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     论文研究的出发点主要有两个:一是以社会互动(social interaction)为媒介,观察个体的消费决策与参照群体的消费行为之间的联系,以及作用的机理。这里提到的社会互动,最初源于社会学的概念,指人与人之间在特定社会情境中相互作用,彼此影响,从经济学上讲,这种影响“并不直接在市场上通过价格变化而产生”(Baker and Murphy,2000)。参照群体因研究背景而异,可以是个体的家庭、朋友、邻居或同事等有一定往来的群体(Scheinkman,2005),但他们都必须源自基于个体感受的共同的社会距离空间(Akerlof,1997)。其意义在于,社会互动作为信息传播的有效途径之一,能够使互动群体获得信息而免于或支付较少的成本,另一方面,群体的行为会对个体起到示范作用并相互影响,例如一个新产品进入市场,随着消费的人数逐渐增多,潜在消费者会通过更多的人群互动获得信息,或受到影响而进行消费,这就是消费理论中提出的溢出效应,或者叫外部性。如果是正向的溢出,对消费会形成促进,却不需要改变商品价格或其他外部属性。在政策层面,公共政策可以通过社会互动而放大其效果,这就是所谓的“社会乘数”(social multiplier),社会乘数的存在将有助于提高公共政策的有效性(Becker and Murphy,2000)。例如,自2008年底以来,我国相继制定了家电、建材下乡、新型节能电器消费补贴等一系列针对耐用品消费,拉动内需的政策,在短期内已显示其效果,如果消费活动中存在溢出效应,补贴不但会增大当期的购买,对潜在的消费者也将形成间接的促进作用。比如,对存在社会乘数效应的消费品提供一定补贴,即使补贴终止后,正的外部性也将对带动长期消费形成一定的持续作用。我们要证实的,就是消费活动中是否确实存在溢出效应,所选择的媒介便是人与人的社会互动(当然,还可能有广告、媒体等作为其他的渠道),并探讨溢出效应产生的内在机制,以及出现社会乘数效应的商品特征。
     第三章基于社会互动理论,验证消费活动中存在的溢出效应,并探讨溢出效应的形成机制。本章建立了社会互动过程的理论模型,并采用由中国国家统计局农调队进行的,覆盖全国范围的城郊、乡镇和农村家庭的耐用品消费调查数据,构建线性概率模型和风险函数(Harzard function)分解,并运用代理变量和工具变量的两阶段最小二乘法回归,得出较为稳健的结果。
     第五章,在第四部分研究的基础上进一步拓展,构建离散选择连续内生解释变量模型(Discret Choice Model with Continous Edougenous Explanatory Variables),侧重讨论自我保护和自我保险理论的区别及不同的决定因素,并研究在支付成本可预期与不可完全预期的情况下消费者行为的差异。
     2、预防性储蓄理论最主要的结论在于:不确定性同财富积累之间有正相关关系,不确定性越高,财富的预防性积累越多(Fisher,1956:Skinner, 1988;Guiso,Terlizzese,1992);个人对当前收入或财富更加敏感,同时对预期的将来收入有较低反应(Zeldes,1989).我们通过汶川地震的自然实验,发现消费者在灾害之后会实施自我保护的措施,主要通过增大预防性消费来实现,例如,地震后偏好较低的楼层或者建筑质量更好的房屋,甚至进行区域迁移。由于同时存在伤亡风险和财产风险,我们得到与以往研究不同的结论:不确定性与预防性消费不完全是正相关关系,会由收入差异而不同。低收入者会根据不确定性的大小选择预防性消费,二者是正相关的;然而,高收入者的预防性消费不受风险大小的影响,过去发生的突发事件成为显示信号,无论未来风险如何,高收入者会进行更多的预防性消费。地震后,消费者更青睐较低的居住楼层;高收入群体有更强的风险厌恶程度,将在震后选择质量更好的房屋;区域性的购房优惠补贴政策对大中城市商品房市场将起到一定的稳定作用。
Price theory is the key of whole traditional economics, and the forming of prices always relies on various consumers'independent reaction to market signals. Accordingly, the actors who only react to market signals are the subjects of economic theory. However, in the reality, we are always exposed to the vital influence from culture, standard, social structure etc, which refered as "non-market factors", conducting differencial consuming structure in various country or areas. Therefore, we focus on the microscopic consumer behavior of China's residents under specific culture, system, events or policies, explore non-market factors affecting on consumption, and give our assessment to policies.
     Consumption is the important factor for economic growth, how to improve the houshoulds'consumption level is the focus of our coconomic research.We study individual and groups'consumption behavior based on the views of social interaction and uncertainty. We use the data of rural durable consumtion before 1999, testing the spillover effect in consumption behavior, and explore the reason of it. We find that the durable consumption of rural households are significant influenced by other villigers'consumtion behavior, and confirm that the social interaction in the consumtion behavior will lead to spillover, especially when a new product put in market or a househoid's first purchase, and the reason of spillover is people's social leaning and imformation shareing.
     Self-protection theory shows that with the increasing of uncertainty, risk avoider will do something to decrease the probability or degree of loss. Based on the survey data collected in the major cities affected by the Wenchuan earthquake, we find consumers will do self-protection after disaster, and various factors influence the cost of self-protection. Consumers'over-estimate risk mainly demonstrated on living at lower floors and in safer areas. People with high education degree, high incomes and non-local Hukou have higher propensity to move out of those regions seriously affected by the earthquake. In order to defend risk, higher-income people prefer high-quality house after earthquake. Our findings also suggest that favorable policies for housing purchase play roles in stabilizing housing consumption in the affected cities.
     Based on the survey data collected in the major cities affected by the earthquake, this study looks at the impacts of uncertain events and information on housing consumption. Our results show that under the family budget constraint, housholds'long and short incomes are major determinants of earthquake risk hedging behavior to house buyers. When the self-protect cost can not be exactly anticipated, the Gender and family features are shown to play important roles in determining individuals' degree of aversion to earthquake risk, whereas we cannot find the significant psychological impact on housing preferences. After earthquake, the higher-income people more care about housing quality, which will enlarge the need for high quality house. Female, the family with child and people living in heavy-loss city pay more attention on aseismatic intensity. Our results also test the different reasons for self-insurance and self-protection.
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