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     Fanconi Anemia(范可尼贫血)是一种常染色体隐性遗传病,以先天性发育异常、进行性贫血和易发生肿瘤为特征。目前在范可尼贫血患者细胞中发现了15种变异基因,组成了FA-BRCA通路,简称FA通路。FA患者超高的肿瘤患病率提示了FA通路是一个肿瘤抑制通路。研究发现FA通路与细胞周期中分裂期的DNA同源重组和细胞周期检查点有关,FA通路功能障碍引起的DNA修复能力降低导致肿瘤发生的几率增高,同时又使肿瘤对于影响DNA交联的药物有高度敏感性。有研究发现ERCC1参与了FA通路的功能,可以激活FA通路。当通过基因敲除使ERCC1失活后,FA通路发生功能障碍,丝裂霉素C处理后没有出现FANCD2的泛素化。研究还发现当应用药物丁酸苯酯破坏FA通路的完整性之后,原先对顺铂耐药的头颈部肿瘤细胞又重新敏感起来。对于FA通路功能正常的肺癌细胞,应用丁酸苯酯破坏其FA通路后,若其对顺铂的敏感性提高,对于肺癌的化疗将提供一种新的思路。
     选择FA通路功能正常和受损的3株NSCLC细胞,FA通路功能障碍的Ht 182、UMC11以及FA通路功能正常的A549细胞,用不同药物处理后在不同时间点进行细胞计数观察其生存曲线;药物分组:生理盐水组;苯丁酸钠组;顺铂组;顺铂加苯丁酸钠组。上述三种细胞用顺铂处理7天后台盼蓝染色,显微镜下观察并计数细胞集落生长的情况。通过上述实验观察NSCLC细胞对顺铂的敏感性以及苯丁酸钠能否改变其敏感性。
     在50例NSCLC组织中,有14例(28%)未出现FANCD2泛素化表达,即其存在FA通路功能障碍。FA功能障碍的发生与癌细胞的分化程度有关(P=0.003),但与性别、年龄、病理类型和P-TNM分期无关。在10株NSCLC细胞株中,经顺铂处理后有4株细胞(UMC11、HT182、HOP62和Calu6)的FANCD2泛素化程度明显较低或未出现,即存在FA通路功能障碍;染色体核型分析表明FA通路功能受损的Ht182中,其染色体断裂出现的几率(44.74%)明显高于FA通路功能正常的A549细胞(2.27%), P<0.005。
     Lung cancer has been the most important dead reason of all cancers in the world. About 31% of cancer related death is caused by lung cancer. The 5 year survival rate of lung cancer is about 15%. The low survival rate of lung cancer is mainly caused the late diagnosis based on symptom. 3/4 of the patients have metastasis tumor when diagnosed. If the lung cancer patients can be diagnosed in early stage, the 5 year survival rate can raised to 60-80%.
     Till today the chemotherapy of lung cancer is based on platins. The main reason of treatment failure is resistance of chemotherapy drugs, especially in recurrence tumor. Excision repair cross complementing 1(ERCC1) expression is found to have a close relationship to platinum resistance.
     Fanconi Anemia is a genetic disease characterized by malformation, anemia and easier to develop tumor. To date 15 variance genes were found in FA patients , the 15 genes composed the FA-BRCA pathway, which also is called FA pathway.. The super high incidence of cancer in FA patients revealed that the FA pathway is a tumor restriction pathway. FA pathway is found to related to S-phase homologous recombination and cell cycle checkpoint. Dysfunction of FA pathway will cause the lower ability of DNA repair, this rendered the high incidence of tumor and the high sensitivity to drugs which impact the DNA interaction. Experiments have found that ERCC1 is involved in FA pathway function and can activate FA pathway. When the ERCC1 is blocked by gene knock out, the FA pathway function will be discounted. Another experiment found that when destroy the FA pathway function by Sodium Phenylbutyrate, the head and neck cancer cells will be sensitive to cisplatin again. We expected to use Sodium Phenylbutyrate to destroy the FA pathway of NSCLC cells and this maybe will make NSCLC cells more sensitive to cisplatin. The idea may find a new way to settle the drug resistance problems of cisplatin.
     To observe the FA pathway dysfunction expression rate in Non-small Cell Lung Cancer. Find out whether FA pathway dysfunction could make NSCLC cells more sensitive to Cisplatin, and whether Sodium Phenylbutyrate could change the sensitivity to Cisplatin in NSCLC cells.
     Materials and methods:
     50 NSCLC tissue samples after Cisplatin chemotherapy were collected, and the FANCD2 ubiquitination level was tested by immunohistochemistry. We also tested the FANCD2 ubiquitination level by Western-blotting in 10 NSCLC cell lines after Cisplatin treatment. Karyotype assay was used to observe the chromosome breakage in cell line A549 and Ht182.
     To observe the sensitivity to Cisplatin and Sodium Phenylbutyrate, cell survival assay were used in cell line A549, UMC11 and Ht182. And colongenic assay were selected to observe the ability of colony formation in the same three cell lines.
     Among 50 NSCLC tissue samples, 14(28.0%) were found to have no FANCD2 ubiquitination expression. This means FA pathway dysfunction occurred in those 14 NSCLC tissues. The FA pathway dysfunction is related to the differentiation(P=0.003), but has no relationship to age, sex, P-TNM and histology. The FANCD2 ubiquitination level was obviously lower in 4 cell lines among 10. Karyotype assay shows that the chromosome breakage rate is much higher in the FA pathway dysfunction Ht182 cells(44.74%) than that in A549 cells(2.27%), which has a normal FA pathway(P<0.005).
     Cell survival assay showed that 168 hours after Cisplatin treatment, the survival rates of Ht182 and UMC11 were much lower than that of A549, the P level were 0.027 and 0.016 seperately. Controlled with NS, Sodium Phenylbutyrate did not change the survival rate in three NSCLC cell lines. Sodium Phenylbutyrate maked the A549 cells more sensitive to Cisplatin(P=0.036),but the same phenomenon was not seen in Ht182 and UMC11 cells.
     FA pathway dysfunction expresses in part of NSCLC cells, the expression rate is associated with poorly differentiated NSCLC cells. FA pathway dysfunction makes the NSCLC cells more sensitive to cisplatin. Sodium Phenylbutyrate can improve the sensitivity to cisplatin in NSCLC cells which have a normal FA pathway.
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