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Since Raffles founded Singapore in 1819, missionaries have begun their work in Singapore. Before 1949, the development of overseas Chinese Christianity in Singapore experienced four stages presumably. The author considers that public welfare work supported by Singapore church, including education, medical service and publication, effectively promote its development. The author shows the specificity of the development history of Singapore Christianity by expounding the difficulties encountered in missionary, and describes the impact of racial differences by analyzing the relationship between Singapore Christianity and various races. The aim of this paper is to study the church communication and relationship between Singapore and South China, analysis of the cultural identity of the Chinese Christian, and finally determine Singapore a proper position in the church network.
    ②杜维明认为“文化中国”包括三层象征世界。第一象征世界,表述了“文化中国”最基本的内涵,即西方所谓的Greater China,它涵盖中国大陆、台湾、港澳和新加坡地区,当然也包括这些地区的少数民族。第二象征世界是指中国大陆和港、台、新以外的、散布并侨居于世界各地的由华人所组成的包括东亚、东南亚、南亚、太平洋地带乃至北美、欧洲、拉美、非洲等世界各地的“华人社会”。第三象征世界是指和中国既无血缘又未必有婚姻关系,但和中国文化结了不解之缘的世界各阶层人士。
    ①杜维明认为“文化中国”包括三层象征世界。第一象征世界,表述了“文化中国”最基本的内涵,即西方所谓的Greater China,它涵盖中国大陆、台湾、港澳和新加坡地区,当然也包括这些地区的少数民族。第二象征世界是指中国大陆和港、澳、‘台、新以外的、散布并侨居于世界各地的由华人所组成的包括东亚、东南亚、南亚、太平洋地带乃至北美、欧洲、拉美、非洲等世界各地的“华人社会”。第三象征世界是指和中国既无血缘又未必有婚姻关系,但和中国文化结了不解之缘的世界各阶层人士。
    ⑤指马鞍山,为宾坦(Bintan)岛上的大小宾坦山;另一说在马塔姆(Batam)岛东北端的岛岬(Tanjong Burong).
    ⑦ J. A. B. Cook, The Chinese in and around the Straits Settlements [A]. Records of the General Conference of the Protestant Missionaries to China, Shanghai,1890 [Ml. Shanghai:American Presbyterian Mission Press,1890,P. 676.
    ⑧ T.J. Newbold, Political and Statistical Account of the British Settlements in the Straits of Malacca, London:John Murray,1839, P.2.
    ⑨ James Y.K. Wong, The Church In Singapore, National Council of Churches of Singapore,1998, P.1.
    ① Leow Bee Geok, Census of Population 2000. Advance Data Release, Singapore Department of Statistics, P. ⅹⅳ.
    ② James Y.K. Wong, The Church In Singapore, National Council of Churches of Singapore,1998, P.7.
    ②李防等《太平御览》卷787页3485中载:“吴时康泰为中郎,表上《扶南土俗》:拘利正东行,极崎头,海边有居人,人皆有尾五六寸,名蒲罗中国,其俗食人。”蒲罗中国,一说在马来西亚的柔佛和新加坡一带;一说在泰国的佛统(Nakhon Pathom)一带。
    ⑥陈育崧和许云樵分别在《一八一九年以前的新加坡》和《马来亚史》中均考订“凌牙门”即为新加坡,然而也有学者认为凌牙门为印度尼西亚的Lingga Strait或Berhala Strait.
    ⑧C.M. Turnbull, A History of Singapore (1819-1975), Oxford University Press,1977, P.2.
    [11]. M. Turnbull, A History of Singapore (1819-1975), Oxford University Press,1977, P.4.
    ① S. Raffles, Memoirs of the Life and Public Services of Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles, London,1830, Vol.2, P.37.
    ④ James Y.K. Wong, The Church In Singapore, National Council of Churches of Singapore,1998, P.3.
    ⑤据文西阿都拉(Monshi Abdullah,1797-1854)在自传The Hikayat Abdullah中回忆,他曾和汤生在1819年五六月间去过新加坡,但Robert M. Greer对此表示存疑。
    ⑥ S. Raffles, Memoirs of the Life and Public Services of Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles, London,1830, Vol.2, P.37.
    ⑦ Robert M. Greer, A History of The Presbyterian Church in Singapore, Singapore:Malaya Publishing House,1959, P.7.
    ① Robert M. Greer, A History of The Presbyterian Church in Singapore, Singapore:Malaya Publishing House,1959, PP.7-8.
    ② Alexander Wylie, Memorials of Protestant missionaries to the Chinese:giving a list of their publications, and obituary notices of the deceased, shanghae, American Presbyterian mission press,1867, P.49.
    ③ Alexander Wylie, Memorials of Protestant missionaries to the Chinese:giving a list of their publications, and obituary notices of the deceased, shanghae, American Presbyterian mission press,1867, PP.50-51.
    ④ Alexander Wylie, Memorials of Protestant missionaries to the Chinese:giving a list of their publications, and obituary notices of the deceased, shanghae, American Presbyterian mission press,1867, PP.103-104.
    ⑤孙耀光(Bobby E.K.Sng):《在他手中——新加坡教会史(1819-1978)》(In His Good Time),基督徒学生福音团契华文组,1987年,页41。
    ① Richard Lovett, The history of the London Missionary Society (1795-1895), London; Henry Frowde,1899, P.743.②1875年去逝前一直都在新加坡传教。
    ③ Brief History of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions in China, P.14.转引自吴义雄:《在宗教与世俗之间——基督教新教传教士在华南沿海的早期活动研究》,广东教育出版社,2000年3月,页81。
    ④ "letter from Ira Tracy", August 10,1835, Missionary Herald, Vol.32, PP.59-60.
    ⑤ Alexander Wylie, Memorials of Protestant missionaries to the Chinese:giving a list of their publications, and obituary notices of the deceased, shanghae, American Presbyterian mission press,1867, P.79.
    ⑥ Alexander Wylie, Memorials of Protestant missionaries to the Chinese:giving a list of their publications, and obituary notices of the deceased, shanghae, American Presbyterian mission press,1867, P.82.
    ⑦孙耀光(Bobby E. K.Sng):《在他手中——新加坡教会史(1819-1978)》(In His Good Time),基督徒学生福音团契华文组,1987年,页27。
    ①孙耀光(Bobby E.K.Sng):《在他手中——新加坡教会史(1819-1978)》(In His Good Time),基督徒学生福音团契华文组,1987年,页27。
    ② Alexander Wylie, Memorials of Protestant missionaries to the Chinese:giving a list of their publications, and obituary notices of the deceased, shanghae, American Presbyterian mission press,1867, P.94.
    ③ Alexander Wylie, Memorials of Protestant missionaries to the Chinese:giving a list of their publications, and obituary notices of the deceased, shanghae, American Presbyterian mission press,1867, P.97.
    ④ Alexander Wylie, Memorials of Protestant missionaries to the Chinese:giving a list of their publications, and obituary notices of the deceased, shanghae, American Presbyterian mission press,1867, P.107.
    ⑤ Alexander Wylie, Memorials of Protestant missionaries to the Chinese:giving a list of their publications, and obituary notices of the deceased, shanghae, American Presbyterian mission press,1867, P.110.
    ⑥ Rufus Anderson:Memorial volume of the First Fifty Years of the American Board of Commissioners For Foreign Missions, Boston:Published By The Board,1861, P.423.
    ⑦ Alexander Wylie, Memorials of Protestant missionaries to the Chinese:giving a list of their publications, and obituary notices of the deceased, shanghae, American Presbyterian mission press,1867, P.107.
    ① Alexander Wylie, Memorials of Protestant missionaries to the Chinese:giving a list of their publications, and obituary notices of the deceased, shanghae, American Presbyterian mission press,1867, P.128.
    ② Eugene Stock, History of the Church Missionary Society, London:Church Missionary Society, Vol. PP.467-468.
    ③ Alexander Wylie, Memorials of Protestant missionaries to the Chinese:giving a list of their publications, and obituary notices of the deceased, shanghae, American Presbyterian mission press,1867, P.128.
    ④ Lady Sophia Raffles, Memoir of the Life and Public Services of Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles, FRC ect. Particularly in the Government of India,1811-1816 and of Bencoolen and Its Dependencies,1817-1824; with Details of Commerce and Resources of the Eastern Archipelago, and Selection from His Correspondence, London:John Murray,1830, P.383.崔贵强《新加坡华人——从开埠到建国》中认为,此数字似乎有所夸大。
    ⑤ David Abeel, Journal of a Residence in China and the Neighboring Countries, with a Preliminary Essay, on the Commencement and Progress of Missions in the World, New York:Abeel Williamson,1836, PP.257-258.
    ① E. Thio, "The Singapore Chinese Protectorate, Events and Conditions Leading to Its Establishment,1823-1877",《南洋学报》,16卷,1、2期,1960年,页79。转引自崔贵强《新加坡华大——从开埠到建国》,新加坡宗乡会馆联合总会,1994年,页12。
    ② David Abeel, Journal of a Residence in China and the Neighboring Countries, with a Preliminary Essay, on the Commencement and Progress of Missions in the World, New York:Abeel Williamson,1836, P.259.
    ③ Roland John Braddell, Gilbert Edward Brooke, Walter Makepeace, One hundred Years of Singapore, being some account of the capital of the Straits Settlements from its foundation by Sir Stamford Raffles on the 6th February 1819 to the 6th February 1919, London:Murray,1921, Vol.2, P.236.
    ④ David Abeel, Journal of a Residence in China and the Neighboring Countries, with a Preliminary Essay, on the Commencement and Progress of Missions in the World, New York:Abeel Williamson,1836, P.259.
    ① Missionary Herald, Vol.32, P.14.
    ②孙耀光[Bobby E. K. Sng):《在他手中——新加坡教会史(1819-1978)》 (In His Good Time),基督徒学生福音团契华文组,1987年,页27。另Roland John Braddell, Gilbert Edward Brooke, Walter Makepeace, One hundred Years of Singapore, London:Murray,1921, Vol.2, P.235.
    ③ David Abeel, Journal of a Residence in China and the Neighboring Countries, New York:Abeel Williamson,1836, P.259.
    ④ E. C. Bridgman to the American Board, March 7,1837, ABCFM Papers,16.3.8. Vol. IA.转引自吴义雄:《在宗教与世俗之间——基督教新教传教士在华南沿海的早期活动研究》,广东教育出版社,2000年3月,页393。
    ⑤ Roland John Braddell, Gilbert Edward Brooke, Walter Makepeace, One hundred Years of Singapore, London: Murray,1921, Vol.2, P.236.
    ⑥ David Abeel, Journal of a Residence in China and the Neighboring Countries, with a Preliminary Essay, on the Commencement and Progress of Missions in the World, New York:Abeel Williamson,1836, P.258.
    ⑦ Roland John Braddell, Gilbert Edward Brooke, Walter Makepeace, One hundred Years of Singapore,, London: Murray,1921, Vol.2, P.236.
    ①James Y.K. Wong, The Church In Singapore, National Council of Churches of Singapore,1998, P.3.
    ② Roland John Braddell, Gilbert Edward Brooke, Walter Makepeace, One hundred Years of Singapore,, London: Murray,1921, Vol.2, P.236.
    ③ De Jong, Gerald F. the Reformed Church in China,1842-1951, William B. Eerdmans Publish Co.1992, PP.24,41.转引自吴义雄:《在宗教与世俗之间——基督教新教传教士在华南沿海的早期活动研究》,广东教育出版社,2000年3月,页393。
    ④ J. A. B. Cook, The Chinese in and around the Straits Settlements [A]. Records of the General Conference of the Protestant Missionaries to China, Shanghai,1890[M]. Shanghai:American Presbyterian Mission Press,1890, P. 677.
    ① Robert M. Greer, A History of The Presbyterian Church in Singapore, Singapore:Malaya Publishing House,1959, PP.21-22.
    ②今天新加坡的布连拾街(Prinsep Street)。
    ③也被人们称为纪魄礼教堂(Greja Keasberry),今天新加坡的磐石堂(Prinsep Street Presbyterian Church)。
    ④孙耀光(Bobby E.K.Sng):《在他手中——新加坡教会史(1819-1978)》(In His Good Time),基督徒学生福音团契华文组,1987年,页43-45。
    ⑤ I. A. B. Cook, Sunny Singapore, An Account of the Place and its People, with a Sketch of the Results of Missionary work,1907, P.60.
    ⑥ Prinsep Street Presbyterian Church,150 Years of Faithfulness(1843-1993), P.12.
    ⑦孙耀光(Bobby E.K.Sng):《在他手中——新加坡教会史(1819-1978)》(In His Good Time),基督徒学生福音团契华文组,1987年,页86。
    ⑧孙耀光(Bobby E.K.Sng):《在他手中——新加坡教会史(1819-1978)》(In His Good Time),基督徒学生福音团契华文组,1987年,页53-54。
    ⑨E. A. Walker, Sophia Cooke or Forty-two Years'Work in Singapore, London:Elliot Stock,1899, P.37.
    ① The Malaysia Message, November 1895, P.12.
    ② Robert M. Greer, A History of The Presbyterian Church in Singapore, Singapore:Malaya Publishing House,1959, P.34.
    ③孙耀光(Bobby E.K.Sng):《在他手中——新加坡教会史(1819-1978)》(In His Good Time),基督徒学生福音团契华文组,1987年,页61-62。
    ④ Song Ong Siang, One Hundred Years' History of the Chinese in Singapore, Chinese Materials Center, Inc. San Francisco,1975, PP.93-94.另见 Robert M. Greer, A History of The Presbyterian Church in Singapore, Singapore: Malaya Publishing House,1959, PP.50-51.
    ⑤ Robert M. Greer, A History of The Presbyterian Church in Singapore, Singapore:Malaya Publishing House,1959, P.51.
    ⑥ Robert M. Greer, A History of The Presbyterian Church in Singapore, Singapore:Malaya Publishing House,1959, P.55.
    ①孙耀光(Bobby E.K.Sng):《在他手中——新加坡教会史(1819-1978)》(In His Good Time),基督徒学生福音团契华文组,1987年,页65。
    ②Robert M.Greer,A History of The Presbyterian Church in Singapore,Singapore:Malaya Publishing House,1959, P.53.
    ①苏瑞福(Saw Swee-Hock):《新加坡人口研究》,厦门大学出版社,2009年3月,页29。
    ②孙耀光(Bobby E.K.Sng):《在他手中——新加坡教会史(1819-1978)》(In His Good Time),基督徒学生福音团契华文组,1987年,页62。
    ③ C. B. Buckley, An Anecdotal History of Old Times in Singapore 1819-1867, Univ of Malaya Press,1969, P.543,转引自孙耀光(Bobby E.K.Sng):《在他手中——新加坡教会史(1819-1978)》 (In His Good Time),基督徒学生福音团契华文组,1987年,页49。
    ④ Song Ong Siang, One Hundred Years' History of the Chinese in Singapore, Chinese Materials Center, Inc. San Francisco,1975, P.83.
    ①Saw Swee Hock,Singapore Population in Transition,Philadelphia University Pennsylvania press,1970,P.56.
    ②Robert M.Greet,A History of The Presbyterian Church in Singapore,Singapore:Malaya Publishing House,1959, PP.77-78.
    ③J.A.B.Cook,Sunny Singapore,An Accout of the Place and its People,with a Sketch of the Results of Missionary work,1907,P.57.
    ④Robert M.Greer,A History of The Presbyterian Church in Singapore,Singapore:Malaya Publishing House,1959, P.79.
    ⑤Robert M.Greer,A History of The Presbyterian Church in Singapore,Singapore:Malaya Publishing House,1959, P.80.
    ⑥Robert M.Greer,A History of The Presbyterian Church in Singapore,Singapore:Malaya Publishing House,1959, P.85.
    ① J. A. B. Cook, The Chinese in and around the Straits Settlements [A]. Records of the General Conference of the Protestant Missionaries to China, Shanghai,1890 [M]. Shanghai:American Presbyterian Mission Press,1890, P. 679.
    ② Robert M. Greer, A History of The Presbyterian Church in Singapore, Singapore:Malaya Publishing House,1959, P.88.
    ② Yen Ching-hwang, The Overseas Chinese and the 1911 Revolution, Kuala Lumpur,1976, P.38.转引自梁元生:《宗教与革命:早期新加坡华人基督徒对中国革命运动的反应》,《十字莲花:基督教与中国历史文化论集》,2004年。
    ① Song Ong Siang, One Hundred Years'History of the Chinese in Singapore, London,1902, Kuala Lumpur,1984, P. 363.
    ② J. A. B. Cook, Sunny Singapore, An Account of the Place and its People, with a Sketch of the Results of Missionary work,1907, PP.62-63.
    ③ J. A. B. Cook, Sunny Singapore, An Account of the Place and its People, with a Sketch of the Results of Missionary work,1907, P.63转引自孙耀光(Bobby E. K. Sng):《在他手中——新加坡教会史(1819-1978)》(In His Good Time).基督徒学生福音团契华文组,1987年,页89。
    ④ J. A. B. Cook, Sunny Singapore, An Account of the Place and its People, with a Sketch of the Results of Missionary work,1907, P.55.
    ⑤孙耀光(Bobby E.K. Sng):《在他手中——新加坡教会史(1819-1978)》(In His Good Time),基督徒学生福音团契华文组,1987年,页87-88。
    ⑥孙耀光(Bobby E.K. Sng):《在他手中——新加坡教会史(1819-1978)》(In His Good Time),基督徒学生福音团契华文组,1987年,页90。
    ⑦孙耀光(Bobby E.K. Sng):《在他手中——新加坡教会史(1819-1978)》(In His Good Time),基督徒学生福音团契华文组,1987年,页71。
    ① Theodore R Doraisamy, Forever Beginning-One Hundred Years of Methodism in Singapore, The Methodist Church In Singapore,1985, P.8.
    ② W. F. Oldham, Thoburn:Called of God,1913, PP.132-133转引自孙耀光(Bobby E.K.Sng):《在他手中——新加坡教会史(1819-1978)》(In His Good Time),基督徒学生福音团契华文组,1987年,页92。
    ②这时圣公会拥有3间学校:一间是1862年周来发(Cheok Lai Fatt)圣安德烈学校:另外一间是柯苏菲主持的华人女子学校,后易名为圣玛格烈学校(St. Margaret's School);还有一间则是1934年圣公会接收的私人学校,也就是今天的圣希尔德学校(St. Hilda's School).
    ① Visions Unfold-The Diocese of Singapore, Kairos Design,1999, P.32.
    ■ C. E Ferguson-Davie, In Rubber Lands-An Account of the Work of the Church in Malaya, London:The Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts,1921.
    ③孙耀光(Bobby E.K.Sng):《在他手中——新加坡教会史(1819-1978)》(In His Good Time),基督徒学生福音团契华文组,1987年,页148。
    ④ James Y.K. Wong, The Church In Singapore, National Council of Churches of Singapore,1998, P.5.
    ①J.A.B.Cook,Sunny Singapore,An Account of the Place and its People,with a Sketch of the Results Missionary work,1907,P.55.
    ①孙耀光(Bobby E.K. Sng):《在他手中——新加坡教会史(1819-1978)》(In His Good Time),基督徒学生福音团契华文组,1987年,页88。
    ②孙耀光(Bobby E. K. Sng):《在他手中——新加坡教会史(1819-1978)》(In His Good Time),基督徒学生福音团契华文组,1987年,页129。
    ③The Malaysia Message, March 1928, P.4.
    ①表五资料主要来自James Y.K. Wong, The Church In Singapore, National Council of Churches of Singapore,1998, P.5,以及朱峰:《殖民地处境下的华人基督教——以近代东南亚华人社会为例》,《福建师范大学学报》(哲学社会科学报),2005年第2期,页124。
    ② Straits Settlements Legislative Council Proceedings (SSLCP),1885,C15转引自崔贵强《新加坡华人——从开埠到建国》,新加坡宗乡会馆联合总会,1994年,页11。
    ① J. A. B. Cook, Sunny Singapore, An Account of the Place and its People, with a Sketch of the Results of Missionary work,1907, P.55.
    ④ Kang Jew Koon, The Chinese in Singapore during the Japanese Occupation 1942-1945,新加坡国立大学历史系荣誉班论文,1980/81,页17。转引自崔贵强《新加坡华人——从开埠到建国》,新加坡宗乡会馆联合总会,1994年,页215。
    ⑤具体死亡人数说法不一,日本承认的死亡人数为5、6千人,陈嘉庚估计也为5000人,1946年的新加坡年鉴(Singapore Annual Report for 1946)的数字则为2万人,崔贵强认为较准确的数字应为1万人。
    ⑥ John Hayter & Jack Bennitt, The War and After Series No.2. Singapore, The Society for the Propagation of the Gospel,1946, P.14.
    ①John Hayter & Jack Bennitt,The War and After Series No.2.Singapore,The Society for the Pronagation of the Gospel,1946,PP.14-15.
    ②孙耀光(Bobby E.K.Sng):《在他手中——新加坡教会史(1819-1978)》(In His Good Time),基督徒学生福音团契华文组,1987年,页171-172。
    ③The Malaysia Message,February 1929,P.11.
    ① Robert M. Greer, A History of The Presbyterian Church in Singapore, Singapore:Malaya Publishing House, 1959, P.1.
    ①G.Y. Hean [and others],150 Years of Education in Singapore, TTC Publications, P.16.
    ②G.Y. Hean [and others],150 Years of Education in Singapore, TTC Publications, P.16.
    ③G.Y. Hean [and others],150 Years of Education in Singapore, TTC Publications, P.17-18.
    ① Leong Fong Lai, Pauline, Methodism and Education in Singapore,1886-1914, An Academic Exercise Submitted in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts With Honours in History, Nan Yang Technological University, February 1997, PP.12-15.
    ② Straits Settlements Annual Education Reports 1887,1896,1904,1914,转引自Leong Fong Lai, Pauline, Methodism and Education in Singapore,1886-1914, An Academic Exercise Submitted in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts With Honours in History, NanYang Technological University, February 1997, P.17.
    ① Leong Fong Lai, Pauline, Methodism and Education in Singapore,1886-1914, An Academic Exercise Submitted in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts With Honours in History, Nan Yang Technological University, February 1997, P.22.
    ② Wong Hoy Kee & Gwee Yee Hean (eds.), Official Reports On Education:Straits Settlements and the Federated Malay States,1870-1939,1980.P.39.
    ③ Leong Fong Lai, Pauline, Methodism and Education in Singapore,1886-1914, An Academic Exercise Submitted in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts With Honours in History, Nan Yang Technological University, February 1997, P.35.
    ④ The Malaysia Message, January 1907. See also Theodore R. Doraisamy, Oldham:Called of God,1979, P.44.
    ① Wong Hoy Kee, Perspectives:The Development of Education in Malaysia and Singapore,1972, P.15.
    ② The Malaysia Message, February 1898, P.56.
    ③ Minutes of the Malaysia Mission Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church,1892, PP.15-16.
    ④ Minutes of the Malaysia Mission Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church,1895, PP.21-22.
    ⑤ Minutes of the Malaysia Mission Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church,1895, P.39.
    ① Minutes of the Malaysia Mission Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church,1895, P.55.
    ③ J. H. Hgines, A History of the Methodist Church in Malaya,1956, P.82,转引自孙耀光(Bobby E. K. Sng):《在
    ② The Methodist Message, November 1938.他手中——新加坡教会史(1819-1978)》(In His Good Time),基督徒学生福音团契华文组,1987年,页135-136。
    ④孙耀光(Bobby E. K. Sng):《在他手中——新加坡教会史(1819-1978)》(In His Good Time),基督徒学生福音团契华文组,1987年,页136。
    ⑤ Minutes of the Malaysia Mission Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church,1902, P.93.
    ① Song Ong Siang, One Hundred Years' History of the Chinese in Singapore, Chinese Materials Center, Inc. San Francisco,1975,P.292.
    ②T.R. Doraisamy, Oldham:Called of God,1979, P.40.
    ③ Song Ong Siang, One Hundred Years' History of the Chinese in Singapore, Chinese Materials Center, Inc. San Francisco,1975, PP.291-292.
    ④ Leong Fong Lai, Pauline, Methodism and Education in Singapore,1886-1914, An Academic Exercise Submitted in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts With Honours in History, Nan Yang Technological University, February 1997, P.35.
    ① Brief History of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions in China, P.14.转引自吴义雄:《在宗教与世俗之间——基督教新教传教士在华南沿海的早期活动研究》,广东教育出版社,2000年3月,页81。
    ② Alexander Wylie, Memorials of Protestant missionaries to the Chinese:giving a list of their publications, and obituary notices of the deceased, shanghae, American Presbyterian mission press,1867, P.79.
    ③ "letter from Ira Tracy", August 10,1835, Missionary Herald, Vol.32, PP.59-60.
    ④ Alexander Wylie, Memorials of Protestant missionaries to the Chinese:giving a list of their publications, and obituary notices of the deceased, shanghae, American Presbyterian mission press,1867, P.82.
    ⑤孙耀光(3obby E.K.Sng):《在他手中——新加坡教会史(1819-1978)》(In His Good Time),基督徒学生福音团契华文组,1987年,页27。
    ⑥爱德华.V吉利克(Edward V.Gulick),《伯驾与中国的开放》,广西师范大学出版社,2008年9月,页36。
    ① Rev. B. F. West, Chinese Work of the M. E. Mission, the Malaysia Message. Sentember 1891. P.7.
    ②孙耀光(Bobby E.K.Sng):《在他手中——新加坡教会史(1819-1978)》(In His Good Time),基督徒学生福音团契华文组,1987年,页101。
    ④ Rev. B. F. West, Chinese Work of the M. E. Mission, the Malaysia Message, September 1891,P.7.
    ① Loh Keng Aun, Fifty Years of the Anglican Church in Singapore Island 1909-1959, The Department of History University of Singapore,1963, PP.34-35.
    ②孙耀光(Bobby E. K. Sng):《在他手中——新加坡教会史(1819-1978)》(In His Good Time),基督徒学生福音团契华文组,1987年,页128。
    ③ Singapore Diocesan Association Annual Report 1935, P.60,1936. P.60,1937, P.48.
    ①孙耀光(Bobby E.K. Sng):《在他手中——新加坡教会史(1819-1978)》(In His Good Time).基督徒学生福音团契华文组,1987年,页129。
    ② Memoirs of the Life and Labours of Robert Morrison, Vol.1, PP.385-387.
    ④ Byrd, Cecil K. Early Printing in the Straits Settlements 1806-1858:A Preliminary Inquiry, Singapore:Singapore National Library,1970, P.13.
    ① Missionary Herald, Vol.32, P.14.
    ②孙耀光(Bobby E. K. Sng):《在他手中——新加坡教会史(1819-1978)》(In His Good Time),基督徒学生福音团契华文组,1987年,页27。另Roland John Braddell, Gilbert Edward Brooke, Walter Makepeace, One hundred Years of Singapore, London:Murray,1921, Vol.2, P.235.
    ③ David Abeel, Journal of a Residence in China and the Neighboring Countries, New York:Abeel Williamson,1836, P.259.
    ④ E. C. Bridgman to the American Board, March 7,1837, ABCFM Papers,16.3.8. Vol. IA.转引自吴义雄:《在宗教与世俗之间——基督教新教传教士在华南沿海的早期活动研究》,广东教育出版社,2000年3月,页393。
    ⑤ Roland John Braddell, Gilbert Edward Brooke, Walter Makepeace, One hundred Years of Singapore, London: Murray,1921, Vol.2, P.236.
    ⑥ The Malaysia Message, November 1897, P.38.
    ① Byrd, Cecil K. Early Printing in the Straits Settlements 1806-1858:A Preliminary Inquiry, Singapore:Singapore
    ②孙耀光(Bobby E.K.Sng):《在他手中——新加坡教会史(1819-1978)》National Library,1970, P.13. (In His Good Time),基督徒学生福音团契华文组,1987年,页55。
    ③孙耀光(Bobby E.K.Sng):《在他手中——新加坡教会史(1819-1978)》(In His Good Time),基督徒学生福音团契华文组,1987年,页103。
    ④ The Malaysia Message, March 1928, P.4.
    ① David Abeel, Journal of a Residence in China and the Neighboring Countries, with a Preliminary Essay, on the Commencement and Progress of Missions in the World, New York:Abeel Williamson,1836, PP.257-258.
    ② J. A. B. Cook, Sunny Singapore, An Account of the Place and its People, with a Sketch of the Results of Missionary work,1907, P.55.
    ② J. A. B.Cook, Sunny Singapore, An Account of the Place and its People, with a Sketch of the Results of Missionary work,1907, P.55.
    ① R. Little, On the Habitual Use of Opium in Singapore, in JIA, Vol.2,1848, PP.2 & 66.
    ③ J. A. B. Cook, Sunny Singapore, An Account of the Place and its People, with a Sketch of the Results of Missionary work,1907, P.80.
    ④ W. Milne, Retrospect of the First Ten Years of the Protestant Mission to China, Malacca,1820, P.318.
    ① Rev. B. F. West, Chinese Work of the M. E. Mission, the Malaysia Message, September 1891, P.7.
    ② J. A. B. Cook, Sunny Singapore, An Account of the Place and its People, with a Sketch of the Results of Missionary work,1907, P.80.
    ③ W.Milne, Retrospect of the First Ten Years of the Protestant Mission to China, Malacca,1820,P.168.
    ④孙耀光(Bobby E.K.Sng):《在他手中——新加坡教会史(1819-1978)》(In His Good Time),基督徒学生福音团契华文组,1987年,页86-87。
    ⑤ J. A. B. Cook, Work of the Presbyterian Mission, the Malaysia Message, September 1891,P.8.
    ①J.A.B.Cook,Sunny Singapore,An Account of the Place and its People,with a Sketch of the Results of Missionary work,1907,P.82.
    ②J.A.B.Cook,Sunny Singapore,An Account of the Place and its People,with a Sketch of the Results of Missionary work,1907.P.82.
    ① Tan Kim Sai, "Christian Alternatives to Ancestor Worship in Malaysia", Bong Rin Ro, Christian Alternatives to Ancestor Practices, Taiwan:Asian Theological Association,1985, PP.219-221.
    ② Tong Chee Kiong, Religions Conversion and Revivalism-A Study of Christianity in Singapore, Report Prepared for Ministry of Community Development,1989, P.56.
    ③ Sng. Bobby And Choong. Chee Pang, Church and Culture-Singapore Context, Singapore Graduates' Christian Fellowship,1991, P.32.
    ④ Hinton Keith William, Toward a Development of Christian Chinese Festivals, Unpublished Thesis, Singapore Bible College,1983, PP.22-23.
    ⑤ Wee Vivienne, Religion and Ritual Among the Chinese of Singapore-An Ethnographic Study, Unpublished Thesis, University of Singapore,1977, P.147.
    ⑥ Wee Vivienne, Religion and Ritual Among the Chinese of Singapore-An Ethnographic Study, Unpublished Thesis, University of Singapore,1977, P.34.
    ①Sng.Bobby And Choong.Chee Pang,Church and Culture-Singapore Context,Singapore Graduates' Christian Fellowship,1991,PP.36.37.
    ②Sng.Bobby And Choong.Chee Pang,Church and Culture-Singapore Context,Singapore Graduates' Christian Fellowship,1991,PP.36.37.
    ④华民司(The Chinese Protectorate)于1877年由殖民地政府设立,负责照顾初抵的移民和应付私会党的问题。
    ⑤孙耀光(Bobby E.K.Sng):《在他手中——新加坡教会史(1819-1978)》(In His Good Time),基督徒学生福音团契华文组,1987年,页49。
    ① C. B. Buckley, An Anecdotal History of Old Times in Singapore 1819-1867, Univ of Malaya Press,1969,P.543,转引自孙耀光(Bobby E.K. Sng):《在他手中——新加坡教会史(1819-1978)》(In His Good Time),基督徒学生福音团契华文组,1987年,页49。
    ② Song Ong Siang, One Hundred Years' History of the Chinese in Singapore, Chinese Materials Center, Inc. San Francisco,1975, P.83.
    ③ Rev. B. F. West, Chinese Work of the M. E. Mission, the Malaysia Message, September 1891, P.7.
    ① Robert M. Greer, A History of The Presbyterian Church in Singapore, Singapore:Malaya Publishing House,1959, P.7.
    ② Robert M. Greer, A History of The Presbyterian Church in Singapore, Singapore:Malaya Publishing House,1959, PP.7-8.
    ③孙耀光(Bobby E.K.Sng):《在他手中——新加坡教会史(1819-1978)》(In His Good Time),基督徒学生福音团契华文组,1987年,页24。
    ①孙耀光(Bobby E. K. Sng):《在他手中——新加坡教会史(1819-1978)》(In His Good Time),基督徒学生福音团契华文组,1987年,页111。
    ①The Malaysia Message, November 1897, P.38.
    ②L. E. Browne, Christianity and the Malays, London,1936, P.52.
    ④S. Raffles, Memoirs of the Life and Public Services of Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles, London,1830, Vol.2, P.37.
    ① Leong Fong Lai, Pauline, Methodism and Education in Singapore,1886-1914, An Academic Exercise Submitted in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts With Honours in History, NanYang Technological University, February 1997, PP.7-8.
    ①孙耀光(Bobby E.K.Sng):《在他手中——新加坡教会史(1819-1978)》(In His Good Time),基督徒学生福音团契华文组,1987年,页144-146。
    ② N. C. Sergant, The Dispersion of the Tamil Church, N. Delhi,1962, PP.128-131.
    ③孙耀光(Bobby E. K. Sng):《在他手中——新加坡教会史(1819-1978)》(In His Good Time),基督徒学生福音团契华文组,1987年,页69。
    ④ Song Ong Siang, One Hundred Years' History of the Chinese in Singapore, London,1923, P.254..
    ① Prinsep Street Presbyterian Church,150 Years of Faithfulness 1843-1993, P.21.
    ② Wong Hoon Hee, Memoirs of the late Rev. Goh Hood Keng, Singapore, P.99.
    ③孙耀光(Bobby E. K. Sng):《在他手中——新加坡教会史(1819-1978)》(In His Good Time),基督徒学生福音团契华文组,1987年,页142。
    ④孙耀光(Bobby E. K. Sng):《在他手中——新加坡教会史(1819-1978)》(In His Good Time),基督徒学生福音团契华文组,1987年,页152。
    ①孙耀光(Bobby E.K.Sng):《在他手中——新加坡教会史(1819-1978)》(In His Good Time),基督徒学生福音团契华文组,1987年,页151。
    ④ The Malaysia Message, January 1897, P.2.
    ①孙耀光(Bobby E.K.Sng):《在他手中——新加坡教会史(1819-1978)》(In His Good Time),基督徒学生福音团契华文组,1987年,页110。
    ②资料来源:《新加坡基督教卫理公会华人年议会卫讯文集第五集——堂会简史》, 华人年议会出版部,1991年7月。
    ③爱德华.V吉利克(Edward V.Gulick),《伯驾与中国的开放》,广西师范大学出版社,2008年9月,页33。
    ②爱德华.V吉利克(Edward V.Gulick),《伯驾与中国的开放》,广西师范大学出版社,2008年9月,页36。
    ① Robert M. Greer, A History of The Presbyterian Church in Singapore, Singapore:Malaya Publishing House,1959, P.50.
    ② Robert M. Greer, A History of The Presbyterian Church in Singapore, Singapore:Malaya Publishing House.1959. P.50-51.
    ①E.A.Walker,Sophia Cooke or Forty-two Years' Work in Singapore,London:Elliot Stock,62,Paternoster Row,E. C,1899,PP.54-55.
    ②孙耀光(Bobby E.K.Sng):《在他手中——新加坡教会史(1819-1978)》(In His Good Time),基督徒学生福音团契华文组,1987年,页54。
    ③E.A.Walker,Sophia Cooke or Forty-two Years' Work in Singapore,London:Elliot Stook,62,Paternoster Row,E. C,1899,PP.56.
    ④E.A.Walker,Sophia Cooke or Forty-two Years' Work in Singapore,London:Elliot Stook,62,Paternoster Row,E. C,1899,PP.60.
    ②孙耀光(Bobby E.K.Sng):《在他手中——新加坡教会史(1819-1978)》(In His Good Time),基督徒学生福音团契华文组,1987年,页148。
    ② J. A. B. Cook, Sunny Singapore, An Account of the Place and its People, with a Sketch of the Results of Missionary work,1907,P.55.
    ③ Robert M. Greer, A History of The Presbyterian Church in Singapore, Singapore:Malaya Publishing House,1959, P.50.
    ① Song Ong Siang, One Hundred Years' History of the Chinese in Singapore, Chinese Materials Center, Inc. San Francisco,1975, PP.93-94.另见 Robert M. Greer, A History of The Presbyterian Church in Singapore, Singapore: Malaya Publishing House,1959, PP.50-51.
    ② Robert M. Greer, A History of The Presbyterian Church in Singapore, Singapore:Malaya Publishing House,1959, P.51.
    ④ J. A. B. Cook, Sunny Singapore, An Account of the Place and its People, with a Sketch of the Results of Missionary work,1907, P.60.
    ⑥ Robert M. Greer, A History of The Presbyterian Church in Singapore, Singapore:Malaya Publishing House,1959, P.51.
    ⑦ Robert M. Greer, A History of The Presbyterian Church in Singapore, Singapore:Malaya Publishing House,1959, PP.54-55.
    ① Robert M. Greer, A History of The Presbyterian Church in Singapore, Singapore:Malaya Publishing House,1959, PP.55-57.
    ② Tong Suit Chee, The Bethesda Legacy-140 years of the Brethren history in Singapore, Bethesda Frankel Estate Church,2004, P.21.
    ③孙耀光(Bobby E.K.Sng):《在他手中——新加坡教会史(1819-1978)》(In His Good Time),基督徒学生福音团契华文组,1987年,页65。
    ④ M. H. Finlay, The Story of One Hundred Years of the Lord's Blessing 1864-1964, Malaysia Publishing House Limited,1964, PP.10-11.
    ⑤孙耀光(Bobby E.K.Sng):《在他手中——新加坡教会史(1819-1978)》(In His Good Time),基督徒学生福音团契华文组,1987年,页65。
    ⑥ M. H. Finlay, The Story of One Hundred Years of the Lord's Blessing 1864-1964, Malaysia Publishing House Limited,1964, P.21.
    ④ Yen Ching-hwang, The Overseas Chinese and the 1911 Revolution, Kuala Lumpur,1976, P.38.转引自梁元生:《宗教与革命:早期新加坡华人基督徒对中国革命运动的反应》,《十字莲花:基督教与中国历史文化论集》,2004年。
    ④ Song Ong Siang, One Hundred Years' History of the Chinese in Singapore, London,1902, Kuala Lumpur,1984, P. 363.
    ① Song Ong Siang, One Hundred Years' History of the Chinese in Sineapore. Chinese Materials Center. Inc. San Francisco.1975.P.292.
    ② T. R. Doraisamy, Oldham:Called of God,1979, P.40.
    ③ J. A. B. Cook, Work of the Presbyterian Mission, the Malaysia Message, September 1891, P.8.
    ④ Rev. B. F. West, Chinese Work of the M. E. Mission, the Malaysia Message, September 1891, P.7.
    ③ Minutes of the Malaysia Mission Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church,1892, PP.15-16.
    ④ Sng. Bobby And Choong. Chee Pang, Church and Culture-Singapore Context, Singapore Graduates' Christian Fellowship,1991, PP.36-37.
    ①表五资料主要来自James Y.K. Wong, The Church In Singapore, National Council of Churches of Singapore,1998,P.5,以及朱峰:《殖民地处境下的华人基督教——以近代东南亚华人社会为例》,《福建师范大学学报》(哲学社会科学报),2005年第2期, 页124。
    ① J. Harry Haines, Chinese of the Diaspora, Edinburgh House Press,1965, PP.34-38转引自朱峰:《殖民地处境下的华人基督教——以近代东南亚华人社会为例》,《福建师范大学学报》(哲学社会科学版),2005年第2期,页125。
    ①孙耀光(Bobby E.K.Sng):《在他手中——新加坡教会史(1819-1978)》(In His Good Time),基督徒学生福音团契华文组,1987年,页129。
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