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土地作为人类赖以生存和发展的重要资源和物质基础,越发受到人们的关注,土地资源在人类社会发展中不但承担着生产与承载功能,而且对社会经济的发展起到了重要的支撑与调控作用,在一定程度上土地利用方式能映射出一个国家或地区社会经济发展的模式,不同的经济发展模式,其区域土地利用方式也是有很大的差别。传统的直线型经济发展模式,客观的造成了土地利用方式的粗放化,建设用地扩张的高速化和土地生态环境的不断恶化,同时根据德国乌柏研究所(Wuppertal Institute)前任主席魏兹舍克提出的四倍数效应,若不改善技术,全球有限资源50年内将以每年2.8%的速度下降,所以资源生产力必须在50年内提高四倍才能满足社会经济的发展需要。所以进入21世纪以来,各国普遍关注低碳经济的发展和以土地为代表的自然资源的节约利用,以及生态环境的保护与治理,相继展开了循环经济的研究。循环经济以物质闭流循环为特征,强调环境保护和经济发展的内在统一,本着减量化、再循环与再利用的“3R”原则发展经济,它不但是对传统经济模式的变革,其基本理念对土地可持续利用理念的革新和土地利用方式的转变也具有很强的导向作用。本文正是从循环经济对土地可持续利用的导向作用出发,以黑龙江省为例,全面展开基于循环经济理念的黑龙江省土地可持续利用的研究。
People now pay more attentions on land as it is an important resource and physical foundation for mankind's survival and development. Land resource has the ability of productivity and supporting capacity in the development of human society; it also supports and controls the economic development. In a way the patterns of land use can reflect the mode of economic development in a country. Different mode of economic development has different way in its region land use. Traditional linear pattern of economic development objectively caused extensive growth of land use, high speed expand of construction land use and deterioration of ecological environment. According to four multiplier affect put forward by former Chairman of the German Wuppertal Institute, without improving technology, the world's limited resources will descend at a rate of 2.8% per year within 50 years. Therefore, resource productivity must be increased by four times in 50 years, in order to corresponding to the social and economic development needs. Since 21st century, every country has been paid close attention to low carbon economy development, economic use of natural resource and protection, and controlling of ecological environment and has started circular economy research. The circular economy takes material flowing in closed loop as characteristics and emphasizes intrinsic unification of the environmental protection and the economic development, to develop economy based on the "3R" principles of reduction, recycling and reuse. So it is a revolution to traditional economic mode and has a strong guiding effect on the principles and ways of sustainable land use. This article will starts with the guidance function of circular economy on the lands sustainable use, it takes Heilongjiang Province as an example, and shows how comprehensively there has been an increase in the study of sustainable land use based on the concept of circular economy in Heilongjiang province.
     Heilongjiang Province is on the boarder of north part of China. It has plenty of arable, agricultural, and forest land, and lives on grain production and heavy industry which its social economy is in the middle level. Heilongjiang Province has 13 districts, 7 of them are resource based. However its intensive land use is not in a high level since longtime resource exploitation and heavy industry development, which also led to high speed expanding of industrial and mining construction land, extensive growth of rural residential land use, too many interference factors to agriculture land use, as well as damage to ecological balance of land. This article is established in the guide effect of circular economy on sustainable land use in Heilongjiang Province and based on the unique characteristics of land use. On the one hand, index system of sustainable land use on circular economy principle will build up to analyze and evaluate situations of sustainable land use in Heilongjiang Province between 1996 and 2007. On the other hand, optimize land use structure in Heilongjiang Province based on circular economy principle and to get a reasonable trend forecast as well, and bring up the strategic keystone, strategic modes, regulations and key measures of sustainable land use based on circular economy principle. For this reason, this article has got three research purposes: first, by analysis and evaluation, to realize sustainable land use situation with circular economy idea; second, to optimize land use structure in Heilongjiang province combined with circular economy principle; third, to get a reasonable trend forecast to the development trend of Heilongjiang Province’s land sustainable use and to propose the strategic measures of sustainable land use in Heilongjiang province based on circular economy principle in order to make it easier to draw up some relevant land use policy for Heilongjiang Province in a new period or new state. This article firstly analyzes changes and processes of land use for the research area between 1996 and 2007 according to the mode of changing land use. Analysis highlight changes in land use quantity, extent, and structure, as well as the ecology service value and ecology supporting capacity. Result shows that the amount change of construction land, arable land, other agricultural land and forest land have increased trend, whilst the grassland and unused land area has decreased. In terms of extent of land use, the land exploitation is just at developing stage. However, the land use information entropy shows a downward trend after the first rise trend, and land-use diversity also shows an orderly adjustment and a moderate concentration of the trend after the first increase trend. The value of ecosystem services reduced to 3.912 billion Yuan, with an annual reduction of 356 million Yuan, an average annual reduction rate of 0.07% during 11 years, while the per capita ecological carrying capacity has slightly decreased.
     Based on the across-the-aboard analysis of changes and processes of land use, from natural, social economy, policy and technology sides, this article analyzes status of sustainable land use of researched area by quantitative and qualitative methods. The results shows that for now the key factor for influencing sustainable land use is still social economy factors. After analyzing the influencing factors for sustainable land use, the breaking through point is the connection of circular economy and sustainable land use. Based on this point, this article build up land sustainable use synthetic evaluation index system from five aspects which are social-economic development, quantity reduction in land resource investment, reducing discharges of land pollution waste, land resource re-use and safety control. At the same time, reviews from matter-element model, contribution rate of factors, obstacles analysis and DEA analysis, this article analyzes and evaluates the integrative condition of sustainable land use and agriculture land use from 1996 to 2007. The results displays that the integrative condition of sustainable land use in Heilongjiang Province is in good level and the evaluated degree is also in basic sustainable level, so as sustainable use of agriculture land. Meanwhile they are both in an increased trend which is increased by 11 and 3.8 magnitudes respectively. For contribution rate of factors, from the overall evaluation, the rates of social economic development and re-use of land resource keep fundamentally steady and the rates of reducing discharges of land pollution and land safety control drop down, and the rates of reduction in land investment climb up. Then from the evaluation of agriculture land sustainable use, the rates for agriculture economy development and re-use of agriculture land climb up, but the contribution rates of reduction in agriculture land investment and safety control drop down in some part. For obstacle factor analysis, the main obstacles that affect land sustainable use are fixed assets investment in unit construction land, output value of third industry on urban construction land use, pesticide amount in unit arable land and income per head of farmer. The results of DEA analysis on both input-output of construction land and agriculture land reveals that the output of construction land in Heilongjiang Province is not in efficient level from1997 to1999 and between 2001 and 2002. Meanwhile the investments in agriculture land are redundant in the year of 1991, 1993, 1994, 2005 and 2006. At the mean time the evaluation varies in sustainable land use in different region of Heilongjiang Province based on the circular economy principle, Harbin city got the highest level, then Daqing city, the lowest is Jiamusi city, Qitaihe city and Shuangyashan City, others are in middle level but the integral level is low. In addition, evaluations are different in agriculture land use based on circular economy. Jixi city has a comparatively high level but Qiqihaer city and Heihe city are lower, and other cities are in similar level.
     Furthermore, baesd on the analysis and evaluation of sustainable land use situation, by adapting grey multi-object planning methods and with the help of WINQSB2.0 software to optimizing the land use structure of Heilongjiang Province based on the principle of circulation economy. The analysis leading to four structural concepts which have comparative advantages are: first, mainly focus on improving Ecological construction and Medium and low yield fields; second, give both ecological construction and protect and cultivated land consideration; third, increase cultivated land; fourth, cultivated land development. Moreover by evaluation of synthetical benefit, the sixth project is as the most preponderance project for optimization of the land use structure of Heilongjiang Province based on the principle of circulation economy in 2020.
     Then, by the project of optimization of the land use structure and with utilizing Grey Analysis and trend prediction methods, the development trend of Heilongjiang Province’s land sustainable use and agriculture land sustainable use in year 2010, 2020 and 2030 has been analyzed and forecasted. The result shows that the level of sustainable land use based on the principle of circular economy principle had been constantly improving: In 2010 it will at the basic level of sustainable utilization; from 2020 to 2030 it will reach the medium sustainable utilization level; by the year 2030, social and economic development will be the major driving factor of utilizing land resources sustainably, at the meantime, the intervening obstacles will be shifting towards reducing the input of land resource and discharge of land pollution. Similar to the land integrative evaluation results, the agriculture land evaluation result showed that, as there is being fewer and fewer obstacles in the development of agricultural economy, it is getting more difficult in the implementation of agriculture land resource reduction and reuse.
     Finally, by the analysis, evaluation, diagnosis and forecast of sustainable land use situation and optimization of the land use structure, based on the features that Heilongjiang is rich in agriculture land resources, diverse in land use structure; also based on the issues such as the level of construction land intensive use is relatively low, the area of land disaster is relatively large, and difficult to manage, lead by the theory of circular economy, the research constructs a series of land use strategic modes which include: the agriculture land use strategy based on circular agriculture; construction land structure optimization strategy based on circular economy principle; land arrangement reclamation strategy and land eco-system safety strategy. Ultimately, the research proposed guarantee mechanism such as integrating agriculture land use and maintenance,‘feeding’land with land and land exchange exploitation, etc. and protection measures such as land-circulation-reuse system and land disaster management system for the whole province.
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