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     基于功能性状的生态学研究中,一个重要的方面是植物对环境的适应。物种对环境的适应性是植物生存策略的一个重要方面。植物在漫长的进化和发展过程中,与环境相互作用,逐渐形成了许多内在生理和外在形态方面的适应对策,以最大程度地减小环境的不利影响,这些适应对策的表现即为植物性状(Plant traits)。叶性状,如比叶面积、叶片氮含量,已经被广泛认为与植物的资源利用策略相关。除了资源利用策略之外,叶片性状还反映了不同的“投资回报“策略。随着环境的改变,物种会采取不同的策略以使得自身在不同的环境下更具竞争力,而这就会表现在功能性状的改变上。
Although located only a few hundred meters apart and sharing the same macroclimatic zone, the microclimatic conditions on different slopes vary dramatically affecting species composition, biodiversity and productivity. Recently most studies along the south- to north-facing slope are focused on descriptions of the different vegetation; however, few studies investigated the mechanisms of the community assembly and strategies of plant resource use based on functional traits. The use of methods based on functional traits is growing in the recent ecology studies. Functional traits are defined as morpho-physio-phenological traits that impact fitness indirectly via their effects on growth, reproduction and survival, three components of individual performance.
     In ecology studies based on functional traits, adaptation of vegetation to environment is one of the most important aspects. Adaptation to environment matters the survival strategy of plants. In the process of evolution and development, plants formed many physiological and morphological attributes adopting environment conditions in order to diminish the adverse effect. Especially, leaf functional traits, such as specific leaf area and leaf nitrogen content, are widely considered to associate with resource use strategies. Besides, leaf functional traits have also been suggested to respond the plant investment-return strategy.
     Another important aspect in ecological studies based on functional traits is exploring the community assembly mechanism. The approach based on traits enables ecologists to distract from the population demography studying pairwise species and to rebuild community ecology studying more co-existing species whose abundance will be decreased or increased by their different traits. The mechanism of species co-existing associates with the niche space partitioning which also associates functional diversity. Some researchers have suggested that functional diversity may be what is important for ecosystem function. Functional diversity is the range and distribution of functional trait values in a community.
     On the basis of the above-mentioned background, in our study we mainly do the researches on the vegetation adaptations and community assembly and obtain important results from the three aspects as following:firstly, in this study we measured soil factors and vegetation composition along this gradient to explore the limiting resource factors affecting vegetation distribution. Secondly, we explored the resource use strategies on south- and north- facing slopes. In this study, leaf functional traits [specific leaf area (SLA), leaf nitrogen content (LNC), leaf phosphorus content (LPC) and leaf N:P ratio] and vegetation composition were investigated on south- and north- facing slopes in a sub-alpine meadow. Thirdly,beginning with studying functional diversity, we explored the niche space partitioning in plant communities to investigate the community assembly and species coexistence on different slope aspects; we chose two functional traits (specific leaf area and plant height) to study the patterns of species diversity and functional diversity along the slope gradient.
     Our results showed:1) Soil water content was the primary limiting factors in this gradient; species diversity increased but primary productivity declined or comparable from south- to north-facing slope; species diversity and productivity positively and negatively relates to soil water content, respectively; species diversity and productivity were negatively linearly related.2) both SLA and LPC of each functional group were significantly higher and N:P ratio was lower on north- than on south- facing slopes; furthermore, grasses dominated south-facing slopes, while north-facing slopes were dominated by forbs. In addition, soil water content was significantly related to the shift in functional groups along the south- to north- facing slope gradient; soil water availability significantly related vegetation composition and leaf functional traits.3) the pattern of species diversity and functional diversity are not similar along this gradient. Both species richness and Shannon-wiener index were increased, but oppositely functional diversity was slightly decreased or comparable from south- to north- facing slope; soil water content (SWC) was the limiting resource in this region and determined species diversity. While functional diversity was determined by both species diversity and niche differentiation with the influence of soil water content; species diversity and functional diversity formed a significant quadratic regression relationship.
     The main conclusions we got are as followings:
     1) Soil water content was the primary limiting factors in this gradient determining vegetation distribution.
     2) The pattern of species diversity and functional diversity are not similar along this gradient. Species diversity increased, but functional diversity decreased from south- to north- facing slope; Soil water content (SWC) was the limiting resource in this region and determined species diversity. While functional diversity was determined by both species diversity and niche differentiation with the influence of soil water content; Species diversity and functional diversity formed a significant quadratic regression relationship.
     3) The change of functional traits and dominant functional group implied a difference in resource-use strategy between the two slope aspects, reflecting a transition in investment-return strategy from slow on south-facing slopes to fast on north-facing slopes. Moreover, we concluded that soil water availability affected vegetation composition and leaf functional traits, resulting in the shift in resource-use strategy.
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