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In various minerals, uranium resources is not only a strategic resource, but alsois an important energy resources, it has a very important position in the nationaldefense and national economy construction. Compared with other countries in theworld, China is not rich of uranium resources, the degree of exploration is far belowthe level of the developed countries, and needs to strengthen the resources explorationand the technology research of comprehensive utilization. With the development ofcomputer information technology,especially the development of geographicinformation technology and3D graphics technology, geographic informationtechnology,3D geological modeling technology and3D visualization technology areapplied to the development and management of solid mineral exploration, which isone of the important research direction of reservation and calculation of mineralresources, it can improve the utilization efficiency of resources, enhance theexploration level and reduce the cost of exploration and management.
     This paper takes uranium ore field of Ruergai area in Sichuan Province as theresearch object. Through the analysis of survey data and deposit structure features inthis area, established a set of3D geological modeling of complex uranium deposit andreserves estimation methods technology system, and also developed the3D modelingand reserves of uranium calculation visualization software system. Through thecomparision of the ore deposit modeling and reserves estimation experiments, verifiedthe correctness of the method and technology, which has an important practicalsignificance for further exploration and development in this area.
     This paper analysis the structure characteristics of mining uranium andexploration data features, proposes the triangular mesh model and the generalizedthree prism element modeling method, which were used to establish surface model orebody and internal attribute distribution of ore body; In the3D modeling, takes the3Dmodeling method based on the profile reconstruction. Considering the specialmetallogenic conditions of the uranium, complex, in the exploration line the edgesharp,as well as the great difference in characteristics of the adjacent line shape of oreexploration, this paper presents a method for3D reconstruction based on contourdeformation technology. First extracted from contour edge orebody exploration line inpolygon, after simplified into a simple polygon, and then the compatible triangulationand polygonal interpolation technique to generate the intermediate polygon, thecorresponding connection to generate3D orebody surface by the bisector method. Inthe internal property modeling, in order to better adapt to the boundary of ore body, the volume element modeling method based on generalized three prism, and therealization of the technology of3D mesh, grid interpolation and boundary treatmentmethods, to construct the internal property model of ore. In the estimation of miningarea reserves,this paper proposed the Kriging reserve estimation method of thecombination of3D geological model. Through the experimental variation functioncalculation of the sample data, using Kriging interpolation algorithm to generate3Dorebody distribution; Then the constraint on the boundary of the orebody tasteorebody surface model, finally orebody reserve produced by the statistical elementnumber and the amount of resources. This paper also study and realize the3Dvisualization and interaction techniques in the process of modeling, such as MCalgorithm, LOD algorithm,3D graphics options, rotation, scaling, paraffin sections,graph cut and virtual roaming.
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