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     本文以供应链合作广告实践为基础,利用微分博弈理论分析了在供应链中发挥不同角色企业间的合作广告决策。首先,本文第三章关注了传统合作广告问题中制造商广告补贴上限问题。通过一个三阶段的决策结构,各成员制定了均衡广告决策。本文着重分析了制造商广告补贴累积率(accrual rate)对供应链各成员合作广告决策及利润的影响。其次,本文第四章将消费者心理因素考虑进了垂直供应链中企业合作广告决策,研究了参考价格效应对制造商和零售商广告决策和补贴决策的影响。在以上两个传统合作广告问题的扩展研究之后,本文第五章和第六章突破了垂直供应链下制造商和零售商的合作广告研究框架,分别从纵向和横向两个角度对研究框架进行了扩展。其中,第五章在要素品牌战略的背景下研究了要素/零部件供应商与产成品制造商之间的合作广告策略。供应商分摊制造商一部分广告成本,而制造商将供应商品牌元素融入自身品牌广告中。本章着重探讨了供应商提供合作广告的条件并在存在两个互补供应商的情形下,研究了供应商品牌合作模式对供应商广告补贴政策的影响。第六章关注了横向供应链成员广告合作问题,分析了两个横向企业的两种广告合作模式。本章在每种模式下研究了各企业最优的广告投入决策并对不同合作模式进行了比较分析。
The concept of supply chain is popular in various industries since1990s. Since that, the interaction among supply chain members becomes more and more frequent and their cooperation covers many areas. As a special way for the supply chain cooperation, cooperative advertising indicates a mechanism that the manufacturer in the upstream supply chain shares a part of down retailer's advertising costs in order to stimulate the retailer's sales incentives. Both manufacturer and retailer can benefit from such a program.
     Deriving from the cooperative advertising practices in the real market, we try to explore the valuable cooperative advertising issues. Utilizing differential game theory, we analyze the optimal decisions of different roles in supply chain in a cooperative advertising program. Firstly, Chapter3focuses on the constraint of the manufacture's advertising subsidy to the retailer in a traditional cooperative advertising issue. Utilized a three-stage game, the equilibrium co-op decisions of two channel members are derived and the role of the accrual rate in the cooperative advertising decisions is illustrated. Secondly, Chapter4investigates the firms' cooperative advertising decisions while concerning consumer psychology. The chapter analyzes the impact of reference price effect on the optimal decisions of the manufacturer and retailer. After the research on the cooperative advertising issues in the vertical supply chain consisting of the manufacturer and the retailer, Chapter5and6extend the research framework from the vertical and horizontal perspective, respectively. Specially, Chapter5studies the cooperative advertising issues between the ingredient supplier and the final product manufacturer in a vertical supply chain.In the background of ingredient branding strategy, the supplier shares a part of the manufacturer's advertising costs and the manufacturer incorporates the supplier's brand elements into the brand advertising. The chapter investigates the condition that the supplier shares the advertising costs of the manufacturer. In addition, by extending the single supplier to the two complementary suppliers, the impact of different types of co-brands between two suppliers on channel members'cooperative advertising decisions is studied. Chapter6investigates the cooperative advertising programs between two firms in a horizontal supply chain. Two advertising cooperation modes are examined and the optimal advertising decisions of firms in two modes are compared
     Innovations and contributions of this thesis are briefly summarized as follows:
     (1) Contents of the thesis are derived from the cooperative advertising practices; the research background of cooperative advertising is enriched. Various practical issues are modeled and the analytical solutions are obtained. Therefore, the thesis contributes to the theoretical research of cooperative advertising.
     (2) The thesis firstly constructs mathematical models for investigating the impact of the constraint of the manufacturer's advertising subsidy on the optimal decisions and profit levels of each supply chain member.
     (3) The thesis firstly considers the consumer psychology factors into the cooperative advertising issues and studies the interaction between consumer's reference price and supply chain members' advertising decisions.
     (4) Traditional research framework for cooperative advertising issues is extended. The thesis studies the cooperative advertising issues which occurred in the different supply chain roles, including between the ingredient suppliers and final production manufacturer, as well as two firms in the horizontal supply chain.
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