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     3.酵素菌肥对番茄产量的增加有显著影响。番茄的单果重以T4(232.31 g)最高,与其他各处理的差异都达到了显著水平;最终亩产量以T4为7078.90kg/667cm2最高,分别比T2增产37.23%,比T5增产46.43%。
Vegetable is one of the necessary foods in the common life, it is not apt to the development of morden agriculture to only pay attention to the yield and ignore of the quality, Notwithstanding fertilizer can increase tomato production, the use of much fertilizer results in decresing of quality and a series of serious entironment problems. At the same time, traditional manure also exist the limits to fertilizer efficiency.Therefore, the effect of ferment fertilizer on the growth and development, yield, quality, and the content of soil nutrient of tomato were studied. The resrlts were as follows:
     1. Ferment fertilizer had an obvious effect on the tomato′s growth. Among the treatments ,T4′s change was the most remarbable. In the middle and later or later period, in the aspect of plant height, stem width and Leafares T4 was more than T1, T2, T3 and T5 respetively; leaf numbers and unfold of plant of T4 was the highest among treatments during the period and after time of growth.
     2. Ferment fertilizer had an obvious effect on the tomato′s development. T4(80.35%)was the hightest in the average fructify rate of tomato; The third tray was the hightest in the fructify rate of different inflorescence of tomato, among treatments, compared with T3, T2 and T5, the fructify rate of T4 (91.03%) was the hightest, were increased 67.38% , 12.32% and 15.31% restectively; The treatments′change was not remarkable in the aspect of node of the first inflorescence and flower numbers of the first inflorescence .
     3. Ferment fertilizer had significant effect on increasing the yield of tomato. T4(232.31g)was the hightest in the single weight of tomato, and was remarkable by comparing with others; Compared with T2 and T5, the final yield of T4(7870.9 kg··667m2 -1 )was the hightest , were increased 37.23% and 46.43% restectively.
     4. Ferment fertilizer had significant effect on the quality of tomato, remarkablely enhanced the content of Vc and soluble solids of tomato, especially increasing sugar and acid in fruit. The sugar and acid of T4 was 6.30, and T2, T3 and T5 was 5.14, 5.53, 3.65.
     5. Ferment fertilizer significantly increased the content of soil nutrient , Ferment fertilizer caused the content of organic matter in soil was remarkably higher, and made the contents of total N, P, increased, so the content of available N, P, K was obviously higher than others. The influence of ferment fertilizer on the content of eight irons in the soil pointed out advantages by comparing with others. So the application of ferment fertilizer was rather effective to improve fertility levels, increased the soil nutrient content.
     6. Based on our overall analysis of the indexes,the experiment results were the best of double ferment fertilizer.
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