. Firstly, the traditional MRF model is introduced briefly.Secondly, on account of the problems of potential function, which relays too much onartificial expertise, and feature field which takes insufficient account of noise signals, thepaper proposes a multiresolution Markov random field with adaptive weighting in waveletdomain. The proposed algorithm can control the ratio of feature model energy to label modelenergy using a adaptive weighting function. Thirdly, by reason of non-causal label model andthe computation burden of iterations, the paper proposes a new pattern segmentation based onhierarchical Markov random field model. In new algorithm the label model takes into accountof not only the relationship between global and local, but also the modeling methods such asinter-scale causal model and intra-scale uncausal model. Finally, the segmentation results areobtained by SMAP parameter estimation which is a un-iterative algorithm in originalresolution scale.
     In Chapter6, the summary is introduced, which includes the main contributions and theproblems of the present study.
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