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目前软件组织在产品生产过程中普遍存在开发周期长,自动化程度低,质量难以控制,用户满意率差,生存期短,失败率高等问题。解决上述问题的根本出路在于提高软件组织的过程改进能力和过程管理能力。卡内基-梅隆大学软件工程研究所(SEI/CMU)提出的软件能力成熟度模型CMM(Capability Maturity Model)是软件组织开展软件工程管理的一套规范而严格的系统化管理模型,已成为国际公认的评价软件组织能力、帮助改善软件质量、提高软件过程改进能力的方法。但由于CMM只给出了进行软件过程改进的文档化说明,并没有给出具体的实施步骤,其模型和理论体系未能从实践的角度、以可操作的形式给软件组织提供改进其软件开发流程和项目管理方式的平台,而这方面的工作是实施软件过程管理的基础和前提条件 。
    在对CMM体系的内容进行探讨和分析的基础上,本文根据CMM划分的5个成熟度等级、18个关键过程域涵盖的内容,将整个软件生命周期涉及的活动,按照性质重新整合,划分为19个过程域,分属项目管理、项目研发、 组织支持三类软件过程。借鉴Rational公司开发RUP核心工作流的思想,本文引入“线性+并行+迭代”的技术方法,在软件开发的早期,采用并行和迭代的手段实现需求分析、设计和系统测试的增量式开发,分别对软件技术开发过程域模型和软件技术管理过程域模型进行了设计,实现了在软件项目开发生命周期的全过程中对需求进行全程管理。在软件生命周期前五个项目研发过程域——需求开发、技术预研、系统设计、实现与测试、系统测试的末期都设有缓冲时间——技术评审,以在最高的效率和较好地对未来作出预计之间求得平衡,为软件组织能够应付意外的困难和影响时间进度的变故提供了一种解决方法。
Now, software organization has a lot of problems in product production process generally, such as the long development cycle, lower automation level, quality is hard to be controlled, user satisfaction is bad, survival issue is short and higher mortality, etc. The basic outlet that solves above-mentioned problems lies in: raising the process improvement capability and process management capability of software organization. Software Engineering Institute of Carnegie-Mellon University (SEI/CMU) has put forward software capability maturity model CMM (Capability Maturity Model). It is a set of systematized management model with strict specification and has already become international recognized method to appraise software organization capability, helping to improve software quality and raise the software process improvement capability. But CMM only provides the documental explanation that carries out software process improvement, it does not give the steps to implement, and its model and theoretical system could not offer the improvement platform of software development process and project management way to software organization with operable form and practical view. Therefore, the work of this aspect is the basis and precondition of software process management implementation.
    This paper has systematically introduced the development, overall frame, internal levels, process visuality and assessment methods of CMM.. After analyzing and comparing with the international and domestic standard related to software process, such as the ISO9000 series and ISO/IEC software life cycle process and CMM capability maturity model , combining TQM (total quality management), software life cycle model, CMM and the theory models of CMM—IDEAL model, the author proposes a pointed and effective software process improvement model —the integrated process improvement models. Then the author discusses the inside structure and concrete content of the model in details, and the design of the theoretical model of integrated process improvement –IPSDCA model.
    On the basis of discussion and analysis on the CMM content, according to the 5 maturity grades that CMM divides and the content which 18 key process areas contain, this paper combines all the activities that involve in software life cycle according to the process nature, divides 19 process areas which are distributed on three software processes: project management, project research and development, organization supporting. And drawing lessons from the thought of the key work flow in the RUP that is developed by Rational Company, the paper introduces the technological concept— " linear plus parallel plus iteration ". On the earlier stage in software development, the concept adopts parallel and iterant means to realize the incremental development of the requirement analysis, design and system testing. The author designs the software technical development process area model and the software technical management process area model respectively, and realizes the management of requirement on whole journey in the whole process of software project development life cycle. In latter stage of the five project
    development process areas—requirement development, technology grind, system design, realization and test, system test in earlier stage of the software life cycle, there is buffer time—technology evaluate, in order to get balance between supreme efficiency and expecting for the future better, which offers a kind of means to deal with unexpected difficulties and accidents influencing schedule for software organization.
    Seeing that software process measurement is an essential yardstick which runs through in the whole software process to measure and control the quality of software product and software process, author makes a discussion to the way and method of acting the measurement, develops measurement process model based on question-drived, offering the means of controlling for the whole software development process.
     After having discussed the importance of requirement management fo
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