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为研究不同水平的酵母硒(Selenium-enriched Yeast, SeY)和亚硒酸钠(Sodium Selenite, SS)对组织硒存留、组织抗氧化系统以及两种硒的代谢产物对人小细胞肺癌细胞株NCI-H446增殖的影响而进行了以下四个试验:试验一:不同日粮水平的SeY和SS对生长猪组织抗氧化系统和硒存留的影响
     为研究日粮SeY和SS水平对猪肝脏和肌肉中组织硒存留和抗氧化系统的影响,60头28日龄断奶仔猪随机分配到两期试验中即一期试验和二期试验中。两期试验分别设3个处理,每个处理10个重复。所有仔猪在饲喂用缺硒地区所产玉米-大豆配制的低硒日粮(0.03 mg kg-1 Se) 4周后分成6组,分别饲喂8周的基础日粮(0.04 mg kg-1 Se)添加0,0.3和3.0 mg kg -1的SeY(一期试验)和0,0.3和3.0 mg kg -1的SS(二期试验)。结果表明:与0.3 mg kg-1 SeY和SS相比,日粮0或3.0 mg kg-1 SS和SeY对猪的采食量、日增重和饲料转化率均无显著影响。当SS和SeY的水平从0增加到0.3 mg kg-1,猪肝脏、肌肉和血浆中GPX活性均极显著(P<0.01)提高;但3.0 mg kg-1 SeY和SS均未能(P>0.05)在其相应的0.3 mg kg-1水平上继续提高肝脏、肌肉和血浆中GPX活性。在0-3.0 mg kg-1范围内日粮SeY和SS的水平对猪血浆、肝脏和肌肉中SOD和GST活性无显著影响。随着日粮SeY水平在0-3.0 mg kg-1范围内的升高,猪肝脏、肌肉和血浆中的硒含量均极显著(P<0.01)提高。在0-3.0 mg kg-1范围内日粮SS极显著(P<0.01)提高了猪肝脏硒含量,显著(P<0.05)提高肌肉硒含量,而血浆中硒含量在0.3 mg kg-1 SS水平即达到平台。这表明8周内日粮SeY和SS的缺乏或过量对猪生产性能和组织抗氧化系统无显著影响,但能提高肝脏和肌肉的硒存留。试验二:不同日粮水平的SeY和SS对猪肝脏和肌肉中的硒化物NBS/PBS分布的影响
     试验一的结果表明随着日粮SeY和SS的水平增加,肝脏和肌肉中硒存留量显著提高,但两种组织中硒是以蛋白结合硒(Protein-bound Selenium, PBS)或是非蛋白结合硒(Nonprotein-bound Selenium, NBS)的形式存在不清楚。本实验研究日粮SeY和SS水平对猪肝脏和肌肉中PBS& NBS的分布如影响。为此首先建立一套改良的分离猪组织中NBS和PBS的方法,用此方法分离测定了试验一中饲喂0-3.0 mg kg-1 SeY和SS两种硒的猪肝脏和肌肉中NBS和PBS的含量。结果表明:随着日粮SeY的升高,肝脏和肌肉中NBS和PBS的绝对含量均极显著(P<0.01)升高。肝脏中PBS占其总硒的相对含量随日粮SeY的增加而降低(P<0.01),相应地肝脏中NBS占其总硒的相对含量随日粮SeY水平的升高而增加(P<0.05);与肝脏形成对比的是肌肉中NBS和PBS占其总硒的相对含量随日粮SeY的增加分别保持稳定在6%和94%。与饲喂SeY的猪肝脏NBS和PBS变化规律类似,饲喂SS的猪肝脏中NBS和PBS占其总硒的相对含量随SS的升高分别表现为显著升高(P<0.05)和显著降低(P<0.05),饲喂SS的猪肌肉中NBS和PBS的变化规律与肝脏类似,分别表现为随日粮SS的增加而显著升高(P<0.05)和降低(P<0.05)。这些表明日粮SeY和SS对肝脏中NBS和PBS的分布模式的影响类似,而对肌肉中NBS和PBS的分布模式影响不同。
     上述实验结果表明日粮SeY和SS均能极显著提高肝脏中NBS的绝对含量和相对含量,且对饲喂SeY和SS的猪肝脏中NBS和PBS的分布模式的影响一致。本实验旨在研究饲喂高水平酵母硒和亚硒酸钠16周的猪肝脏中是否含有抑制人肺癌细胞增殖功能的NBS。取饲喂16周基础日粮(0.05mg Se kg-1)及添加3.0mg kg-1 SeY和3.0 mg kg-1 SS的三种猪肝在超纯水中匀浆,匀浆液分别用氯仿和乙醇沉淀去除蛋白后所得清液经冷冻干燥浓缩、超滤和过滤除菌后得到含有NBS的硒含量分别为0.98μM,2.62μM和7.84 pM的肝脏提取物(Liver Extract,LE),分别简写为LEB, LEY和LES。将三种LE分别加入到癌细胞培养体系中,结果表明当添加水平在14%时LEY和LES能显著抑制人肺癌细胞的增殖,且诱导癌细胞的凋亡。亚硒酸钠是硒抗癌研究中的标准物质,而当在LEB中添加亚硒酸钠达到与LEY和LES中同等Se水平再添加到细胞培养体系后发现LEY和LES仍能显著抑制癌细胞的增殖,这说明LEY和LES中的NBS抑制癌细胞的能力高于亚硒酸钠,即饲喂3.0 mg/kg SeY或SS的猪肝脏中含有比亚硒酸钠抗癌活性更强的硒化物。
     试验四:饲喂3.0 mg/kg SeY和SS的猪血清对人肺癌细胞增殖的影响
     试验三表明饲喂3.0 mg kg-1 SS和3.0 mg kg-1 SeY的猪肝脏中有抑制人肺癌细胞增殖的硒化物。根据硒的代谢规律和抗癌功能,推测饲喂3.0 mg/kg SeY或SS的猪血清中也可能含有抗癌的硒化物。本实验旨在研究饲喂高水平日粮SeY和SS的猪血液中是否含有抑制人肺癌细胞增殖的物质。前腔静脉采集饲喂基础日粮(0.03 mg kg-1 Se)以及基础日粮添加3.0mg kg-1 SeY和3.0mg kg-1 SS 16周的猪清,经0.22μm滤膜过滤除菌后得到总硒含量分别为165 ng ml-1,1316 ng ml-1和834 ng ml-1的三种猪血清,分别简写为Se(0), SeY(3)和SS(3)。为探索猪血清代替FBS培养细胞的最佳添加水平,在培养液中添加7个梯度(8%-20%)的猪血清,根据细胞的MTT OD值随血清添加水平的变化Se(0)、SeY(3)和SS(3)三种猪血清的最适添加比例分别为17.79%,15.39%和14.31%,取三者的均值15.83%作为猪血清的最适添加水平。根据细胞在48h,96h和144h三个时间点的形态变化取144 h作为细胞最适培养时间。试验结果表明Se(0)猪血清培养癌细胞的MTTOD值显著(P<0.05)高于SS(3)猪血清,而SeY(3)与Se(0)和SS(3)猪血清处理细胞的MTT OD值均无显著差异。与SeY(3)和SS(3)相比,Se(缺)比培养细胞的上清液中LDH活性均显著(P<0.05)降低,而SeY(3)和SS(3)两者培养细胞上清中LDH活性无显著差异。细胞经Annexin V和PI双染后经流式细胞仪分析表明,Se(0)比SS(3)培养细胞的凋亡率显著降低(P<0.05);而SeY(3)培养细胞的凋亡率介于Se(0)和SS(3)之间,与两者差异均不显著。上述表明饲喂3.0 mg kg-1 SS的猪血清中含有抑制人肺癌细胞增殖的硒化物。
     本研究通过对日粮SeY和SS在猪肝脏和肌肉中代谢存留的研究机理我们推测饲喂3.0 mg/kg SeY或SS的猪肝脏中可能具有抑制人癌细胞增殖的硒化物。通过将从饲喂过量SeY和SS猪的肝脏中提取的含有NBS猪肝提取物添加到人肺癌细胞培养液中证明了这个推测。最后根据硒的代谢证明饲喂高3.0 mg/kg SS的日粮猪血清中含有抑制人肺癌细胞增殖的硒化物。
To study the metabolism of dietary selenium-enriched yeast (SeY) and sodium selenite (SS) in pig tissues and the effect of selenium metabolites on the proliferation of human small lung cancer cell NCI-H446, four experiments were couducted.
     Exp 1. Effect of dietary SeY and SS on the antioxidant system and Se retention in pig liver and muscle.
     To study effect of dietary SeY and SS on the antioxidant system and Se retention in pig tissues,60 piglets were allocated into two experiments (eperimentl and experiment 2), with 3 treatments per experiment and 10 replicates per treatment. The 6 treatments were fed basal diet supplemented with 0,0.3,3.0 mg kg-1 SeY (period 1) and 0,0.3 and 3.0 mg kg-1 SS (period 2) for 8 wk, respectively. Results showed there was no influence of dietary SeY or SS level on pig performance. Compared with 0 mg kg-1 dietary 0.3 mg kg-1 SeY and SS remarkably (P< 0.05) increased GPX activity in liver, muscle and plasma, but there was no further increase of GPX activity in these tissues from 0.3 to 3.0 mg kg-1 dietary SS and SeY. There was no remarkable effect of dietary SeY and SS level on tissue SOD and GST activity. With the increase of dietary SeY, Se concentration in pig liver, muscle and plasma was all significantly (P< 0.01) increased. In the range of 0-3.0 mg kg-1 SS, Se concentration in liver and muscle were remarkably increased (P< 0.01), while plasma Se reached plateau at the level of 0.3 mg kg-1. These suggested there was no effect of dietary SeY and SS on pig performance and tissue antioxidant system within 8 wk, but tissue Se level could be increased by the two Se in this period.
     Exp 2. Influence of dietary SS and SeY on the distribution of selenocompounds in pig liver and muscle.
     There are two forms of Se in mammal tissues, protein-bound selenium (PBS) and nonprotein-bound selenium (NBS). The results of Exp 1 indicated dietary SeY and SS increased Se concentrations in both liver and muscle. To study the effect of dietary SeY and SS on the distribution of NBS and PBS, one procedure for separating NBS and PBS in pig tissues was firstly developed, and then selenocompounds in pig liver and muscle obtained from Exp 1 was separated with this procedure. Results showed the NBS and PBS content in both liver and muscle increased (P< 0.05) with dietary SeY and SS. The relative percentage of PBS amount to total Se in liver decreased (P < 0.05) with the increase of dietary SeY, and that of NBS amount to liver Se increased (P< 0.05), accordingly. In contrasted to liver, the relative percentage of NBS and PBS in pig muscle kept consistent at 6% and 94%, respectively. Similar with SeY, the relative of NBS and PBS in the liver of pig fed SS increased (P< 0.05) and decreased (P< 0.05), respectively, with increase of dietary SS level. The distributing pattern of NBS and PBS in the muscle of pigs fed SS was similar with that in liver. These suggested that the distribution of NBS and PBS were similarly affected in liver and differently affected in muscle by dietary SeY and SS.
     Exp 3. Effect of LE containing NBS from the liver of pig fed excess SeY and SS on the proliferation of human lung cancer cell line.
     The results of Exp 2 indicated that NBS concentrate and relative percentage in pig liver was increased by ditary SeY and SS, and the distribution of NBS and PBS was similar in liver of pigs fed SS and SeY. To study whether there was potent anticancer potential of NBS, livers from pigs fed basal diet and the diet plus 3.0 mg kg-1 SS and 3.0 mg kg-1 SeY for 16 wk were homogenated, then the liver homogenate was precipitated with chloroform and ethanol. The superant was freez-dried, condensed, then three LE containg NBS was obtained. The LE from pigs fed basal diet, plus SeY and SS Se was expressed as LEB, LEY and LES, which contained 0.98μM,2.62μM and 7.84μM Se. After the addition of LEB, LEY and LES into cell culture medium, results showed that cell viability were decreased by LEY and LES when compared with LEB. The mechanism of LES and LEY inhibiting cancer cell was via the induction of DNA fragmentation. Sodium selenite is the standard material for evaluating the relative anticancer potential. After the balance of Se content between LEB and LEY by addition of SS into LEB, the inhibition effect of LEY was still higher than that of LEB. This is also true for LES. These suggested that there were powerful anticancer NBS in the liver of pigs fed excess SeY and SS.
     Exp 4. Effect of pig serum on the proliferation of human lung cancer cell
     The results of Exp 3 demonstrated there was potential cancer-preventive NBS in the liver of pigs fed 3.0 mg kg-1 SS. To study whether there was cancer cell suppressing selenocompounds in the serum of pigs fed 3.0 mg kg-1 SS and SeY, blood were collected via vena cava anterior and serum was separated and filter with 0.22 uM membrane. Se concentration in serum of pigs fed basal diet and supplemented with 3.0 mg kg-1 SeY and SS was 165,1316 and 834 ng ml-1, that's Se(deficient), SeY(excess) and SS (excess). To proquest the opitimal addition level of pig serum to cell medium in place of FBS,7 graded levels (8-20%) of pig serum of Se(deficient), SeY(excess) and SS(excess) were added. The optimal addition level of pig serum was 17.79%,15.39% and 14.31%, respectively based on relation between the cell MTT OD value and serum level, and the average 14.31% was chosen as the optimal level. The optimal culture time was 144 h based on cell morphology. After the addition of 15.83% pig serum to cell culture for 144h results showed the MTT OD value of cell cultured with Se (deficient) was significantly higher than that of cell treated with SS(excess), while the MTT OD value of SeY(excess) treatment cell was between Se (deficient) and SS (excess). Compared with SeY (excess) and SS (excess), Se(deficient) treat cell had lower (P< 0.05) LDH activity in medium, while no difference between SeY(excess) and SS(excess) treated cells. After stained with Annexin V and PI and analyzed with cytometry, cell apoptotic rate was significantly lower (P< 0.05) in Se (deficient) than in Se (excess) treated cell, while the treatment of SeY (excess) was still between Se (deficient) and SS (excess) and no difference was observed.
     In summary, we found the Se content in the liver and muscle of pigs fed SeY or SS ranging from deficient to excess significantly increased with dietary Se level, but the NBS content and relative perentage increased with dietary SeY and SS level after NBS was separated from PBS. Furthermore, the distribution pattern of NBS/PBS in liver was similar. So, we concluded there would be anticancer NBS in pig liver based on the above finding and the potent anticancer mechanism of Se. After the addition of extracted NBS into lung cancer cell media, we found there were powerful anticancer NBS in the pig liver. Since blood was the carrier from liver to the peripheral tissue, we also suspect there was anticancer selenocompound in the serum of pig fed excess SeY and SS. With serum pharmacology, we found there was anticancer selenocompound in the serum of pig fed 3.0 mg/kg Se as SS.
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