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In recent years, serious natural disasters caused serious losses. The geological disaster risk research can help people to understand regularity of outbreak of geological disasters and develop a suitable geological disaster prevention and control measures to reduce or eliminate the human damage. This paper is mainly aimed at sudden geological disasters of Laoshan scenic spot in Qingdao to develop the study on risk, prevention and control, and put forward the practical geological disaster management framework, disaster prevention and mitigation measures. The paper set up comprehensive risk assessment management system in the region.
     This paper study the geological disaster characteristics of Laoshan scenic spot in Qingdao. By collecting, sorting and analysis of the data, which include the site survey, maps and historical document data to determine characteristics of development and distribution of geological disasters of Laoshan scenic spot in Qingdao, and analysis the induced geological hazard factor. The geological disaster risk, vulnerability and risk assessment was finished to analysis the factors with the aid of mathematical analysis model and GIS technology. According to the risk spatial distribution characteristics of the geological hazard to differentiate prevention and control division, the paper put forward geological disaster prevention and control strategy.
     This paper taking Laoshan tourism scenic as an empirical study, the following results were obtained:
     (1) The hazard assessment of geological disasters
     Disaster environment and development characteristics of geological disasters are analyzed in detail. Natural and man-made factors of larger effect on geological disaster were selected to determine the index weight. The paper analysis spatial distribution of geological disasters, disaster mechanism, formation condition analysis using GIS spatial analysis module. According to the geological disaster spatial distribution characteristics to complete the hazard zonation map.
     (2) The vulnerability assessment of geological disasters
     Starting from the two aspects of time and space of vulnerability to research the degree of vulnerability of disaster in Laoshan scenic spot. From the historical statistical data on life distribution, the flow numbers and social economic development data, the vulnerability of the characteristics, the establishment of time vulnerability index system on geological disaster. Analysis results show that the years of economic growth and population changes affects the level of vulnerability in a certain extent. The detailed analysis of the distribution of property and population space was finished in spatial vulnerability evaluation. The paper established geological hazard spatial vulnerability index system, carried out the geological disaster space vulnerability assessment, and completed the mapping of spatial vulnerability zoning map.
     (3) Geological disaster hazard risk evaluation
     Through the study of geological hazards risk and vulnerability analysis, the paper built the risk evaluation index system on the basis of risk evaluation rules, and completed the geological disaster space risk zoning of the Laoshan tourist scenic spot And the monomer geological disaster risk research was carried out to determine the distribution of geological hazards risk.
     (4) Geological disaster risk management
     Geological disaster prevention planning management system is established according to the geological disaster risk zoning,local social and economic development level, the paper existing engineering and measures of prevention and cure, the harm of disaster degree of various factors. Land control plan is put forward based on the current social and economic development, eliminate or reduce the potential geological disasters caused by human economic construction. For geological disasters in high risk areas, the paper establish the monitoring measures to achieve geological hazards information management and real time warning issued by the information management system, and provides sufficient consideration.for regional geological hazards prevention and control planning.
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