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Ever since the stochastic stability theory is established and improved, the controllerdesign and stability analysis for stochastic nonlinear systems have achieved remarkable the-oretical results. Due to time-delay phenomena existing in many practical systems, and theexistence of time-delay being often a significant cause of instability and deteriorative per-formance, the study on stochastic nonlinear time-delay systems has received much attentionin recent years. This paper investigated problems of controller design and stability analysisfor several classes of important stochastic、uncertain nonlinear systems. The main contri-butions include:
     1. For a class of stochastic high-order nonlinear systems with stochastic inverse dynam-ics, this chapter investigates state-feedback control problem. Under the assumption thatthe inverse dynamics of the subsystem is stochastic input-to-state stable, by extending theadding a power integrator technique, choosing an appropriate Lyapunov function and usingthe idea of changing supply function, a smooth state-feedback controller is constructed toensure that the equilibrium at the origin of the closed-loop system is globally asymptoticallystable in probability and the states can be regulated to the origin almost surely.
     2. This chapter investigates output-feedback control for a class of stochastic high-ordernonlinear systems with time-varying delay for the first time. By introducing the adding apower integrator technique in the stochastic systems and a rescaling transformation, andchoosing an appropriate Lyapunov-Krasoviskii functional, an output-feedback controller isconstructed to render the closed-loop system globally asymptotically stable in probability,the output can be regulated to the origin almost surely.
     3. The homogeneous domination approach is introduced to solve the state feedback sta-bilization problem for a class of stochastic high-order nonlinear systems with time-varyingdelay. Under the weaker conditions on the drift and difusion terms, by using the homo-geneous domination approach and solving several troublesome obstacles in the design andanalysis procedure, a state feedback controller is constructed to render the closed-loop systemglobally asymptotically stable in probability.
     4. This chapter further discusses the output feedback stabilization problem for stochas-tic high-order nonlinear systems with time-varying delay. Under the weaker conditions onnonlinearities in drift and difusion vector fields, by using the idea of homogeneous dom- ination approach, skillfully choosing an appropriate Lyapunov-Krasoviskii functional, andsuccessfully solving several troublesome obstacles in the design and analysis procedure, anoutput feedback controller is constructed to render the closed-loop system globally asymp-totically stable in probability.
     5. This chapter investigates a class of stochastic feedforward nonlinear systems withtime-varying delay. By introducing the homogeneous domination approach to stochasticsystem, a state feedback controller is constructed to render the closed-loop system globallyasymptotically stable in probability.
     6. This paper studies the problem of decentralized adaptive output feedback stabiliza-tion for a class of interconnected systems with dynamic input and output interactions andnonlinear interactions by using MT-filters and the backstepping design method. It is shownthat the closed-loop decentralized system based on MT-filters is globally uniformly bounded,all the signals except for the parameter estimates can be regulated to zero asymptotically,and the L2and L∞norms of the system outputs are also be bounded by functions of designparameters.
     7. This chapter investigates the problem of adaptive output feedback stabilizationusing MT-filters and the backstepping design method for a class of nonlinear systems withunknown input and output time-delay. It is shown that all the signals in the closed-loopsystem are globally uniformly bounded, and the output can be regulated to zero.
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