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The underground flood is one of the biggest technological difficult problems while constructing the pit shaft tunnels. The hydrogeological characteristic in lime rock stratum is complicated and changeable and have no law to seek about the composing water state, so it is extremely apt to cause dashing for ward water accident, delay time limit for a project, influence project quality, and threaten the security of personnel. This text combine Ore pit shaft with sub gypsum of ploughshare and lime rock stratum dash for ward to go on the theory and application technical research, and analyze the influence and danger systematically which dashing for ward water enforce in constructing. On the basis of studying lime rock stratum hydrology and dashing for ward water characteristic, it has made the scheme of administrate underground flood, had carried on the indoor test and on-the-spot experiment, has carried on deeper research to design and construct the cushion which stopping the thick liquid.
    Especially has solved the front technological difficult problem which pours into the concrete under exceed the deep water. It has study the flow law of laying the concrete and the variation quality of pouring into the concrete under water (mud). And it has study the detection technique in material and course of pouring into the concrete that made the administrating underground flood reach the anticipated goal, This text has make remarkable economy, technology and social benefit, and has offered valuable reference experience for the relevant construction and construction which are similar to the project.
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