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The theme of this paper is to explore the controversy which relates to the value ofequality. Equality and the value of equality are very close concepts. This paper arguesthat the value of equality means that wether equality is good, and how equality is good.Therefore, from the point of view of value theory, we discuss equality in politicalphilosophy. First, from the consideration of two distinction of goodness, Equality can bedivided into three pieces: there are equality as instrumental value, equality as intrinsicvalue, and equality as extrinsic value. equality as instrumental value means we persueequality for some other goods. equality as intrinsic value,means we persue equality forequality itself, not for other goods. equality as extrinsic value means we persue equalitypartly for other good, partly for equality itself, or for equality itself in some coditions.This paper argues that such justification of equality need to address a lot of criticism.This paper choose three kinds of criticism to equality, there are criticism of Nozick,criticism of priority theory, and criticism of sufficiency theory. criticism of Nozick is asystematic criticism.He argues that equality is an unproven principle, it is a jealousypolitics.Equality is a patterned principle, it is easily disrupted by voluntary exchangeand gifts. Unless we forbiden the voluntary exchange and gifts, in other words, violatethe basic rights of person, the Egalitarianism can not solve this problem. And hisconcept of self-ownership proved this point. The egalitarians think Nozick's theory isalso lack of justification. And the property rights is not too strict to violate any tax forredistribution. And Nozick's concept of self-ownership can not support his concept of property rights.
     Criticism of Priority theory based on Parfit’s classification of egalitarianism. In hisopinion, egalitarianism can be divided into two kinds: teleological egalitarianism anddeontological egalitarianism. Parfitt believe teleological egalitarianism facing thelevelling down objection. According to person-affecting principle, we must abandonteleological egalitarianism.Although deontological egalitarian able to overcomelevelling down objection, but it does not explain the "divided world" example. So it isnot a ideal principle. Parfit think his priority view can explain why do we favorate theworst off. And the priority view can avoid the levelling down objection and the dividedworld objection. And Negal’s justification of acceptence can support priority view.
     But egalitarians believe there can not be distincted between the priority view andthe egalitarianism. Because each priority view can be found a corresponding theory ofequality.and in fact, priority view itself facing the levelling down objection.Sufficiency theory believe the most important thing is everyone gets enough, not getsthe same. The sufficientarianism believe that the importance of welfare threshold. Whenperson reach the welfare threshold,we can say he gets enough. And the redistributionabove welfare threshold is not important. Egalitarian draws person’s attention to therelative standard of welfare is not appropriate. The important thing is absolute standardof person’s welfare. Equality is an unproven principle and lead to CatastrophicConsequences. Egalitarian think the relative standard of welfare is important. Disastrousdistributional consequences are not required by egalitarianism at all. And the principleof sufficiency can not set a reasonable threshold for the welfare, which makes peoplesuspect the appeal of the principle of sufficiency.
     Based on the analysis above, the ideal justification of equality must respond to twodifferent criticisms: the levelling down objection, and the empty idea objection.Defenders of the egalitarianism carried out a lot of refute. The egalitarian think equalityhas a unique normative content, equality is not an empty idea. Egalitarianism have theirown independent views on which aspect is moral relevance, and which is moral Irrelevance. According to the distinction between comparative justice andnon-comparative justice, equality is a principle of comparative justice. Facing thelevelling down objection, Egalitarian has two kinds of response. One is recognized thatthe attractiveness of the levelling down objection, and revise the Egalitarianism. Theother is insisted on equality have plenty of reasons to support the levelling down.We can make a description of equality in three levels: in the context of comparativejustice, equality has a strong appeal as a principle of distribution. It can overcome alotof criticisms. And clarify the normative content of the principle of equality. Make surethe value of equality will not equivalent to entitlement theory and deserve principle.Secondly, when we distribute some Substantial goods, we can insist that the conditionalegalitarianism. we can insist that the equal distribution of Pareto optimal is the bestdistribution. Although in this contidtion, the principle of equality always Beoverwhelmed by principle of welfare. Third, the moral equality sometimes able tosupport value of equality, but this is not a solid support. It will also allow a lot ofnon-egalitarianism principles. In this paper, it is reasonable to believe the assumption ofequality. After the visits equality as a universal emtitlement theory or deserved theory,we believe that some principles supported by moral equality indeed are principles ofequality, and can not be equated to deserve theory or emtitlement theory. Such as, theequality of political symbolism.
    1参见Alfred Tuttle Williams,’The concept of equality‐in the writtings of Rouseau, Benthem, and Kant’, New York:Columbia University,1907.
    2Nils Holtug and Kasper Lippert‐Rasmussen,’Egalitarianism‐New Essays on the Nature and Value of Equality’,Oxford:Clarendon Press,2007.
    1William T. Blackstone,’the Concpt of Equality’, Athens: University of georgia,1969.
    2Richard Flathman,”Equality and Generalization,a Formal Analysis”,in the Notion of Equality ed.by ManeHajdin,2000p39.
    3Felix E oppenheim,”Egalitarianism as a Descriptive Concept”, in the Notion of Equality ed.by Mane Hajdin,2000p33.
    4这个例子详见Felix E oppenheim,”Egalitarianism as a Descriptive Concept”, in the Notion of Equality ed.by ManeHajdin,2000p33.
    5Nils Holtug and Kasper Lippert‐Rasmussen,’Egalitarianism‐New Essays on the Nature and Value of Equality’,Oxford:Clarendon Press,2007.
    1Derek Parfit,’Euqality or Priority?’ In The Ideal of Equality ed.by Matthew Clayton and Andrew williams1995.
    2Nils Holtug and Kasper Lippert‐Rasmussen,’Egalitarianism‐New Essays on the Nature and Value of Equality’,Oxford:Clarendon Press,2007.
    4参见Mason,A.,‘Egalitarianism and the Levelling Down Objection’,Analysis,61/3:246–54.
    1Nils Holtug and Kasper Lippert‐Rasmussen,’Egalitarianism‐New Essays on the Nature and Value of Equality’,Oxford:Clarendon Press,2007.
    2Harry Brighouse,’Equality priority and positional goods’,Ethics,2006, Vol.116No.3.
    3Thomas Christiano,‘A Foundation for Egalitarianism’ in Egalitarianism‐New Essays on the Nature and Value ofEquality, Nils Holtug and Kasper Lippert‐Rasmussen,2007.
    4Temkin, L. S.‘,Intergenerational Inequality’, in P. Laslett and J. S. Fishkin (eds.), Justice Between Age Groups andGenerations New Haven: Yale University Press,169–205.
    1参见Nils Holtug and Kasper Lippert‐Rasmussen,’Egalitarianism‐New Essays on the Nature and Value of Equality’,Oxford:Clarendon Press,2007.
    2Thomas Christiano,’the Constitution of Equality’,oxford: Oxford University Press,2008.
    4Christopher Ake,’Justice as Equality’, in Phylosophy and Public Affairs Vol.5,No.1(Autum1975),69‐89.
    5Joel Feinberg,’ Noncomparative Justice’, in The Philosophcal Review,Vol.83, No.3(Jul.1974),pp297‐338.
    6William T. Blackstone,’ On the Meaning and Justification of Equality Principle’, in Echics,Vol.77,No.4, pp.239‐253.
    7William T. Blackstone,’the Concpt of Equality’ Athens: University of georgia,1969.
    1Michael Quinn,’ Justice and Egalitarianism’, London: Garland Publishing Inc.1991.
    2William T. Blackstone,’ On the Meaning and Justification of Equality Principle’, in Echics,Vol.77,No.4,(vol,1967)pp.239‐253.
    3Harold Laski,‘Liberty and Equality’, in the Concpt of Equality,1969.
    4John Plamenatz,’Equality of Opportunity’, in the Concpt of Equality,1969.
    1W G Runciman,’ Social Equality’, in Philosophcal Quarterly, Vol.17, No.68(jul,1967), pp.221‐230.
    2Dennis Mckerlie,‘Equality’, in the Notion of Equality ed.by Mane Hajdin,2000.
    3John Wilson,‘Equality’, London: Harourt, Brace&World,1966.
    4Andrew Reck,‘the Metaphiscs of Equality’, in the Concpt of Equality,1969.
    5Ben and Peters,’Justice and Equality’, in the Concpt of Equality,1969.
    6Isaiah Berlin,‘Equality’, in the Concpt of Equality,1969.
    7John H Schaar,‘Some ways of thinking of equality’, in the Journal of Politics,Vol.26, No.4(Nov.,1964), pp867‐895.
    1Derek Parfit,’Euqality or Priority?’, In The Ideal of Equality ed.by Matthew Clayton and Andrew williams1995.
    2参见Nils Holtug and Kasper Lippert‐Rasmussen,’Egalitarianism‐New Essays on the Nature and Value of Equality’,Oxford:Clarendon Press,2007.
    1Klemens Kappel,‘Equality, Priority and Time’, in the Notion of Equality ed.by Mane Hajdin,2000.
    3Madison Powers,‘Forget about Equality’, in the Notion of Equality ed.by Mane Hajdin,2000.
    4Nils Holtug,‘Prioritarianism’,参见Nils Holtug and Kasper Lippert‐Rasmussen,’Egalitarianism‐New Essays on theNature and Value of Equality’, Oxford:Clarendon Press,2007.
    5Larry Temkin,‘inequalities’, in the Notion of Equality ed.by Mane Hajdin,2000.
    6详见Martin Peterson and sven ove Hanson,Equality and priority Utilitas Vol17. No.3.
    2M Fleurbaey,‘Equal Opportunity for Equal Social Outcome’, in Economic and Philosophy,1995,No.11.
    1参见Roger Crisp,‘Equality,priority and compassion’,Ethics,Vol113,No.4.
    3Peter Westen,”The Empty Ideal of Equality” Harvard Law Review, Vol.96,No.3, p.547.
    1Kent Greenawalt,“Prescriptive Equality:Two Steps Forward” Harvard Law Revi–ew Vol.110,No.6,1270‐1271.
    1参见Nils Holtug and Kasper Lippert‐Rasmussen,’Egalitarianism‐New Essays on the Nature and Value of Equality’,Oxford:Clarendon Press,2007.
    5T M scanlon,‘The Deversity Objections to Inequality’, in Ideal of Equality, New York: St. Martin Press,2000.
    1Larry Temkin,‘Inequalities’, New York: Oxford University Press,1993.
    1G A Cohen,‘Rescuing Justice and Equality’, Cambrige: Harvard University Press,2008.
    2Ellen Freeber,‘Regarding equality’, Lanham: Lexingdon Books,2001.
    3Ingmar Persson,‘A Defense of Extreme Egalitarianism’ in Egalitarianism‐New Essays on the Nature and Value ofEquality, Nils Holtug and Kasper Lippert‐Rasmussen,2007.
    4Thomas Christiano,‘A Foundation for Egalitarianism’ in Egalitarianism‐New Essays on the Nature and Value ofEquality, Nils Holtug and Kasper Lippert‐Rasmussen,2007.
    2参见Nils Holtug and Kasper Lippert‐Rasmussen,’Egalitarianism‐New Essays on the Nature and Value of Equality’,Oxford:Clarendon Press,2007.
    3Richard Arneson,‘Against Complex Equality’, in Pluralism, Justice and Equality, Oxford: Oxford University Press,1995.
    4Iris Marion Young,‘Justice and Politics Difference’, Princeton: Princeton University Press,1990.5
    3Linda Barclay,‘Feminist Distributive Justice and the Relevance of Equal Relations’, in Egalitarianism‐New Essays onthe Nature and Value of Equality, Nils Holtug and Kasper Lippert‐Rasmussen,2007.
    1Nils Holtug and Kasper Lippert‐Rasmussen,An Introduction to Comtenporary Egalitariansim,’Egalitarianism‐New Essays on the Nature and Value of Equality’, Oxford:Clarendon Press,2007, p.2.
    1Cristine M Korsgaard,‘Two Distinctions of Goodness ‘,The Philosophical Review, Vol.92, No.2, P170.
    2Cristine M Korsgaard,‘Two Distinctions of Goodness ‘,The Philosophical Review, Vol.92, No.2, P169.
    1参见Cristine M Korsgaard,‘Two Distinctions of Goodness ‘,The Philosophical Review, Vol.92, No.2, P174.
    2参见Cristine M Korsgaard,‘Two Distinctions of Goodness ‘,The Philosophical Review, Vol.92, No.2, P190.
    3Cristine M Korsgaard,‘Two Distinctions of Goodness ‘,The Philosophical Review, Vol.92, No.2, P192.
    1Derek Parfit,’Euqality and Priority’,Ratio (new series),x3december1997, P204.
    2Igmar Persson,‘A defense of extreme egalitarianism’ in Egalitarianism-New essays on the nature and value ofequality ed.by Nils Holtug and Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen2007,P83.
    1参见Igmar Persson,‘Adefense of extreme egalitarianism’in Egalitarianism-New essays on the nature and value ofequality ed.by Nils Holtug and Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen2007,P89-91.
    2这个例子参见Igmar Persson,‘Adefense of extreme egalitarianism’in Egalitarianism-New essays on the natureand value of equality ed.by Nils Holtug and Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen2007,P91.
    3Igmar Persson,‘A defense of extreme egalitarianism’ in Egalitarianism-New essays on the nature and value ofequality ed.by Nils Holtug and Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen2007,P92.
    1Igmar Persson,‘A defense of extreme egalitarianism’ in Egalitarianism-New essays on the nature and value ofequality ed.by Nils Holtug and Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen2007,P93.
    3Igmar Persson,‘A defense of extreme egalitarianism’ in Egalitarianism-New essays on the nature and value ofequality ed.by Nils Holtug and Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen2007,P94.
    1Igmar Persson,‘A defense of extreme egalitarianism’ in Egalitarianism-New essays on the nature and value ofequality ed.by Nils Holtug and Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen2007,P95.
    2Igmar Persson,‘A defense of extreme egalitarianism’ in Egalitarianism-New essays on the nature and value ofequality ed.by Nils Holtug and Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen2007,P95.
    3Harold Lasky,‘Liberty and equality’, in the concept of equality ed. By William T Blackstone,1969, P169.
    2John P Plamenatz,‘Equality of opportunity’, in the concept of equality ed. By William T Blackstone,1969, P86.
    1Andrew Mason,‘Egalitarianism and Levelling down Objection’, Analysis, Vol.61, No.3, P248.
    1Thomas Cristiano,‘A Foundation for Egalitarianism’, in Egalitarianism-New essays on the nature and value ofequality ed.by Nils Holtug and Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen2007,P42.
    2Thomas Cristiano,‘A Foundation for Egalitarianism’, in Egalitarianism-New essays on the nature and value ofequality ed.by Nils Holtug and Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen2007,P46.
    3Thomas Cristiano,‘A Foundation for Egalitarianism’, in Egalitarianism-New essays on the nature and value ofequality ed.by Nils Holtug and Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen2007,P44.
    3这种对平等的证明参见Bernard Williams,‘The Idea of Equality’, in Equality and Justice Vol.2, ed by PeterVallentyne, New York: Routledge Press,2003.
    1Larry Temkin, Equality, priority or what, economics and philosophy2003.19p68.
    2Nils Holtug, Prioritarianism, in Egalitarianism‐New Essays on the Nature and Value of Equality, Nils Holtug andKasper Lippert‐Rasmussen,2007.
    3也有学者认为优先性作为分配正义的原则最早来自于布鲁姆,但是这个真正引起政治哲学家们的注意,要等到帕菲特1995年的讲座以后。因此本文将优先性原则的产生放到了帕菲特这里。见what is differencebetween egalitarianism and prioritariansim.p12.
    4Derek Parfit,Euqality or Priority? In The Ideal of Equality ed.by Matthew Clayton and Andrew williams1995,p85.
    1这种对功利主义的批评及事例详见Martin Peterson and sven ove Hanson,’Equality and priority’, Utilitas Vol17.No.3p302.
    1关于加权功利主义参见Pual weirich,’utility temper with equality’,No s Vol.17,No.3pp423‐439.
    2Derek Parfit,Euqality or Priority? In The Ideal of Equality ed.by Matthew Clayton and Andrew williams1995,p100.
    3Derek Parfit,’Euqality or Priority?’ In The Ideal of Equality ed.by Matthew Clayton and Andrew williams1995,pp103-104.黑体字的显示方式为本文作者所加。
    3Derek Parfit,’Euqality or Priority?’ In The Ideal of Equality ed.by Matthew Clayton and Andrew williams1995,p104.
    1Martin Peterson and sven ove Hanson,’Equality and priority’, Utilitas Vol17. No.3,p301.
    1Bertil Tungodden,’The value of equlity’,Economics and philosophy19(2003)1-44,p24.
    2Derek Parfit,’Euqality or Priority?’ In The Ideal of Equality ed.by Matthew Clayton and Andrew williams1995,p84.
    1这个例子参见Roger Crisp,‘Equality,priority and compassion’,Ethics,Vol113,No.4p746.
    1Roger Crisp,‘Equality,priority and compassion’,Ethics,Vol113,No.4p755.
    2充分性原则的两个主题参见Paula Casal, why sufficiency is not enough?, Ethics,Vol117,No.1.
    1这种对于充分性原则的分类,参见Paula Casal, why sufficiency is not enough?, Ethics,Vol117,No.1.
    1Roger Crisp,‘Equality,priority and compassion’,Ethics,Vol113,No.4p756.
    1这四种对充分性原则的论证请参见Paula Casal, why sufficiency is not enough?, Ethics,Vol117,No.1,304‐312.
    1Karsten Klint Jensen,‘what is difference between Egalitarianism and Prioritarianism?’,18.
    1Bertil Tungodden,’The value of equlity’,Economics and philosophy19(2003)1-44,pp23-24.
    1Marc Fleurbaey,’Equality versus priority:How relevant is the distinction?’ in D.Wickler and C.J.L Murray ed.Justic,Wellbeing,Health: Ethical Issues in Health Resource Allocation. p6.
    2Martin Peterson and sven ove Hanson,’Equality and priority’, Utilitas Vol17No.3,303-304.
    3详见Martin Peterson and sven ove Hanson,Equality and priority Utilitas Vol17. No.3,第五节。
    2Roger Crisp,‘Equality,priority and compassion’,Ethics,Vol113,No.4p755.
    1Marc Fleurbaey,’Equality versus priority:How relevant is the distinction?’ in D.Wickler and C.J.L Murray ed.Justic,Wellbeing,Health: Ethical Issues in Health Resource Allocation.p4.
    2Derek Parfit,’Euqality or Priority?’ In The Ideal of Equality ed.by Matthew Clayton and Andrew williams1995,p.104.
    1Derek Parfit,’Euqality or Priority?’ In The Ideal of Equality ed.by Matthew Clayton and Andrew williams1995,p.100.
    3Bertil Tungodden,’The value of equlity’,Economics and philosophy19(2003)1-44,pp24-25.
    1Harry Brighouse,’Equality priority and positional goods’,Ethics,2006, Vol.116No.3,p474.
    2Harry Brighouse,’Equality priority and positional goods’,Ethics,2006, Vol.116No.3,pp475-476.
    4Harry Brighouse,’Equality priority and positional goods’,Ethics,2006, Vol.116No.3,p475.
    2Roger Crisp,‘Equality,priority and compassion’,Ethics,Vol113,No.4p748.
    1Paula Casal, why sufficiency is not enough?, Ethics,Vol117,No.1,p.307.
    1Larry Temkin, Egalitarianism Defended, in Ethics, Vol113, pp.773‐774.
    1Roger Crisp,‘Equality,priority and compassion’,Ethics,Vol113,No.4p755.
    2Nils Holtug, Prioritarianism, in Egalitarianism‐New Essays on the Nature and Value of Equality, Nils Holtug andKasper Lippert‐Rasmussen,2007, pp149‐150.
    1Roger Crisp,‘Equality,priority and compassion’,Ethics,Vol113,No.4p758.
    1Roger Crisp,‘Equality,priority and compassion’,Ethics,Vol113,No.4p762.
    1Paula Casal, why sufficiency is not enough?, Ethics,Vol117,No.1,p.316.
    1这个可悲的例子参见Paula Casal, why sufficiency is not enough?, Ethics,Vol117,No.1,p.314.
    1Peter Westen,”The Empty Ideal of Equality” Harvard Law Review, Vol.96,No.3, p543.
    1怀斯坦对平等的这些批评参见Peter Westen,”The Empty Ideal of Equality” Harvard Law Review, Vol.96,No.3,第一部分。
    1Erwin Chemerinsky,‘In Defense of Eqaulity: A Reply to Professor Westen’, in Michigan Law Review, Vol.81,p.578.
    1Erwin Chemerinsky,‘In Defense of Eqaulity: A Reply to Professor Westen’, in Michigan Law Review,Vol.81,pp.579‐580.
    2这个例子参见Erwin Chemerinsky,‘In Defense of Eqaulity: A Reply to Professor Westen’, in Michigan Law Review,Vol.81,pp.580‐581.
    1这两个例子参见Kent Greenawalt,‘How Empty Is the Idea of Eqaulity’, in Columbia Law Review,Vol.83,pp.1171‐1173.
    2参见Kent Greenawalt,‘How Empty Is the Idea of Eqaulity’, in Columbia Law Review, Vol.83,pp.1175.
    1这个例子参见Athony D’amato,‘Is Equality a Totally Empty Idea?’, in Heinonline, Vol.81,p600.
    1Athony D’amato,‘Is Equality a Totally Empty Idea?’, in Heinonline, Vol.81,p602.
    1两种人际比较的区别参见Joel Feinberg,‘Noncomparative Justice’, in The Phelosophical Review, Vol.83, No.3,p.303.
    2Joel Feinberg,‘Noncomparative Justice’, in The Phelosophical Review, Vol.83, No.3, pp.311‐312.
    3Joel Feinberg,‘Noncomparative Justice’, in The Phelosophical Review, Vol.83, No.3, p.314.
    1Philip Montague,’Comparative and Non‐comparative Justice’, The Philosophical Quarterly,Vol.30, No.119, p131.
    2Philip Montague,’Comparative and Non‐comparative Justice’, The Philosophical Quarterly,Vol.30, No.119, p133.
    3Philip Montague,’Comparative and Non‐comparative Justice’, The Philosophical Quarterly,Vol.30, No.119, p134.
    1这个例子出自Joshua Hoffman,‘A New Theory of Comparative and Non‐comparative Justice’, Philosophical Study,Vol.70, No.2, p.7.
    1Larry Temkin,inequality, New York,Oxford University Press,1993, p248.
    2参见Mason,A.,‘Egalitarianism and the Levelling Down Objection’,Analysis,61/3:246–254.
    3Harry Brighouse,’Equality priority and positional goods’,Ethics,2006, Vol.116No.3.
    4Thomas Christiano,‘A Foundation for Egalitarianism’ in Egalitarianism‐New Essays on the Nature and Value ofEquality, Nils Holtug and Kasper Lippert‐Rasmussen,2007.
    2Larry Temkin,inequality, New York,Oxford University Press,1993, p248.
    1这种批评请参见Larry Temkin,inequality, New York,Oxford University Press,1993, p255.
    1参见Larry Temkin,inequality, New York,Oxford University Press,1993, pp.258‐262.
    2参见Larry Temkin,inequality, New York,Oxford University Press,1993, pp.264‐268.
    1参见Larry Temkin,inequality, New York,Oxford University Press,1993, pp.272‐277.
    2Nils Holtug,‘Egalitarianism and the Levelling Down Objection’, in Analysis, Vol.58, No.2, p.167.
    1Nils Holtug,‘Egalitarianism and the Levelling Down Objection’, in Analysis, Vol.58, No.2, p.170.
    1Andrew Mason,‘Egalitarianism and Levelling down Objection’, Analysis, Vol.61, No.3, p.248.
    1Ksper Lippert Rasmussen,‘The Insignifisance of the Distinction of Beteween Telic and Teontic Egalitarianism’, inEgalitarianism‐New Essays on the Nature and Value of Equality, Nils Holtug and Kasper Lippert‐Rasmussen,2007,pp.113‐118.
    1Jonathan Wolff,‘Levelling Down’, in Challeges to Democracy: The PSA Yearbook2000ed., K Dowding, J. Hughesand H. Margetts, Macmillan2001, p.4.
    2参见Jonathan Wolff,‘Levelling Down’, in Challeges to Democracy: The PSA Yearbook2000ed., K Dowding, J.Hughes and H. Margetts, Macmillan2001, pp.4—10.
    1参见Jonathan Wolff,‘Levelling Down’, in Challeges to Democracy: The PSA Yearbook2000ed., K Dowding, J.Hughes and H. Margetts, Macmillan2001, pp.16—17.
    1具体详见Thomas Cristiano,‘Inequality,Injustice and Levelling Down’, Ratio,Vol.21,No.4, pp.409-410.
    1Harry Brighouse and Adam Swift,’Equality priority and positional goods’,Ethics,2006, Vol.116No.3, p.472.
    1参见Joshua Hoffman,‘A New Theory of Comparative and Non‐comparative Justice’, Philosophical Study, Vol.70,No.2.
    1Bertil Tungodden,‘The Value of Equality’, in Economics and Philosophy Vol.19, p.4.
    2Thomas Cristiano,‘A Foundation for Egalitarianism’, in Egalitarianism-New essays on the nature and value ofequality ed.by Nils Holtug and Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen2007,p.50.
    1参见Thomas Cristiano,‘A Foundation for Egalitarianism’, in Egalitarianism‐New essays on the nature and value ofequality ed.by Nils Holtug and Kasper Lippert‐Rasmussen2007.
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