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     在我国的城镇居民中,脑血管疾病已成为患者死亡的首要原因,其中颅内出血(intracerebral homorrhage,ICH)约占脑卒中患者的15%,发病一个月内死亡率约为50%,而且发病年龄越来越年轻化。在ICH患者中,有5-10%的患者出血部位在小脑,最终致死率高达20-30%。通过尸检发现,小脑出血患者的死亡主要是出血和水肿形成脑疝,造成对脑干的压迫和破坏所引起的。所以及早判定患者病情变化和及时采取临床干预措施是治疗疾病、挽救生命的关键。
     1建立稳定的小脑半球出血大鼠模型,观察和总结不同程度出血大鼠在术后72h的自发眼震和冰水诱发眼震电图( ENG ,electronystagmogram)的变化特点和规律,观察模型大鼠枕大池压力(pressure of cisterna magna,PCM)和脊髓蛛网膜下腔压力(pressure of spinal subarachnoid space,PSSS)及压力差,探讨利用ENG监测小脑出血病情变化和预先判断小脑脑疝发生的可行性。
     2观察小脑半球出血模型大鼠脑干眼动相关神经核团(脑桥旁正中网状结构(paramedian pontine reticular formation,PPRF)、前庭神经核(vestibular nucleus,VN)和动眼神经核(oculor motor nucleus,OMN))的神经递质受体GABA-ARα1和NMDAR1变化及相关神经核团的HE染色变化,探讨小脑半球出血继发脑干病变引起自发眼震和冰水诱发眼震异常的神经化学机制。
     3观察电刺激及电凝损毁大鼠小脑绒球小结叶(flocculonodular lobe,FL)和顶核(fastigial nucleus,FN)后自发和冰水诱发ENG变化及VN神经递质受体GABA-ARα1和NMDAR1变化,通过与小脑出血引起眼震异常的比较及对VN神经递质受体变化的分析,探讨小脑半球出血引起自发眼震和冰水诱发眼震异常的病理生理基础。
     2 PCM、PSSS和两者间的压力差:在术后72h时,0.2U组、0.4U组、0.6U组和0.8U组大鼠PCM、PSSS与假手术组大鼠相比有明显差异(P<0.05),胶原酶注入剂量越大,大鼠PCM、PSSS越高,二者间压力差越大(P<0.05)。
     4大鼠模型建立72h冰水诱发眼震:假手术组大鼠一侧冰水诱发后可见快相向冰水对侧,慢相向冰水侧的水平跳动性眼震。0.2U组大鼠右侧冰水诱发为快相向左、慢相向右的水平为主伴有垂直方向的眼震,其潜伏期(Lat,latency)与假手术组比较无差异(P>0.05),频率(F,Frequency)(P<0.05)、波幅(Amp,amplitude)、慢相角速度(SPV,slow-phase velocity)及变异系数(CVI,circadian variation index)均高于假手术组(P<0.01)。左侧冰水诱发眼震在水平方向上与右侧冰水诱发方向相反,Lat较假手术组延长(P<0.01),F、Amp、SPV均低于假手术组(P<0.05),CVI增大(P<0.01)。0.4U组大鼠右侧冰水诱发眼震在水平方向上与0.2U组相同,Lat较假手术组延长(P<0.01),Amp(P<0.05)、F、SPV均低于假手术组(P<0.01),CVI增大(P<0.01);左侧冰水诱发眼震在水平方向上与0.2U组相同,Lat与假手术组比较无差异(P>0.05),F、Amp、SPV及CVI均高于假手术组(P<0.01)。0.6U组大鼠右侧冰水诱发眼震在水平方向上为快相向左,慢相向右的眼震,Lat与假手术组比较无差异(P>0.05),F、Amp(P<0.05)、SPV及CVI均高于假手术组(P<0.01);左侧冰水刺激未诱发出眼震。0.8U组大鼠双侧冰水刺激均未诱发眼震。
     第二部分:1脑干眼动相关神经核团递质变化:细胞膜被DAB染成棕黄的阳性细胞在脑干内呈群集样分布,抑制神经递质比( GABA-ARα1/GABA-ARα1+ NMDAR1 )和兴奋神经递质比(NMDAR1/ GABA-ARα1+ NMDAR1)在假手术组脑干两侧PPRF、VN和OMN内无差别(P>0.05);0.2U组大鼠脑干右侧PPRF兴奋神经递质比高于左侧(P<0.05),左侧OMN和VN兴奋神经递质高于右侧(P<0.05);0.4U组大鼠脑干左侧PPRF兴奋神经递质比高于右侧(P<0.05),右侧OMN和VN兴奋神经递质高于左侧(P<0.05);0.6U组大鼠脑干右侧PPRF兴奋神经递质比高于左侧(P<0.05),左侧OMN和VN兴奋神经递质高于右侧(P<0.05);0.8U组大鼠脑干PPRF、VN和OMN神经递质较假手术组及其他造模组表达下降,但右侧PPRF和兴奋神经递质比相对高于左侧(P<0.05),左侧OMN和VN兴奋神经递质相对高于右侧(P<0.05)。
     4 PCM、PSSS升高及两者压力差的存在可能是小脑出血后眼震发生变化的原因。
     Cerebrovascular disease is the leading death cause of urban residents in China. Intracranial hemorrhage (intracerebral hemorrhage, ICH) accounts for about 15% of stroke patients, with the mortality about 50% within the first month after attack. The incidence age has become much younger in recent years. The ICH bleeding location of 5-10% of patients is in the cerebellum with the final mortality rate as high as 20-30%. Autopsy studies showed that death of cerebellar hemorrhage was mainly caused by herniation by which the brainstem was oppressed and destructed under the circumstance of the hemorrhage and edema. Therefore, it was critical to monitor the changes of patients’condition and apply early interventional strategy to treated the disease and save lives. At present, CT is the most reliable detecting method for the diagnosis of the cerebellar hemorrhage. However, CT is not a dynamic diagnostic method, whereas the repeated exam to observe the changing condition of the patients increase the the costs. Another disadvantage is the movement of the patients may worse the condition of the patients. A method which can be operated bedside in time is largely needed to monitor the progression of the patients’condition which to discriminate whether the brainstem was intact. The study was to find a clinical useful monitoring method which has the characteristics including bedside, dynamic, non-invasive, simple, objective, accurate. Importantly, it is that it can be applied to anticipate the occurrence of brainstem intact after cerebellar hemorrhage and monitor the dynamic process of the brainstem intact which changed from being stimulated to being damaged.
     1 The stable cerebellar hemorrhage model in rats was established. The characteristics and changing pattern of electronystagmogram spontaneous nystagmus and that being induced by ice water test were summarized and analyzed 72h after model establishment in rats with different degrees of hemorrhage. The pressure of the cisternal magna and spinal subarachnoid space along with their difference were also monitored after the model establishment. It was explored the feasibility of the ENG being applied for monitoring the changing conditions of patients and for anticipating the formation of brain herniation after the cerebellar hemorrhage occurred.
     2 To observe the neurotransmitter receptors such as GABA-ARα1 and NMDAR1 in brainstem nerve nucleus related eye movements of our rat model, which including paramedian pontine reticular formation (PPRF)、vestibular nucleus (VN) and oculor motor nucleus (OMN). To observe the neurochemistry mechanism of the changes of the spontaneous nystagmus and the abnormal nystagmus induced by ice water test through the neurotransmitters receptors of nucleus about eye movements and histological changes being measured in brainstem.
     3 To explore the pathophysiological mechanisms of the spontaneous nystagmus and the abnormal nystagmus induced by ice water test after cerebellar hemorrhage through oberserving the changes of GABA-ARα1 and NMDAR1 in vestibular nucleus and recording the ENG of the fastigial nucleus (FN) and the flocculonodular lobe (FL) after electrical stimulation and being damaged by electrical coagulation.
     Part I: Establishment of the cerebellar hemorrhage model and analysis of ENG
     1TypeⅦcollagenase was injected into the dentate body of cerebellum in rats under stereotaxis according the method reported by Rosenberg. The rats were randomly divided into five groups:sham group, 0.2U injection group, 0.4U injection group, 0.6U injection group, 0.8U injection group, eight rats in each group.
     2 The spontaneous nystagmus and nystagmus induced by ice water test were recorded through RM6240C multiple channel electrophysiolograph 72h after the model being established.
     3 The pressure of the cisternal magna and spinal subarachnoid space were monitored 72h after the model being established. The pressure difference (dp) between them was also calculated.
     4 The brain was fixed through 4℃paraformaldehyde perfused into the rats 72h after cerebellar hemorrhage model being established. Cerebellum and brainstem were removed. The coronal section of cerebellum were done by microtome behind and front along the puncture plane. The brainstem coronal sections were made the same as that. The HE staining was performed in the sections for observing pathological change.The hematoma area was calculated through formula.
     5 Rats were killed 72h after cerebellar hemorrhage model established. The skull was removed and the cerebellum and brainstem were abstracted. Brain water content was measured through WBC way.
     Part II: The neurochemistrical mechanisms of the spontaneous nystagmus and nystagmus induced by ice water test after cerebellar hemorrhage
     1 The expressions of NMDAR1 and GABA-ARα1 were observed through immunohistochemistry in PPRF, VN, OMN in brainstem at 72h after cerebellar hemorrhage model being erected.
     2 The histological and pathological changes of brainstems and cerebellums were observed through HE stainning at 72h after cerebellar hemorrhage model being erected.
     Part III: spontaneous nystagmus and nystagmus induced by ice water test after the fastigial nucleus and the flocculonodular lobe being electric stimulated and electric coagulated damaged in rats
     The ENG of the spontaneous nystagmus and nystagmus induced by ice water test were recored through RM6240C multiple channel electrophysiolograph of the fastigial nucleus and the flocculonodular lobe after the electrical stimulation and being damaged by electrical coagulation in rats. The expressions of NMDAR1 and GABA-ARα1 were observed through immunohistochemistry in VN.
     Part I
     1 Animal survival rate: 8 rats died among the 40 rats including one for overdose of anesthesia, the others for brain herniation. Animal survival rate was 87.5%.
     2 The pressure of the cisternal magna and spinal subarachnoid space: The pressure of the cisternal magna and spinal subarachnoid space were different among the 0.2U collagenase group, 0.4U collagenase group, 0.6U collagenase group and 0.8U collagenase group compared with the sham group (P<0.05). The higher doses of collagenase injected, the higher the pressure were, the greater dp between the pressure of cisternal magna and the pressure of spinal subarachnoid space (P<0.05).
     3 Spontaneous nystagmus 72h after cerebellar hemorrhage in rats: spontaneous nystagmus was not observed in sham group. ENG recorded a smooth sine curve for the eye movements, no sawtooth nystagmus-like. All cerebellar hemorrhage model rats showed spontaneous nystagmus. Rotatory nystagmus were observed in horizontal direction of ENG for the fast phase to the left, slow phase to the right, the vertical upward direction for the fast phase and slow phase-down nystagmus in 0.2U group. 0.4U group also showed rotatory nystagmus, the direction being opposite to that of the 0.2U group. 0.6U group appeared spontaneous nystagmus which the fast phase to left and slow phase to the right, accompanied vertical nystagmus attacking intermittently which the fast phase and slow phase were down or up. The eyes fixed in 0.8U group rats and spontaneous nystagmus were not recorded which ENG showed a straight line.
     4 Nystagmus induced by ice water 72h after cerebellar hemorrhage in rats: The horizontal nystagmus was induced by one lateral ice water injected to the ear which the fast phase directed to the contralateral to the lateral of ice water being injected and the slow phase directed to the the lateral of ice water being injected in sham group rats. The horizontal nystagmus was induced by ice water injected to the right ear which the fast phase directed to the left and the slow phase directed to the right in 0.2U group. The latency (Lat) was same (P>0.05), the frenquency(F)(P<0.05), the amplitude (Amp), the slow phase velocity (SPV) and the circadian variation index (CVI) were higher compared with sham group (P<0.01). The horizontal nystagmus was induced by ice water injected to the left ear which the fast phase directed to the right and the slow phase directed to the left in 0.2U group. The Lat was longer (P<0.01), F, Amp, SPV were lower (P<0.05), the CVI were higher compared with sham group (P<0.01). The horizontal nystagmus was induced by ice water injected to the right ear which the direction was same to 0.2U group which the Lat was longer (P<0.01), Amp (P<0.05), F, SPV were lower (P<0.01), the CVI were higher compared with sham group (P<0.01) in 0.4U group. While ice water being injected to the left ear, the nystagmus being induced which Lat was same (P>0.05), F, Amp, SPV and the CVI were higher compared with sham group (P<0.01). The horizontal nystagmus was induced by ice water injected to the right ear which the fast phase directed to the left and the slow phase directed to the right which Lat was same (P>0.05), F, Amp (P<0.05), SPV and the CVI were higher compared with sham group (P<0.01) in 0.6U group. The nystagmus was not induced by left ice water test in 0.6U group. Bilateral ice water test were failure in 0.8U group.
     5 HE staining of the cerebellum in general : The side of the cerebellar hemisphere injected with the collagenase was engorage and full, in which part of them showed downward displacement and the midline shift to the opposite side. Brainstems of part of the rats were distorted. The injection needle track was seen without hematoma and edema in sham group rats. The hematoma was seen in the coronal section of cerebellum of each model rat. The center of hematoma showed madder red and the distinction between the grey and white matter was obscure. The bleeding part was close to each other in the model groups. The greater area of the hematoma was associated with increasing dosage of the collagenase injected (P<0.05).
     6 Brain water content: The BWC was greater in each model group than the sham group (P<0.05). The correlation between the BWC and the dose of collagenase injection was positive (P<0.05). The injected dosage of collagenase was related to the BWC and cerebral edema.
     1 Expressions of neurotransmitters in the nucleus about eye movements: The positive cells which membrane was brownish through DAB stained distributed cluster-like in the brainstem. The distribution of inhibitory neurotransmitter ratio (GABA-ARα1/GABA-ARα1+NMDAR1) and excitatory neurotransmitter ratio (NMDAR1/GABA-ARα1+NMDAR1) within PPRF, VN, and OMN of both sides were no difference in the sham group (P>0.05). Excitatory neurotransmitter expressed higher on the right PPRF than the left PPRF in 0.2U collagenase group (P<0.05), which were higher in the left OMN and VN than the right OMN and VN (P<0.05). Excitatory neurotransmitter expressed higher on the left PPRF than the right PPRF in 0.4U collagenase group (P<0.05), which were higher in the right OMN and VN than the left OMN and VN (P<0.05). Excitatory neurotransmitters expressed higher on the right PPRF than the left PPRF in 0.6U collagenase group (P<0.05), excitatory neurotransmitter which were higher in the left OMN and VN than the right OMN and VN (P<0.05). The expressions of the excitory and inhibitory neurotransmitters in the nucleus all decreased in 0.8U group compared with sham and the other model groups. Excitatory neurotransmitters was higher in the right PPRF than in the left (P<0.05), which were higher in the left OMN and VN of than the right (P<0.05).
     2 The pathological changes of cerebellum and brainstem in rats: The central of the hematoma was seen that the great deal of red cells and inflammatory cells were aggregaed. The neurons were swell which kytoplasm were rarefacted and the structure of the neuro fibries were disorder. The pathological phenomenons were obviously along the more collagenase injected. The HE stainning showed the histology of brainstem were normal in the rats of 0.2U and 0.4U group while were abnormal in the rats which died in 0.6U group and the rats of 0.8U group. The abnomal stainning showed the structure of neuro fibries were discontinued and disordered and the cellular nucleus of neurons were disappeared. The pathological changes showed seriously near the middle line of the brainstem.
     1 Spontaneous nystagmus and nystagmus induced by ice water after the flocculonodular lobe after electrical stimulation in rats
     All rats showed spontaneous nystagmus. Rotational nystagmus were observed in horizontal direction of ENG for the fast phase to the left, slow phase to the right, the vertical upward direction for the fast phase and slow phase-down nystagmus. The horizontal nystagmus was induced by ice water injection to the right ear, which the direction and the Lat was no significant difference compared with the control group (P>0.05), whereas the F, Amp, SPV and the CVI were higher compared with the control group (P<0.01). The direction of the nystagmus was opposite to that of the right lateral ice water test by left lateral ice water test, which the Lat was longer (P<0.01), the F, Amp, SPV were lower (P<0.01) and CVI was higher compared with control group (P<0.01).
     2 Spontaneous nystagmus and nystagmus induced by ice water after the flocculonodular lobe being damaged by electrical coagulation in rats
     All rats showed spontaneous nystagmus. Rotatory nystagmus were observed in horizontal direction of ENG for the fast phase to the right, slow phase to the left, the vertical upward direction for the fast phase and slow phase-down nystagmus. The horizontal nystagmus was induced by ice water injection to the right ear which the direction was same to the control group while the Lat was longer, The F, Amp, SPV were lower compared with control group (P<0.01) and the CVI was higher (P<0.01). The horizontal nystagmus was induced by ice water injected to the left ear which the fast phase directed to the right and the slow phase directed to the left which Lat was same (P>0.05). F, Amp, SPV (P<0.01) and the CVI were higher compared with control group (P<0.01).
     3 Spontaneous nystagmus and nystagmus induced by ice water after the fastigial nucleus being electric stimulated in rats
     All rats showed spontaneous nystagmus. Rotatory nystagmus were observed in horizontal direction of ENG for the fast phase to the right, slow phase to the left, the vertical upward direction for the fast phase and slow phase-down nystagmus. The horizontal nystagmus was induced by ice water injected to the right ear which the direction was same to the control group which the Lat was longer, the F, Amp, SPV were lower compared with control group (P<0.01) and the CVI was higher (P<0.01). The horizontal nystagmus was induced by ice water injected to the left ear which the fast phase directed to the right and the slow phase directed to the left which Lat was same (P>0.05). The F, Amp, SPV and the CVI were higher compared with control group (P<0.01).
     4 Spontaneous nystagmus and nystagmus induced by ice water after the fastigial nucleus being damaged by electrical coagulation in rats
     All rats showed spontaneous nystagmus. Rotatory nystagmus were observed in horizontal direction of ENG for the fast phase to the left, slow phase to the right, the vertical upward direction for the fast phase and slow phase-down nystagmus. The horizontal nystagmus was induced by ice water injected to the right ear which the direction and the Lat were no significant difference compared with the control group (P>0.05). The F, Amp, SPV and the CVI were higher compared with the control group (P<0.01). The direction of the nystagmus was opposite to that of the right lateral ice water test by left lateral ice water test, which the Lat was longer, the F, Amp, SPV were lower (P<0.01) and CVI was higher compared with control group (P<0.01).
     5 After the right flocculonodular lobe being stimulated, excitatory neurotransmitter ratio was lower in the right VN than the left VN (P<0.05). After the destruction of the right flocculonodular lobe, excitatory neurotransmitter ratio was higher in the right VN than the left (P<0.05).
     6 After the right fastigial nucleus being stimulated, excitatory neurotransmitter ratio was higher in the right VN than the left VN (P <0.05). After the destruction of the right fastigial nucleus, excitatory neurotransmitter ratio was higher in the left VN than the right (P<0.05).
     1 Cerebellar hemorrhage model can be established successfully through the injection of collagenase into cerebellar dentate nuclei of rat under stereotaxis. The hematoma area was increased along the increasing injection dose of collagenase.
     2 Different forms of spontaneous nystagmus and nystagmus induced by ice water could be showed in the cerebellar hemorrhage model with different amount of bleeding.
     3 Different amount of bleeding in the cerebellum could affected the brainstem in different extent. Brainstem function could be determined according the different variations of nystagmus after cerebellar hemorrhage.
     4 PCM, PSSS increased and the pressure difference between them may be the possible causes of changes in nystagmus after cerebellar hemorrhage.
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