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The research,in virtue of multiple methods such as RS and GIS,deeply explored the environment of soil erosion,susceptibility of soil erosion,ecological risk,and ecological service function.It,making better use of comprehensive assessment and the overlapping method,classified ecological functional regions of soil and water conservation in Shandong Province.In the processes of dealing with data and analyzing samples,a method of quantitative analysis and qualitative description,combined with the interdisciplinary subjects and multiple techniques,was utilized successfully with a feature of multiple overlapping,which could be used for reference of inner or outer peers in similar research fields.This research is the foremost leading product for the whole country.
     It shows that soil erosion is a macroscopic aftermath under the microcosmic effect of multiple environmental factors interacting with each other.A series of factors such as terrain,geology, physiographic types,vegetation,rainfall exert significant influence on soil erosion.At the aspect of physiographic types,there are apparent differences in soil erosion which is mainly aroused by external forces.Vegetations play an important indicating effect in the environment of soil erosion.Typical analysis of observational data from test plots indicated the magnitude of soil erosion is significantly correlative with factors like the length and angle of slope,vegetation types and rainfall intensity.
     There are various degrees of the susceptibilities of soil erosion in Shandong Province.From the distribution of all cities,the regions whose comprehensive index of the susceptibility of soil erosion is more than 4.0(namely high and extreme susceptive regions) are mainly distributed in Lu Mid-south mountains and Jiaodong Low mountains as well as in Lu Northwest sandy plains.The value of comprehensive index for the susceptibility of soil erosion in all cities is intervenient 2.70~3.73,with a mean value of 3.10.The susceptibility of soil erosion is positively correlative with the intensity of soil erosion.
     The mean ecological risking index in Shandong Province is 0.36,which implies that it belongs to mid-degree deflect to low risked types.Within all risked types,fairly low risked type is the most important feature.From the viewpoint of land-use type,the regions with constructive and people's living have high ecological risk,on the contrary,the ecological risk of forestry land is correspondingly the lowest.It indicates human activity has a significant influence on local ecological environment.
     In Shandong Province,the function of four types of land-use such as infield、forest land、grassland and water area which is converted into ecological value is approximately 15.3 billion CHN Yuan,the value of unit area is about 13.6 thousands CHN Yuan.During all cities,the highest proportion of the ecological value is wined by cities Linyi and Yantai.The rare important regions of creature diversity are mainly located at low hills of Jiandong peninsula and middle part of Lu Mid-south mountains.In general,the most important regions of ecological service function in Shandong Province are centralized at Luzhong mountains,the general important regions is located in Yellow River Delta.
     According to the above results and on the basis of other basal materials,it finally plots out 3 first-class、11 second-class and 69 third-class ecological function regions of soil and water conservation over the proince.Effectively to promote the project of enclosing and constructing forestry,reinforce the construction and protection of the forestry of soil and water conservation and the forestry of self-restraint water resource,so as to keep from the destruction of environment and the degradation of ecological function,this has become the main task for soil and water conservation in all regions of ecological function.
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