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This paper, using modern reservoir description technology and reservoir simulation technology, combining with optimum system principle of oil development, has studied fine reservoir description and development optimum system of Shan Shan low-permeable oil field completely. In order to resolve the questions of reservoir development entirely, improve the exploitation effect in this oil field, turn the bad phases, this paper has studied the optimum system of injection and development. In this paper has used modern reservoir numerical simulation technology , fine description of reservoir; analyzed the parameter sensitivity of the single or more factors in the process of the development; searched the major factors and important contradiction; filtrated and evaluated the matching parameters in all kinds phases; finally, brought forward the entirely adjust projects in every development area of the Shan Shan oil field.
    General, there were four results in this paper:
    Firstly, this paper has used the new technology--Stochastic Modeling technology in the quantitative study of formation, built the macroscopic geology model of San jian fang low-permeable reservoir in Shan shan oil field; searched the adaptation of Stochastic Modeling technology in the constructing of low-permeable geology model , which is often used to construct the reservoir model of middle-high permeable reservoir, through the geology model of typical low-permeable geology model; realized deeply the heterogeneous characteristics of low-permeable reservoir.
    Secondly, based on the fine description of the reservoir, this thesis has researched the dynamic development rule. Every parts and whole oil field have been studied by modern reservoir simulation detailed and deeply. Through these studies, we have realized the distribution of residual oil and opened out the factors which control the residual oil distribution and development conditions.
    Thirdly, based on the above studies, combining the characteristics of active development of Shan shan oil field, the thesis has entirely evaluated and analyzed the oil development
    characteristics; used a lot of investigated evidences which show the primary questions in the process of oil development; gotten the major economic limits in the development in order to adapt the practice of Shan shan oil field.
    Finally, according to the different conflicts of every development part areas, optimum system principle and method have been adopted in this thesis. The adjust principle of "control
    ' '
    according to sorts, adjust by every part area" has been offered; and the adjust projects of every development areas have been supplied. At the same time, the measures have been confirmed for the single well. The optimized and filtrated projects by quantitative prediction have been provided finally for every part areas. .
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