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Water is the basic resource which can keep the integrated ecological system, human existing and socioeconomic development, however, some areas in the world are facing water problems with different levels, with the population increasing, manufacture expanding and the speeding up of urbanization process. The water resources are not rich in our country, average water quality counts for 25% average level in the world which has become a restrict factor on developing sustainably in our country. Recently, parts of cities have been unable to meet the water supply demand, so we must solve these problems though groundwater exploitation. As the groundwater has a large storage capacity and not easily be polluted. It is also in favor of enhancing the popular sensing in the water management between demand and supply. This study is of great meaning for the water and ecological protection. What’s more, it will beneficial to the sustainable water utilization and eco-environmental development and human health.
     In this paper, the conception, the characteristics of groundwater exploitation risk and influence factors was firstly discussed. Then, the basic content of the groundwater risk was put forward, the principle and steps for establishing the index system on the groundwater exploitation risk was introduced. Furthermore, the index system on the groundwater exploitation risk was built. Based on the above-mentioned issues, groundwater exploitation risk in the western part of mid-southern of Liaoning province was calculated by using catastrophe theory. According to the analysis of the physical geography, economic conditions and the hydrogeology conditions in the study area. There are seven cities, such as Shenyang, Dalian, Anshan, Fushun, Benxi, Yingkou and Liaoyang. Taking these cities as the examples, 14 indexes are chosen to assess the risk of groundwater exploitation, such as hydraulic conductivity, annual evaporation, precipitation and so on. The groundwater exploitation risk was classified by using the danger degree criterion of water resources department, and the important index in the single index layer and the general target layer were evaluated using the catastrophe theory. The results show that the risk values of all districts is between 0.7105-0.8799, the maximum value is 0.8799 in the Shenyang, and the minimum value is 0.7105 in the Benxi. Groundwater exploitation risk in the western part of mid-southern of Liaoning province is very high. It is dangerous to exploit and utilize groundwater in these areas.
     The evaluation results show that it is feasible and reasonable to use the catastrophe theory to assess the groundwater exploitation risk. According to the evaluation results, some suggestions were put forward from the law measure, management system, public consciousness and policy lead.
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