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Objective: Electrophysiological heterogeneity was observed within ventricle. A unique population of cells (M cells) exists in the midmyocardial layers of ventricle. The hallmark of the M cell: prominent spike-dome morphology of action potentials; the maximal rate of rise of the action potential upstroke; prominent phase 1 repolarization; prolongation of APD and more pronounced APD-rate relationship; decrease of the rest membrane potential. The primarily ionic basis for its electrophysiological characteristics of the M cells is a weaker Iks. Iks is the main outward current contribution to action potential repolarization. It shows a nearly relationship between abnormal Iks current and arrhythmia. In this article, I will study the effect of ischemia on Iks current of cardiac myocytes.
    Methods: The whole cell recording patch clamp technique was used to investigate the Iks tail current density of enzymatic isolated M cell, sub-endocardial and sub-epicardial myocytes. Different bath solution component was used to simulate the normal and ischemic status and Iks tail current was measured under each status.
    Results: Iks current was significantly smaller in M cell than in sub-endocardial myocytes or sub-epicardial under normal status. Iks current of all three layers myocytes was significantly smaller under ischemic status
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    than that under normal status. But the decrease of three layers myocytes is not in equal extent, the decrease of M cell was significantly greater than that of sub-endocardial myocytes and sub-epicardial.
    Conclutions: Under ischemic condition, the decrease of Iks could prolong the mid-late repolarization phase of APD. It could cause BAD and then arouse TdP. Because the decrease of M cell was significantly greater than that of sub-endocardial myocytes and sub-epicardial myocytes, it could increase TDR. Cardiac arrhythmias could last due to reentrance that secondary the increase of TDR. So, to increase Iks current is a good idea to control the occurring and development of cardiac arrhythmias.
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