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The lake eutrophication is the most important problem in water environment of our country .Most of our country's lake are facing the eutrophication. Thanks to the special surroundings, all the urban lake have on the serious eutrophication status. Shuanglong lake belongs to the serious eutrophication urban lake. In order to process scientific and effective integral control, it is need to process multi-subjects integrate study on the eutrophication of Shuanglong lake.
    On the base of AGP experiment ,the thesis figure that the Shuanglong lake is mostly controlled by phosphorus and coordinated effect by nitrogen and phosphorus; On the control of eutrophication of Shuanglong lake, the most important measure is to control the input of phosphorus and proper control the input of nitrogen, emphases on the destroy the ratio of N/P .This thesis recognize several experience model on the base of water quality data in a year and finally select the Canifield model as the phosphorus model of Shuanglong lake :
    Moreover, this thesis process the math analysis of phosphorus and Chla, apply the regression on the study of the model of phosphorus and Chla and finally educe the model:
     On the base of model, the thesis provide the integrated control measures of shuanglong lake:complete intercept the point sourece of wastewater, utilize the rainflow, erect the zoology decotaminate system, perfect the administration et. At the same time, this article brief the harness effect of some integrated control measures.
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