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     设A为一个具有单位元的Banach代数.设元素a∈A而p, q∈A为幂等元.在第二章中,我们对元素a定义了一种新的具有指定幂等元的广义逆ap,q(2,l),并深入研究了几种(p,q)型-广义逆的存在性条件和表示;设δa∈A而p',q'∈A为幂等元,令α=α+δα∈A.在第三章中,我们首先研究了代数A中几种(p,q)型-广义逆的稳定扰动及表示,然后借助于gap函数和幂等元的性质,得到了当元素a,p,q都有小的范数扰动时,范数和的上界估计
The researches of this thesis mainly divide into two parts: The first part is con-cerned with some problems about the generalized inverses of Banach algebraic elements, we mainly study some kinds of (p,q)-generalized inverses, these results are included in Chapter2and Chapter3; The second one is devoted to the nonlinear operator generalized inverses in Banach spaces, we mainly investigate the homogeneous operator generalized inverse, the Moore-Penrose metric generalize inverse and its applications, these contain Chapter4and Chapter5. Our main results are as follows:
     Let A be a complex Banach algebra with the unit1. Let α∈A. Let p, q∈A be idempotent elements. In Chapter2, we first define a new generalized inverse αp,q(2,l) with prescribed idempotents p, q for the element a. Then, some new characterizations and explicit representations for these generalized inverses, such as αp,q,(2) αp,q(1,2) and αp,q(2,l) are presented; Let δα∈A, let p', q'∈A be idempotent elements. Set α=α+δα∈A. In Chapter3, we first study the stable perturbations and expressions for the generalized inverses of perturbed element α, then, by using the gap function and idempotent elements, we investigate the error estimate for and when the elements p, q and α all have some small perturbations.
     Let X, Y be Banach spaces. Let T,δT: X→Y be bounded linear operators from X to Y. Set T=T+δT. In Chapter4, we first characterize the existence of a homogeneous generalized inverse Th of the bounded linear operator T. Then, we initiate the study of the perturbation problems for bounded homogeneous generalized inverse Th and quasi-linear projector generalized inverse TH of T. By using the property of Th. we also give a representation: TM=(Ix-πN(T))ThπR(T);In Chapter5, by means of smooth geometric assumptions of Bauach spaces, we first give some equivalent conditions for the Moore-Penrose metric generalized inverse of perturbed operator TM to have the simplest expression TM(IY+δTTM)-1. Then, by means of gap function, we obtain some error estimations of‖TN-TM‖in the Banach space Lp(Ω,μ). Simple results related to the existence and perturbed bound of TM are also given in a general reflexive and strictly convex Banach space. Finally, by using the Moore-Penrose metric generalized inverse, we give a further study on the stability of the best approximate solutions of the operator equation Tx=b. and also get the perturbed bound of where b=b+δb∈Y.
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