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All of human economic activities must be implemented in a certain region, so, more and more attentions are paid to the importance of industrial space structure. Industry space structure reflects the spatial distribution of a regional industrial and spatial organization model, which affects regional economic growth through spatial effects, an important indicator of regional economic development. To explore the connotation and evolution of industrial spatial structure in a regional can guide the practice of regional economy and promote regional economy sustainable development.
     Reasons why this dissertation select industry spatial structure of Guangxi Beibu Gulf Economic Zone as topic are following of these:Firstly, economic globalization leads to change industrial space connection. Globalization prompt productive factors to flow extensively and high frequency, seeking the best spatial distribution in global range, profoundly affecting industry structure and spatial distribution. different distribution of benefits leads to regional compete and cooperate, exacerbating the unbalanced nature of economic activity, links between industries no longer limit to regional interior, but spread to overall the country even the world. Secondly, western development strategy generate new economic zone. With the depth of western development and understanding of spatial distribution, western development strategy has been adjusted constantly, three major economic zones programmed in fifteenth period have been specifically implement to Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Zone, Guanzhong-Tianshui Economic Zone and GuangXi Beibu Gulf Economic Zone, In the background of new western development strategy, study on industry spatial structure of Guangxi Beibu Gulf Economic Zone is of great significance obviously. Thirdly, China-ASEAN "M" type of strategic pattern has been taken shape. the main part of "M" strategy is Nanning-Singapore Economic Corridor, while Nanning-Singapore economic corridor will undoubtedly relate to GuangXi Beibu Gulf Economic Zone. based on the three major economic and social background above mentioned, so this dissertation choose industry spatial structure of Guangxi Beibu Gulf Economic Zone as my research topic.
     This dissertation comprehensively employ the theories of regional economics, urban economics and industry economics and so on, from concentration and diffusion of regional economic activity and mechanism of formation and evolution of industry spatial structure, taking GuangXi Beibu Gulf Economic Zone as the research object, this dissertation profoundly analyze restructure and optimization of industry spatial structure in GuangXi Beibu Gulf Economic Zone by means of quantitative analysis, and puts forward suggestions on restructure and optimization of industry spatial structure.
     The structure of this dissertation is arranged from theory to empirical study, mainly contents as follows:
     Chapter 1:The introduction. In this part, we discusses the background, purpose and significance of selecting this topic, then retrospect and elaborate related research on industry spatial structure from foreign and domestic aspects.lastly, we describe the methods used in this dissertation and the frame of the study, then summarize possible innovations and inadequacies of this study.
     Chapter 2:Fundamental theories about regional economic spatial structure. This part respectively elaborates classical location, contemporary location and modern location theories, and a brief review of these theories. On this basis, then elaborate and explore regional division and cooperation theories and regional industry organization theories, strive to construct the theoretical framework for empirical study.
     Chapter 3:The formation and evolution mechanism of regional industry spatial structure. This chapter analyzes the formation and evolution mechanism of regional industry spatial structure respectively from spatial agglomeration and diffusion, industry upgrading and evolution, guiding role of infrastructure and government regulation, in order to provide theoretical support to explore the formation and evolution mechanism of industry spatial structure in GuangXi Beibu Gulf Economic Zone.
     Chapter 4:Overview GuangXi Beibu Gulf Economic Zone. In order to have a general understanding to the scope of this study, this chapter first define the scope, and also introduce the natural geography of "4+2" cities in economic zone. After understanding the natural condition, we further generally describe economic development condition and the current situation of economic development of GuangXi Beibu Gulf Economic Zone, thus to grasp the natural and economic profiles of GuangXi Beibu Gulf Economic Zone.
     Chapter 5:Current situation and problem of industry spatial structure in GuangXi Beibu Gulf Economic Zone. This chapter analyzes industry structure From the proportion of output and employment and comparative labor productivity of three industries in GuangXi Beibu Gulf Economic Zone, based on this, through quantitatively regression models, we compare vertically the internal structure of three industries, Measure three Industry's contribution to economic growth and the difference of productive efficiency of productive factors indifferent industry, thus summarizing problems existing in industry spatial structure in GuangXi Beibu Gulf Economic Zone.
     Chapter 6:Mechanism of formation and evolution of Industrial spatial structure in GuangXi Beibu Gulf Economic Zone. Based on the mechanism of formation and evolution of Industrial spatial structure described in Chapter 3, this chapter systematically elaborates the impact of geographical neighboring, resource complementarities, human society similarity, regional economic policy, industry clustering and diffusion, industry upgrading and infrastructure on the formation and evolution of Industrial spatial structure in GuangXi Beibu Gulf Economic Zone.
     Chapter 7:To analyze rationalization of industrial spatial structure in GuangXi Beibu Gulf Economic Zone. Rationalize of industrial spatial structure involves in rationalization of industrial structure and rationalization of spatial structure. This chapter analyze rationalization of industrial spatial structure in GuangXi Beibu Gulf Economic Zone from the resource endowment, talent and technology, geographic division of labor, industry concentration, urban system and other aspects.
     Chapter8:Suggestions on restructure and optimization of industry spatial structure in GuangXi Beibu Gulf Economic Zone. After analyzing the the current situation and problems of industrial structure and spatial structure in GuangXi Beibu Gulf Economic Zone, supported by mechanism of formation and evolution of Industrial spatial structure, this chapter proposed suggestions on restructure and optimization of industry spatial structure from Strategic objectives, key industries and key regional tripartites in GuangXi Beibu Gulf Economic Zone.
     Chapter 9:The main conclusions and study prospects. This chapter summarizes the main conclusions of the full text from theoretical and empirical aspects, and look forward to the future study on this topic.
     Employing regional economics, industrial economics, development economics, spatial economics, statistics and other related disciplines, based on previous research, this paper explores innovation in the following areas:
     (1) In theory, this paper propose it's own views. Through exploring the basic theories of regional industry space structure, according to the difference of methods and subjects of location theory, this paper sorts location theory to classical location theory and modern location theory. Setting up its theoretical basis from location theory, regional division of labor and cooperation theory, organizational theory of regional industrial space.
     (2) On study perspective. This paper divides evolution mechanism of regional industrial space structure into geographical objective mechanism, market mechanism and government regulation mechanism; it Includes the impact both of the objective factors, but also of the human factors on the evolution of industrial spatial structure.
     (3) On empirical study. This paper analyzes current situation and rationalization of industrial spatial structure in GuangXi Beibu Gulf Economic Zone, holding that industrial spatial structure roughly adapt to resource environment, industry cluster gradually take shape and so on. According to the actual situation of GuangXi Beibu Gulf Economic Zone, This paper suggestes that we should focus on the development of petrochemical, steel, modern logistics, high-tech and other industries, and based on points-axis development model, putting forward "N" type of spatial pattern consist three economic belts.
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